CaRWash RP

"The windows are completely blocked." She squeezes his hand. She takes a good look at him and realizes he must have little blood left. She squeezes his hand. "Are you still cold? You have two blankets. I don't know what else I could do, it's not like this place has heating." She looks around and sees she's right. Not that she expected differently. "I love you Ryan. I don't want you to leave me before I've properly lived the rest of my life with you."
*jumps in* okay, I can't contain myself anymore - fantastic! pure drama! (but please don't kill off poor R, please!
) Now: go on! *jumps out again*
Hearing her say the windows are no help gives him little hope they are ever getting out. He feels himself getting weaker, he can barely get any air in his lungs, his breaths are short and shallow and his chest feels heavy.
“I’m cold……Cal…I want you… be happy no….matter what…..happens. This isn’t….your fault.” He tries to lick his lips but they are dry and sore,” I love you….always.” He closes his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"It is my fault Ryan." Calleigh said. "But I apreciate the effort you're doing to make me believe it's not." She wraps her arms around him and leans close against him. "I will be happy. I will be happy with you when we get out of here and live happily ever after. I will always love you too." She kissed his cheek figuring his lips looked dry and split.
He lies in her arms feeling safe, even though the situation they are in is far from safe, especially for him. It's so quiet, he's not hearing anything, no wind or any kind of noise from outside. All he hears is the sound of him trying to breathe, taking in short breaths.
He whispers to her," this is like… the calm before the storm." He can feel something is going to happen, it has to. “Josh has been gone you ...think he got ....caught?" He asks with his eyes still closed.
She leans her forehead against his temple. "No. I don't think he's so stupid to leave this building, and if they caught him inside here, they would've found us. He has been gone long. Maybe he's thinking, or running around like crazy. Maybe he fell asleep. That's something we could use too. But I'm afraid something will happen as soon as I close my eyes."
He opens his eyes slowly trying to look up at her but they are so heavy they shut on him." I don't have...the eyes...I' ..tired. Cal don't let me...sleep." His eyes flutter as he fights to open them.
"Hey, you're gonna keep them open. Ryan, don't you dare to go to sleep. You can keep your eyes closed but you're going to stay with me do you understand? Talk to me, say something, anything, I don't care what but you're not going to sleep. Okay?"

She sits in front of him and cups his cheeks. "Hey Ryan? Stay with me now." She leans in and kisses his lips anyway, she needs to keep him awake at all costs.
He lets out a gust of air from his lungs. "Can'….breathe." He pushes the words out with his short breaths of air. He feels her hand on his cheek, it's warm and soft then he feels her lips touching his, at first it hurts his lips but he doesn't mind that pain and soon it's the best feeling he's having. He cracks a small smile on his face and opens his eyes just enough to see her beautiful eyes staring at him. “Remember our…first time…meeting?” He asks with a small chuckle then he coughs a few times before catching his breath again.
She smiles as he starts a topic. "Of course I do. On the seminar. I can clearly picture me sitting in front of the classroom, young, eager to learn, messy hair." She ruffles his hair. "But I think you're talking about when you came to the lab. I remember that too. How can I not? You send an alligator out to bite me." She grinned and stuck out her tongue at him.
He lets out a small chuckle followed by some coughs causing him to gasp for air. He takes a few deep breaths," you, but....I job." He opens his eyes as wide as he can," you have always...been here....for me, thanks."
She smiles seeing him chuckle but then he coughs a few times. She places a comforting hand on his chest as he gasps for air. "I didn't hate you! How can I hate you, you cleared my dad. I hated my dad, not you." He tells her she's always been there for him and thanks. She leans her forehead against his. "No problem. I can clearly remember you being there for more a few times as well. You actually once saved my life. In the courtroom shootout. Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't pulled me down with you."
He feels her hand on his chest, he moves his hand on top of hers holding it tightly," I've always....tried here for you...I will...try." He opens his eyes slowly looking up into her bright eyes," you have ....always taken care even when...I'm trying to...take care of you."
He takes her hand in his holding it tightly. She squeezes it and smiles. "You didn't just try to be here for me, you always were here for me. I knew that if I had a bad day or I felt miserable, I knew that if I looked over my shoulder, you'd be standing there, giving me that look." He looks at her. "Exactly that look. The look that says you know something's wrong but you don't want to push me into telling you. I love that look." She kissed his lips softly. "We're going to get out of here soon, I know it."
She kisses his lips sending a good chill through his body, he opens his eyes again once their lips come apart," I love you Cal…." He grits his teeth as he gets a sharp pain in his stomach. He takes a deep breath," I just want you to …know….you have …made my dreams come true, even if this… isn’t how I….I wanted it to happen. Knowing you…love me…I’m happy.”