CaRWash RP

An hour passes and the whole team is gathered in the OR waiting room praying for Ryan to make it through the surgery. A nurse comes in to update them letting them know he’s still alive and fighting but they are still operating on him. She has a bag of his personal belonging and asks who should hold them for him.
Calleigh is asked to wait in the waiting room and slowly but sure everyone joins her. Then a nurse comes out telling them he is alive and fighting, but still in surgery. She holds up a bag with personal belonging and asks them who should take them. Everyone looks around but Calleigh speaks up. "I'll take them, thank you." The nurse hands her the bad and she takes it, clutching it like it's very important for some reason. The nurse walks out and Calleigh sees the team looking at her. "What?" She asks.
Eric had arrived at the hospital in time to see Ryan before he went into surgery. He squeezed his friend's shoulder a little, as he said a small prayer for his younger team member. An hour into the surgery, a nurse came into the waiting room, holding Ryan's things. Calleigh offered to take the bag, then she asked what they were all staring at her for, and Eric spoke up.

"Hey, Cal, it's okay. We're glad that you guys are finally getting together, I mean, it was only a matter of time anyway.. If anything, you'll be the thing to pull him through this. Everything is going to be fine," he said, comfortingly, trying to support his friend.
Calleigh listens to Eric and feels so relieved that he understood and was happy for her. He tells her everything will be okay and she wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him. "I'm so scared." She whispered. "I'm so scared he won't make it, even though he promised me he would."

She let go of him. "I'm...I'm overreacting." She sits back then notices Natalia on her other side, looking...strange. "Are you okay Natalia?"
Natalia and Tripp made it to the hospital a bit after Calleigh and Ryan. When she got there Cal was sitting in the waiting room and Eric was sitting beside her. Natalia sat beside Eric and waited for the news. After a while a nurse came out, asking if anyone wanted to hold onto Ryan's belongings. Calleigh spoke up and took them. Natalia sighed at she watched Cal take his items. She noticed everyone staring at her, so Natalia quickly looked away. She walked back over to her chair and sat down. Calleigh sat back down beside her, and asked if she was okay.

Natalia nodded as she looked to the ground, "Yeah, I'm um... I'm fine. Just worried, I guess." That was half true. But the other half of her was angry, sad, yet happy. She was angry that everything went so wrong, and sad that she lost Ryan.. But she was happy that he said sorry and she forgave him, and that he was still alive. She looked up at Calleigh, "How are you holding up?"
"I am...not." She confessed, looking at her feet. "Look, I'm really sorry about how things went between us, but I really love Ryan and I just don't want to lose him. I never meant for things to get this out of hand and I'm sorry." She looks at the door behind which they're operating on Ryan, trying to keep him alive. " don't want to know what went on in there. It was so horrible. I literally had to give everything I got to keep him from dying. Everything."
Natalia was shocked to hear Calleigh say she was't holding up. She exepected her to say she was fine. "It's fine. I didn't mean for things to be like this either, but they are." She sighed, "I'm sorry too. I acted pretty immature." Natalia followed Calleigh's gaze into the operating room. "You're right, I don't. I don't think I could even imagine either. But it's over. Well, almost." There was a vending machine out in the hall of the hospital. "You must be starving. I have some change on me. Want something to eat?"
"Thanks Natalia, but no thanks. I don't think I could hold anything in right now, I'm so worried. How long has it been? How long have we been in there? It seemed like weeks but it can' long were we gone?" She asks, her gaze never leaving the door to the operating room. As soon as someone would come out, she would jump up and ask him or her what was going on in there, how Ryan was doing, and if he was gonna make it.
"You were at the house for about 4 days. That's a long time to be trapped." Natalia was going to ask Cal if she really didn't want food but she was right. It would be hard to eat when she's so worried. "I'm sure they have a great team of doctors working on him. He was rushed to the hospital pretty quickly. Thank goodness the bullet was only in his shoulder." Natalia looked down at her hands and legs. She was figiting so much. She probably looked like an idiot. She tried to stop but couldn't. Calleigh noticed, "It's nerves." Natalia answered with a small laugh.
OK here we go...I practically went to medical school to make this realistic, thanks Yahoo. Plus I watch ER and Grey's Anatomy..

After another hour goes by 4 doctors enter the waiting room asking if anyone is here for Wolfe. Everyone stands up looking at the doctors faces seeing no emotions to show rather Ryan is still alive.
One moves forward with a folder in his hands,” Mr. Wolfe is out of surgery he’s being taking to the ICU right now.” There’s a sigh of relief throughout the room. He opens the folder shaking his head,” he lost a major amount of blood and his condition is very critical, the next 24 hours will determine if he’ll pull through.”
He takes a deep breath looking around the room,” he had a ruptured spleen which was causing most of the internal bleeding. Luckily it was small and we were able to repair it but there was more damage to the spleen and we’re keeping our eye on it just in case it tears again, if it does then we may need to remove the spleen. Because of the damage to the spleen we had to give him a blood transfusion to maintain an adequate blood supply to the organs of the body. With this injury there’s also a high risk of infection which we are giving him medication to help fight it off.”
The next doctor steps up taking the folder,” I performed the surgery on Mr. Wolfe’s shoulder, luckily the bullet didn’t hit anything and we were able to remove it with minimal loss of blood. Now his lungs had a puncture, we were able to repair it but we’ve kept the chest tube in it to remove the access blood in it, he’ll be on a respirator till he can breathe on his own.”
He looks at everyone,” Right now we have him pretty stabilized but he’s has a lot of injuries that we don’t consider life threatening but they don’t help. Does anyone have any questions?”
Calleigh listens to the whole explenation about what they did to Ryan and what was wrong with him. A lot of medical terms fly by and she doesn't care, she only needs to hear one thing. And she hears it. Then the doctor asks if anyone has any questions and everyone starts asking things. Calleigh says nothing for a while then suddenly asks, so everyone falls quiet: "May I see him?"

It is quiet around her as she waits for the doctors to reply.
The doctor looks at a nurse who just entered the room,” is Mr. Wolfe in the ICU yet and ready for visitors?” She looks down at a paper,” yes he is sir we just got him settled in.” The doctor turns to Calleigh,” this nurse will take you to his room.” He looks at everyone else,” we only allow 3 people at a time in to see patients, so you’re going to have to take turns.” He glances back at Calleigh,” he’s unconscious, he’s in a state of a slight coma right now plus he’s heavily medicated so he won’t be waking up, but let him know you’re here, he needs to know your here for him.”
Calleigh nods and follows the nurse. No one follows her, she guesses they all think she deserves to be alone first. The nurse turns a corner and when Calleigh does too, she sees him. He is lying on a bed, blankets tucked around him. There's a tube in his mouth like the doctor said, multiple IVs in his arms and several machines stood beeping steadily on his bedside.

Gasping slightly, taken aback by his appearance, Calleigh took a seat on a chair next to the bed. She gently takes his hand in hers and squeezes it. The nurse watches over but gets the silent hint she is too much in this room. "You can talk to him. He's in coma state, but familiar voices might help him wake up." She said smiling.

The nurse left and Calleigh looked at Ryan. What was she supposed to say? He was in a coma. Sure people said that when you're in a coma you could still hear things, but...what to say?

"Hey Ryan..." She says softly. "The nurse said you're in a coma state but she said I could talk to you, and it might help you wake up. uh...have quite some injuries. Your...spleen was causing the internal bleeding we were already suspecting and...your lungs were punctured...God I can't do this."

She shook her head smiling weakly. "Just wake up please. Please just wake up and be fine. I love you, I want you to be fine."
The doctor came out and explained what was going on with Ryan. Natalia barely understand anything but she let out a breath of relief when the doctor said he was alive. The doctor also said three people could visit him. Calleigh of course wanted to, and Natalia was going to go too, but she thought Cal might want some time with him herself. Natalia wasn't sure if she was ready to see him anyways.

After a while she decided it's probably a good idea to see him then. The doctor was passing by so she asked them if she could go in, just incase. The doctor said yes so she entered the room. Calleigh was sitting on a chair beside Ryan holding his hand. "Hey, you mind if I join you?" She said in almost a whisper, as if she didn't want to wake Ryan from sleeping. Calleigh said no so Natalia walked to the other side of Ryan. She didn't know what to say to him. She knew sometimes people in comas could hear, but it was weird. Especially with Calleigh right on his other side. "Um hi, Ryan." She was going to take his hand when she remembered Calleigh. "So I...Hope you get better. Please get better."
The entire time, Eric paced the floor. He had no idea what was going to happen to his friend. Thoughts were racing through his head as he remembered the deaths of his best friend, Speed, and his oldest sister, Marisol. He couldn't bear to lose someone else he was close with. He was very relieved to hear that he was out of surgery and awake in the ICU. He was also glad to know that he could have visitors. Eric was anxious to get in there to see his friend, but he thought that it was fair to let Calleigh go in first. He knew that more than anyone standing there, she deserved to get in there to see him...

((I'm going on a trip this weekend, and I won't be back until Sunday. I'm sorry for doing this after just taking Eric over.. but maybe it'll still be going when I get back.. Have fun! I can't wait to read the ending!))