CaRWash RP

A nurse walks into Ryan's room looking at both women sitting by his side." I'm just here to check his vitals, don’t' mind me." She looks over his monitors writing down something on a clipboard. She finishes up and smiles," either one of you his family or a wife or girlfriend?" She glances at both of them,” I just needed to know some background information on Mr. Wolfe, usually family members know it.”
A nurse comes in asking them if either of them is his family or girlfriend or wife. "I am." She says. "His...girlfriend I mean. I uh...might have a few answers to your questions. Feel free to ask." She said, squeezing Ryan's hand softly. She looked over at him and prayed that he would be okay.
The nurse looks at his charts," we found some of his medical records and in the one it says he has OCD, do you know if he takes medicine for that? If he does that could react with some of the medications we are using, depending on the strength." She looks back up at Calleigh," it also has he had an accident about a year ago with a nail and he developed an infection from it. Do you know if he got the infection because he didn't take his anti biotic or because he has a low immune system?”
Calleigh looks up listening to the questions. "Yes he has a mild case of OCD, but as far as I know he's not taking medicin for it, at least he's never told me so. The infection came from not finishing his anti biotic cure. He got another one, finished it and the infection was cleared." Calleigh looks at Natalia, who is looking at her in shock. How she knew these things? They had always been close, not close as in together close, but they had been great friends. Calleigh was almost sure that if he was using medicin for his OCD, he would've told her. And she knew about the anti biotics, he told her that too. Come to think about it, she knew quite a lot about him, but definitely not enough for her taste.
The nurse looks back down at the charts writing in the information. " Do you know if his family has been notified and do you know if he has a will made up, we always ask when patients are in this critical of condition." The nurse looks down at Ryan frowning then back at Calleigh,” if his family hasn’t been notified then they should be.”
"Do you know if his family has been notified and do you know if he has a will made up, we always ask when patients are in this critical of condition."

Calleigh can't believe her ears and feels an outburst coming. She wants to stop it but the emotions are just getting too much.

"Excuse me? You ask me if he has a will made up? Because he is in critical condition? Are you a real nurse or just someone pulling a prank on me? My boyfriend is lying here and you go and tell me he's so critical he might die, that's the hidden message here. Well I'll tell you what: if you knew anything about how he got in this condition you wouldn't be talking like this. If you had any idea how our lives go by every day you'd shut up. I don't know how you got through your college because you're supposed to assure me he'll be fine, make me feel good. Instead you ask me if he has a will. That's great. That's just great. You know what, I have no idea."

She stood up abruptly and started to walk out of the room in pure anger.
The nurse walks up to her," I'm very sorry miss but I'm just doing my job, these are things we need to know. I'm sorry but I thought you realized how serious his condition is. I understand you want him to be ok and we are doing everything we can to make that happen but he's very ill. We don't lie to the families when someone is this sick, it's best you be prepared for anything." She pats her arm," I'm very sorry I upset you." She walks out of the room.
Calleigh looks at the nurse leaving and turns around, walking back to the chair on Ryan's side. She looks at Natalia, who opens her mouth, but Calleigh shakes her head no. She doesn't need her to say anything. She doesn't need sympathy, nor does she need anyone telling her she's acting like a madwoman. She knows she is, she can't help it. All she's been through...getting something with Josh, ending up kidnapped with Ryan and falling in love with him at the same time. No, that wasn't true. She fell in love with him way before she was kidnapped. She fell in love with him the moment she saw him. While being kidnapped she only realised she had fallen in love, and she needed to be with him.

Natalia closed her mouth again and Calleigh sat down, her hand finding his again, her fingers tangling with his. She needed him to prove he was strong, and he would make it like he promised her. She was not gonna let him break his promise to her. He promised her he would stay with her, he would be strong. He loved her, and he wasn't gonna leave her. She knew he was gonna be fine. Just fine.

She looked at Natalia. "Hey, would you mind know...take a walk or anything?" Natalia looked up and nodded, standing up and leaving. Calleigh looked at Ryan and brushed a strain of hair out of his face. "Hey now know what you told me...prove to me I was right in loving you. Prove to me you're willing to fight for us. For your life, so I can be with you. I love you Ryan...and I don't know if you can hear me but...I love you and I need you. It's stupid that I never realized it but I need you."

{this could be my last post of the year. Happy New Year to all participants. You're all great.}
I wanna post something but my character is in a coma and he can't wake up just so I can say..
Happy New Years to our CarWash rp crew
I wish the best in 2007 to you all and it's been great doing the rp with you guys, you rock.
When the nurse came into the room, Calleigh said she was Ryan's girlfriend, so the nurse asked her some questions. But, when Calleigh was asked if Ryan had a will she lost it. At first Natalia was surprized Calleigh got mad at the nurse, but then she understood how she was feeling. After all they had gone through, now the nurse was asking for a will. It upsetted Natalia to hear that, too.

When the nurse went away, she was going to ask Calleigh if she was okay, but she shook her head and Natalia knew better then to ask.

Calleigh sat back down and asked for Natalia to leave. "Yeah, no problem.." She left the room so Calleigh could be alone with Ryan.

[Happy new years to everyone too. I hope you have an amazing 2007. :) You're awesome.]
{and first post of the new year!}

Calleigh sat by Ryan's side and talked to him some more. She really hoped that hearing her voice would make him wake up, though it kind of seemed like a dream. Him waking up over her voice sounded so...cliché. But while talking to him she suddenly felt a twitch in his fingers, the tiniest movement. She jerked up. "Ryan?" She cupped his cheek, waiting on him to open his eyes. She pushed the button for the nurse and she comes in with a doctor. "He moved his fingers." Calleigh said. "I know for sure."
YAY my first post of 2007..Happy New Year everyone.

The doctor comes in checking him over, rubbing his chest calling his name but gets no response. The nurse tells him his vitals signs haven’t changed any. After he’s done checking Ryan he looks at her smiling,” I know you want me to say that was him making the movement but it’s unlikely it was. It was probably just a nerve in his hand, it happens a lot. I’m sorry but his condition hasn’t improved.” He leaves the room leaving Calleigh sitting alone again.

I wish it was better news for Ryan in this new year..hehe
{Oh but it is. The new year starts off good. :D}

The doctor tells her it's nothing but she knows better. That was a sign from Ryan, a sign of him hearing her, and still fighting for her. "Thanks Ryan." She said. "That was all I needed to know."

Days pass and not much happens. Calleigh sits by Ryan's side most of the time. She got time off from work because of everything that has happened, and the internal investigation running. So she spends her time sitting next to him, talking to him. She knows he can hear her now.

"Hey Ryan, I'm back again. Don't you think it's about time to wake up now? I really want to talk to you. With you replying to me I mean. And I want to be able to kiss you. Sounds weird huh? But it's true. I miss you." She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Suddenly a machine starts beeping faster and she looks up in shock. She doesn't know if it's good or bad news.

She takes his hand in hers squeezing it. "Ryan? What's going on?" She sees his eyes flutter open but they close again. "Oh my god he's waking up." She says out loud.
Ryan can hear sounds of beeping and voices then he realizes its Calleigh sweet voice telling him to wake up. He feels her lips touching his sending a chill over his body. He tries to open his eyes but they are so heavy. He tries to say something but there’s something in his throat and he can’t speak, all he can do is moan. The noises are getting louder scaring him making him fights harder to open his eyes but only manages to get them to flutter open for a second. He tries again opening them slowly seeing her blurred image standing above him. They keep fluttering on him making focusing on her hard. He squeezes her hand tightly trying to let her know he’s awake. He tries bringing his hand up to his mouth but it’s tied down or something so he tries the other hand. He brings it up to his face feeling the object in his mouth. He opens his eyes wider as he tries to pull the object out of his mouth
Calleigh sees Ryan starting to flutter his eyes open and closed, then open again. He's moaning and squeezing her hand. Then he brings up his hand to his mouth and starts trying to pull the tube out of his throat. She grabs his hands holding them down so he can't touch it. "Ryan..." She says. "Calm down Ryan, there's a tube in your throat that was helping you breathe, okay? No need to worry. It's okay. I'm glad you're awake. I missed you, you know." She smiled at him, calming him down. "Now I'll get a doctor to get that tube out, alright?" She pushes the button again. "It's all okay. I love you."