CaRWash RP

{ Oh, gunshots!!! at last!!!, life flight helicopter, why? Ryan's been hurt for a month, he can resist 3 days. Oh, btw, how long should the rescue moment last? we could make it very long.}
I think we need a qualified paramedic... I'm not sure how long it should last..depends on you guys. Does Delko or Boa have anything to say?

“I…don’t think ….I can….it hurts. I …” He starts coughing and blood comes flying out of his mouth completely freaking everyone out. “I can’t.” He’s trying hard to stay calm but the pain is too much and he’s barely getting any air into his lungs. He grabs Calleigh’s arm,” Cal…I….” He glances around at everyone then closes his eyes.
{Well, I erased my original post here, 'cause I was going against the same thing I was asking for. So Twiz, yeah I had something to say, but I PMed you.

And sorry for the short post.}
"Yes you can." He starts coughing again, blood coming out of his mouth. Eric and Frank stiffen in shock and Natalia backs off. "Oh my god..." He grabs her arm. "Ryan, remember you promised me. You promised me to stay here with me. Don't break your promise." His eyes close. "Damn he can't breathe." Calleigh looks at Natalia. "I have to..." She goes on with the mouth-to-mouth she was giving earlier. She looks up. "Where is that damn ambulance?!" She cries, tears running over her cheeks.
While Natalia was kneeling beside Calleigh, Ryan came to again. He said her name, obviously recognizing her voice. "Yes, it's me. Hold on Ryan. Help will be here any minute." He tried to talk to Calleigh but he started coughing up blood. "Oh my God.." Natalia mumbed. She was terrified to see him in such pain. She slide herself a few inches back. Ryan couldn't breath so Calleigh told Natalia she had to give him CRP. She finished and looked up, asking about the ambulance. Natalia took Calleigh's free arm, "They'll be here. I promise." She wiped away a few tears from Calleigh's cheeks. "I promise." She repeated before running up the stairs and out of the house. She could see the ambulance in the distance moving very quickly towards the house. "Thank the Lord." She ran back downstairs entering the room where everyone was. "The ambulance is almost here!"

Natalia took her arm, telling her, promising her it would be alright. She wiped her tears then ran upstairs. Calleigh continues breathing into Ryan, trying to keep him with her. Frank and Eric have meanwhile made their ways upstairs to get the paramedics to the right place. She waits for a reaction, an indication that her breathing into him has any effect on him.

"Ryan...? Ryan please stay with me. You can't leave me now, you just can't. I love you..." She blurts out, forgetting that Natalia is still in the room. She looks at her and blushes. "I'm sorry Natalia."
Calleigh told Ryan she loved him right in front of Natalia. Normally she would have probably started another catfight with her, but right now none of that mattered. What mattered was making sure Ryan would be okay. Besides, Natalia should have seen it coming. She shook her head and sighed, "It's fine. I um, I'm just glad your okay." She looked over worried at Ryan who still wasn't moving. "Now, the paramedics are almost here. If he can just hold on a bit longer..."
Delko and Frank went upstairs to lead the paramedics team to the right place in the house. When they reached the front of the house the ambulance was pulling in front of it already. The cops were coming to the house too.

One of the paramedic got out of the ambulance and asked "where is the victim?", "inside the house downstairs, he's in very bad condition, I think he passed out, he was beaten and it's shot in his shoulder" Delko said.
{ wow its been a while...i just caught up, and i am now on christmas break so i am free!! }

He saw Delko with the EMS team and walked a little further up the path towards the gate.Frank stood there collecting his thoughts. As much as he didn't want to admit it he was scared. Being a cop for 20 odd years doesn't prepare you for seeing one of your friends dying. Not only that he saw the look on Calleighs face as she wept over Ryan, trying to keep him conscious. She gave Ryan the same look Frank had given his wife when he married her. A look of pure love.
Frank took a deep breath and looked out across the Miami Skyline. He had worked with Ryan for a few years, seen him grow, seen the way he had become a CSI. Now he had Calleigh as well, he needed to survive. Frank knew that after Hagen and Speedle Calleigh hadn't smiled like she use to, she had lost something. Frank was relying on Ryan to give it back to her.

He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of sirens echoing in the distance, the cops were here, and it was about damn time....

{there you go, hope you like - PS Keep up the awesome work guys ;)}
ah that was so sweet Alex

Ryan opens his eyes seeing dark blurred images over him. He hears Calleigh crying telling him she loves him then he hears her apologize to Boa. He feels bad for what happened between them and now he's afraid he's going to die. "Natalia..." He whispers holding Calleigh hand tight.
[Alex, that was really cute. :)[/b]]

Natalia was surprized to hear Ryan trying to talk to her. He wasn't doing too well and it looked like it hurt him a lot to speak. Natalia wished she could go back and fix things with her and Ryan. Now he was laying on the cold foor, with just an inch of life left in him. She looked down to him, "Yes, Ryan? What is it?" She asked softly, trying to hold back her tears.
He tries to swallow a lump in his throat but his mouth is too dry. He hears Boa answer him and he looks in the direction of her voice," Nat...I'm ..sorry for…what happen…..please… ..don't.." He coughs a few times luckily no more blood comes up. He catches his breath," don't hate me, I'm sorry..for..hurting" A tear rolls down his cheek.
After Ryan said sorry for hurting her feelings Natalia couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "Ryan, I can't hate you." She wiped away a few tears, "Don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." She gave him a smile through her tears. She looked at both Ryan and Calleigh holding hands. They really were quite adorable together. "You two hold on. I can hear the ambulance. Help is almost here."
Ryan nods his head slightly happy to hear she doesn't hate him. “I’m...trying." He tries to take in a deep breath but can only get a small amount of air in his lungs. " going ..o..k?" His eyes flutter as he fights to stay awake, to stay alive.
Ryan asked Natalia if everything was going to be okay. "Yes, it is. Look how well you're doing. You're talking and everything." She turned to Calleigh with a smile, "And I'm sure Calleigh agrees. I can't believe how well you both are doing." Natalia realized she had a jacket on so she took it off, "Here, I have a jacket. You guys can have it."