CaRWash RP

"I don't know what took me so long Ryan, but I love you, I truly do. I don't know why I ever started anything with Josh, he's bad news and I knew it. I just should've listened to everyone around me. But no, I didn't, and look where I got us into. One big mess. I have a lot of things to solve out when we get out of here. Like apologizing to Natalia. That oughta be fun." She smiled, but her smile faded as she thought about the fact that they might not make it out alive. She shook her head to remove the image. "I just want to get out of here with you." She said, leaning in, waiting for him to reply. After all she had been the one to kiss him the whole time, he'd never made a move.
"I'm sorry about...Natalia, that um..was a mistake." He looks up into her eyes," I just...didn't see us ever happening, I was...stupid. We both made mistakes.... hopefully...we'll have a...chance to fix them." He runs his hand over her cheek," I love you." He leans up giving her a short but soft kiss on her lips," I do."
"Don't worry about it, it's your life. I didn't see us happening either, that's why I went with Josh when he came along. I was just as stupid, but we'll make it alright later. I love you too." She returns the kiss. "I do too." She hugs him gently, burying her head in his shoulder. She just needed to get her mind off of things.
She tells him not to worry about it but what happened that night really bothers him, he's not that type of guy and it shouldn't have happened. She kisses his lips again clearing his mind of that and his pain for a second. She hugs him and he puts his arm around her holding her tight," Cal did you hear a noise?" He asks with fear in his voice.
She looks up and listens. "I don't hear anything." she listens again. "No nothing. Maybe you imagined it. Or maybe it's gone, I don't know." She looks into his eyes. "We'll be fine." To be honest to herself she wasn't too sure of that, but she couldn't give up on him. He needed her to be strong and she needed the same. "We'll be fine."
Parts of him hoped he was right and it was possibly help coming for them, but then he also feared it was Josh coming to finish his job.”
It has been so long since he's been here. Maybe he's been caught, I’m not that lucky." He thinks to himself just as a sharp pain shoots through him. He squeezes her arm,“Cal the’s getting...bad again." He bites his lip," someone has to….find us...soon." He mumbles in a weak voice.
(im sorry that im late, but her is josh, i think his last part of this rp. I had to much on my mind and more so thats why i didnt post earlyer. But you all did a great job i love the drama in it. Keep on going its great. )

After a long time of thinking and hiding from all the cops around the area Josh finally mannish to go to the house and finish what he had stared. He had to kill them both he knows for sure now. If there isn’t already someone dead, because he beat them up very badly. He is hoping that Ryan is already dead so he only has to do the hard part. Killing the woman he loves so much, but he doesn’t have an other choice anymore. She knows too much already. The things about his past. His mom hurting him and his dad leaving him because he was a weak crying baby. Like his dad always called him.

She cant life, she really can’t anymore. So he is parking his car at a safe spot so nobody can see it and walking towards the house. His hand is on the gun. Just in case, you never now. The voices in his head are quit now, he is thinking like him. So it must be good what he is doing. With coming closer to the house his heart is beating faster, what if it is a trap. What if they already found them and he is the one that is going to die. Would he mind or would he be happy to die. The voices are talking again to him he doesn’t know what to do and begs the voices to stop talking. “I have to clear my mind, I can’t walk in like this” He is saying loud to himself. “Why don’t you leave me alone for a while, just shut up”. He finally gets his keys and notice he lost some of the keys. He can’t remember where they are but it doesn’t matter. He opens the door and then he sees Calleigh lying almost over Ryan. His anger rage more and more inside.

Then he starts to yell, “You, you, you’re just the same like all woman are!” “What do you think your are doing?” “Traitor!” He is so mad and grabs Calleigh, shaking her very hard. Still yelling.
He isn’t seeing what is going on with Ryan because he is so angry. Calleigh starts to Fight back and the struggle a lot. On one moment he doesn’t think clear and he is falling. On the ground besides Ryan. He even doesn’t feel that Ryan is reaching for the gun. And before he knows he is struggling with Ryan about the gun and then there is a shot.
After it’s quit for a little while and then Josh notice he is not the one in pain because he shot Ryan in his shoulder.

“But where is the Gun”. He is thinking before he realizes that Ryan got it, there is a other shot.
He feels the pain in his chest. And than he drops on the ground bleeding begging to them for finish him of. “Just let me die here, don’t call a ambulance, im not word it”. “Just let me die?”
“Calleigh…. I will always love you”. Then the world turns around him. His sight is getting blurry and than black. He is gasping for some air. Doing nothing more than that…
{Great post Nathalie :D}

Delko, Natalia and Frank were still searching in the area around the third house, when suddenly they hear gunshots: "OMG, did you hear that? gunshots!!! where did they come from?. Natalia stay back, please"

He thought about the worst, were Calleigh and Ryan dead???
(gunna just double up with that post right there^^ - PS GREAT JOSH Nathalie :))
Franks head immediatly turned at the sound of a gun shot. He cocked his colt-45 and looked towards Delko and Natalia. 'You heard that...right?' He stopped and listened again, to see if there was another shot and to tell what direction the last one had come from. 'I think we just found ourselves a lead, lets hope its a good one...' satisfied that he only heard one shot he turned back to Natalia and Delko...
Natalia was still searching the third house with Frank and Delko when she heard a gun shot. She jumped at the sound. It definatly wasn't coming from the house they were in. "Wait! What if.. What if that was Josh shooting at them?" Frank and Delko looked at the ground for a second and didn't say anything. If the gunshot was coming from Josh, shooting at either Calleigh or Ryan, they needed to be quicker then ever. "Nevermind that, you're right. We have a lead. Let's go."
Just as Calleigh is about to reassure Ryan they're gonna be fine. Josh storms into the room. She looks up at him but doesn't let go of Ryan. He starts yeliing: “You, you, you’re just the same like all women are! What do you think your are doing? Traitor!”

He grabs her arm, shaking her hard, still yelling at het. "Let me go! Go away, leave us alone!" She yells back. She pushes him again and again, then kicks him hard and he falls to the ground. Before her mind has registered what happened, a gun shot filled the air. For a moment she only hears her own heartbeat and breath in her throat, then she sees Ryan is shot, shot in his shoulder.

"NO!" She cries out. Josh is looking around frantically, searching for the gun, she realizes. With that she realizes it's in Ryan's hand and it fires again.

Josh goes down with a gunshot wound in his chest and starts begging: “Just let me die here, don’t call an ambulance, im not worth it. Just let me die. Calleigh…I will always love you.".

He gasps for air and Calleigh kneels next to Ryan, pressuring the wound in his shoulder. "It's gonna be ok Ryan." She says. "Hang in there."

She looks over at Josh. "You might love me forever, Josh. But I hate you. You lied to me. You killed a police officer, one of us. You kidnapped me, lured Ryan here...beat the both of us up so bad we're not even sure we're gonna make it. If no one finds us in aproximately ten minutes, we're lost. And it's all your fault." Tears well up in her eyes and she swallows hard. "You don't deserve me, or my love. And I'm glad I found someone, no, I know someone who does. And you nearly killed him."

She takes a deep breath. "And you say you love me forever. If you love me...then let go of me." She lowers her voice and whispers: "I'm starting a new life."

{*hugs Nathalie* You did great! You might get another post now ;)}
You mean the last post on that page? :p Read, understood, totally agree and looking at my last post...I think I'm playing by the rules. :lol:

I PMed you Sissi. ;)
lol thanks i've just seen and answer your PM, some things were only for the Convention RPG but the talk about the rules is for everyone ;) so well if you read and understood what i meant, post it on the RPG rules :)
thanks Sissi and I understand the rules and will play by them..
Great work Nathalie and everyone else, very well done and keep it up. We have a great team here working on this rp. CarWash is back YAY..

Ryan is drifting in and out barely conscious or able to breathe now. His body starts to tremble from coldness. Calleigh is talking to him trying to comfort him and just as he thinks everything is going to be ok Josh comes busting into the room grabbing Calleigh from Ryan’s arms. Everything is a blur but he sees that Josh is shaking Calleigh screaming things at her. Ryan struggles to move closer to them trying to help her. Then he sees a figure fall down near him and he hears the sound of something hitting the floor close to him. He reaches for it finding a gun in his hands. Just as he pulls it to him he feels Josh on top of him fighting him now. He tries pointing the gun at Josh but he is powerless against him then he hears a gunshot then seconds later he feels a ripping pain in his shoulder. He cries out from it but keeps trying to fight Josh off with his one good arm. Josh stops fighting him thinking he shot him and it’s over but Ryan still has the gun in his hand and with every last bit of his energy he raises it up shooting Josh right in the chest. He watches his blurred figure falls to the floor. Ryan’s hand drops to the ground with the gun still in it. He’s rolling around on the floor crying out in pain when he looks up seeing Calleigh over him pushing on his wound telling him to hang in there. He tries hard to keep breathing but everything breath he takes gets less and less. He listens as Calleigh and Josh say things to each other but its all sounds muffled. He fights to keep his eyes open staring up at Calleigh. He reaches his hand up to her,” Cal….” He gasps for air,” Cal…I …can’t hold …on.” His eyes go shut as he passes out.