CaRWash RP

Ryan suddenly reaches his hand for her and she grabs it. "Ryan?"

"Cal...Cal I...can't hold...on."

"Ryan? Oh yes you can Ryan, you can do it." His eyes close and she looks at Josh. "BASTARD!" she screams out. "YOU BASTARD! Look what you've done! IF he dies I'll kill you..." She shivers with anger and fear.

"Ryan...Ryan sweetie, wake up. Look at me. Listen to my voice. You wanna open your eyes, come on. You can do it. Focus on my voice and open your eyes."

{I would like to be rescued now :D}
Ryan fights to open his eyes as he hears her voice calling his name but loses the battle. His chest is tight he can't get anymore air he feels like he's suffocating. He's gasps for air, all he can do is squeeze her hand lightly letting her know he's fighting.

yeah being rescued would be nice..
Sissi you could jump in the rp and be like some homeless woman wondering in and finds them ...then you would have to do cpr on Ryan..OH would that be an interesting twist to this. Then ryan wakes up seeing her falling in love with a homeless bag lady. OK I'm done sry I couldnt resist. BUT You could be a paramedic, we need one and yes cpr sounds good.
{HEY! Ryan's mine! :eek: But CPR sounds good :devil:}

She feels Ryan squeezing her hand, letting her know he's still with her. She looks at him and sees he's having big trouble breathing. Without thinking she leans in and places her lips on his blowing some air into his mouth. She pulls back saying:

"Ryan? Ryan don't leave me."

She repeats the action a few times, waiting, hoping for a reaction from his side.
good one Sissi...make me crap my pants.

Ryan can feel his body slipping away, Calleigh’s is voice becoming more distant. His body is cold and stiff, he knows his fight is almost over and he's not going to win. Then he feels Calleigh lips on his then air in his lungs breathing life back into him. He's not ready to give up, there are so many things he wants to say to her, he just wants to be with her. He gasps for air," Cal." He manages to get out while taking in another breath. He squeezes her hand again letting her know he’s still fighting.
[Aw man! Hey Sissi, I'll switch you roles. I'll be the homeless woman who Ryan falls madly inlove with, and you can be Boa.. She did get to.. Erm.. Nevermind! Moving on. CaRwash yay! :p :D
*comes flying to the rescue like Superman, but crashes into brick wall.* Ouch! :rolleyes:]

Delko, Natalia and Tripp ran out the back of the house, going in the direction of the gunshot sound. To their surprize, they found another house in the back. The only thing seperating them from Calleigh and Ryan was a field. Natalia ran behind Tripp and Delko, because they were armed. To Natalia, running across the field felt like forever. Although, they did finally manage to get to the front door of the house.

Eric quickly asked Natalia if she wanted to stay at the front door. They knew someone had a gun in the house, so she was definatly taking a risk by entering. "No, I want to come. I went in the others, I can go in this one." She said with a determined look on her face. Delko nodded and they ran in. Frank took the kitchen and yelled "clear!" when he didn't find anything. Natalia followed Delko as he quickly ran down a hall with a few rooms. He found nothing. They decided their best bet was to look downstairs. When they got down the stairs, Frank and Eric split up, each taking a door. They opened it, and once again found nothing. There was only one door left, and all of them could hear something coming from the room. It was hard to hear, but it sounded like someone was sobbing.
{ * Read and understood Sissi :D
* Wanna be rescued, eh? I've been wanting to rescue you, too.}

Delko, Natalia and Tripp, ran to the house, Cal and Ryan had to be there. Once they had reached it, Delko asked Natalia about staying in the front of the house, she answered she wanted to be with them. Delko noticed something in her voice, she was really worried, they all were, but there was something different in her voice. Delko understood what she felt, because he felt the same for Cal.

The searched in almost all the rooms downstairs, nothing. There was only one left, and it seemed like someone was crying inside that one.

Frank made his way to open the door, but Delko told him not to do it with a gesture, he wanted to be the first one to enter in that room, if Josh had hurt Cal, he'd kill him with his own hands. Frank didn't like a lot this situation, 'cause, after all, he was the cop, he had to go into the room first, but didn't say anything, and just moved.

Delko opened the door carefully, and entered the room. He couldn't see anything until he walked some steps inside the room, what he saw was awful. There was a body on the floor, and Cal was crying a lot near another body. It was a little dark so he can't tell who was who from the distance. Menwhile Frank reviewed the rest of the room, he found nothing else "clear", he yelled for the second time in that house.

Delko went over the body on the floor "It's Josh, he's dead". Natalia and Frank went over Cal and Ryan, then Delko joined them, was Ryan dead too?
Natalia watched as Delko opened the last door. They had to be in there. She waited until she heard a "clear" from Tripp. She ran in and what she saw made her almost lose it. Her eyes ajusted to the darkness and she saw Ryan laying on the floor. His shoulder was covered in blood and his whole body had cuts and scratches everywhere. His face was swollen, it was easy to tell that he had taken a few blows to the face.

She ran over to Ryan and put a few fingers on his neck, checking for a pulse. For a second she didn't feel anything, but suddenly she felt a very weak pulse. She was trying to hold back the tears, "I got a pulse! I'll call an ambulance!" She ran outside of the house to get a signal to make the call. She franticly told the operator that they found two kidnapped victims east of road 31. She tried to find an address number on the house, but it since it was old, she couldn't find it. "I, I don't know the address! Please you have to come. It's east of road 31 and it's the old house all by it's self. Three houses are together, but this house is away from it. One of the victims won't be able to hold on much longer. He only has a few minutes." She was told the ambulance would be there soon. There was nothing left to do but wait. She ran back downstairs to tell the news about the help coming and noticed Calleigh hadn't left Ryan's side. She was still honding his hand. She looked shocked but she was being strong. Natalia knelt beside Calleigh, "He's going to be okay." She tried to sound certain but she wasn't.
YAY saved, but will he make it to the hospital..You know you should have got a life flight helecopter..sry

Ryan hears strange voices in the room, their not alone anymore and it's not Josh's. He hears a familiar woman’s voice and for a second he thinks he's dead, he doesn't think it's possible that help has finally came for them he had given up all his hope. He can feel Calleigh still holding him crying. He tries hard to open his eyes, they flutter a few times but all he sees is darkness.” Cal….” He takes in a deep breath of air trying to fill his lungs,” Cal.” He cries out to her.
{Rescue at last! :eek:}

Calleigh keeps breathing air into Ryan's mouth, anything to keep him alive, when she hears a burst and Eric, Natalia and Frank come through the door. Crying, she squeezed Ryan's hand as Eric felt Josh's pulse and said he was dead. Natalia felt Ryan's pulse and although Calleigh knew he wasn't dead, she let out a sigh of relief when Natalia ran out to call an ambulance. Then she came back and kneeled next to Calleigh, telling her he would be okay. "Yes he will." Calleigh said.

Then Ryan cries out for her and she places a hand on his cheek. "I'm here Ryan. They're here, they found us. An ambulance is coming, you hold on now. Josh is dead, and the team's here. We're gonna be okay now." She strokes his cheek.
He feels her touching his cheek telling him help has arrived. He opens his eyes still seeing dark images over him. He reaches his hand out,” Cal…don’t ….leave me.” A tear rolls down his face as a pain shoots through his shoulder,” help.” He opens his eyes wider trying to make out who is there with them. He sees Boa and he’s not sure if he’s dreaming now. “Nata…lia.” He tries focusing more but everything is dark and blurry.
"I'm not leaving you, as long as you don't leave me." She says, moving her hand to his hair, running her hand through it. "An ambulance is coming Ryan, they'll help you." He says Natalia and Calleigh sees her sitting up. "Yes, it's Natalia. She's here too, and Eric, and Frank. They're all here to save us, how about that?" She wants to lean in and kiss him but with all these friends around that don't know anything yet, she wonders if it's a good idea. "It's gonna be okay Ryan." She says softly. "It's gonna be okay."