CaRWash RP

{Now that's something for me to work on}

"Well thank you very much." She jokes. "I feel terrible too. I've got the crap beaten out of me as well but...I can't break down now. I haven't had a chance to clean myself, you keep drinking my water and needing my attention." She's clearly joking and her head's still leaning on his. "I'll be fine. Don't be scared. You'll be fine too."
It makes him feel better hearing her joke around with him knowing the seriousness of their situation. She’s such a strong person, one of the things he admires the most about her and really is appreciating it right now. He runs his hand over her lips touching them softly,” I’m should clean up.” He closes his eyes leaning up to her lips kissing them softly until he needs a breath. He lays silent for a moment then opens his eyes slowly,” I needed that.” He whispers to her with a smile.
Knowing that Calleigh and Ryan were somewhere in the area Natalia, Frank and Delko were searching in, got Natalia's adrenaline running. She knew she had to be careful searching the houses because it could be dangerous, but she couldn't help from opening a few doors herself and peeking in. Every door she opened, she made sure she expected the worst.

When the three of them had looked in every inch of that house, Calleigh and Ryan nowhere to be seen, they decided it was time to move onto the last house. Calleigh and Ryan had to be in that house. Where else could they be?

Delko, Tripp and Natalia walked over to the third house. This time the door was unlocked, so they just walked in, with their guns drawn of course. With the execption of Natalia.
{I need Natalia and the gang to stop searching now, (well, I need Katie, Reine and Alex to stop posting) it's not going as planned here. Katie, I'll get in touch with you.}

"You can get it anytime you want from now on." She smiles at him. "I'll see if there's any water left to clean my face with, I guess I look horrible." She grabbed a handkerchief and repeated the cleaning action she'd done on Ryan on herself. She feels here face when she's done, finally not feeling dried up blood anymore. "Better?" She asks. "I uh...what day is it anyway? How long have we been here? It feels like forever."
He watches as she cleans her face off, he didn't realize how bloody she is and how much pain she must be having too. "Yeah better...but you were always beautiful." He says with a small smile spreading across his face." I don't know how long we've been here, it seems like...days. Are you ok Cal, I mean I….know …your not but it’s ….not like me…Right?”
She smiles back at him and pulls out the ponytail she'd been wearing all the time. She let her hair fall freely over her shoulders and ran a hand through it. He watched her and she watched him back.

"I am...not okay...but not as worse as you are. I think I cracked a a minor concussion probably. Bruised and scratched everywhere...but still alive and kicking it." She winked and lied down next to him again.
He hates hearing she is hurting so bad, he had no idea even though he had watched the beatings she took. She lies back down next to him after letting her hair out of her ponytail. Right away he smells the sweetness of her hair making him think back to times that he would be in the lab and she would walk in and he didn't even have to look up to know it was her from that smell.
"Cal, I'm sorry...your hurting and have to take care of me...this isn't the way this was suppose to be.” He takes a few deep breaths trying to keep his breathing normal.” I want to be ….be able to take care of you.”
"I know you do." She smiles. "But the situation is a bit different from that. Right now it's me taking care of you. And I don't mind. As long as you keep that smile on your face." She taps his nose. "I love you Ryan Wolfe. And you better return that favor after all we've been through."
He tries hard to keep his smile," I love you...too Cal. I'm trying, it's just...hard." He looks into her eyes," once we're out of here I ....think we ...need a vacation....together." He says still trying to smile even though the pain is getting worse.
"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to smile, it was a joke. It's hurting again isn't it? What are you feeling exactly?" She looks at him with big worried eyes. "No wait, never mind. We need to distract your mind from the pain, so...why don't you tell me where that vacation should go to? Are you a traveller? I've always wanted to see the world. What do you like more, snow or beaches? I'm a beach person, I hate cold." She keeps rambling on trying to make sense.
Delko entered the house behind Frank. Natalia was behind him with no gun, of course. He didn't think they were in that house either 'cause the door was unlocked, but it didn't look like the previous one, everything was moved here, as if some people had been there recently. Maybe he was wrong and they were near them. They need to be careful.
Ryan closes his eyes as she asks him if he is hurting again. He nods his head slightly," yeah, it's getting worse." Then she starts talking about them taking a vacation together, trying to take his mind away from the pain and it work some, but not enough. As she talks he thinks in his head where he would like them to visit. “Beach for me too...I hate being cold like ….I am …now.” He says as his body shivers.
He tells her it's getting worse and that he's cold, though that happens in a subtle way. She lifts the blanket then snuggles up to him, before wrapping the blankets tight around the two of them. She places her head on his shoulder and takes one of hands in it, kissing the top of it.

"I don't know what to do anymore Ryan." She says. "I don't know."

All she wanted was to get out and be happy, but she couldn't get out and there was no sign of anyone looking for them. Josh was never gonna leave them out either. Alive.
Calleigh wraps the blankets around him tight moving closer to him trying to warm him up but it doesn't help. The chills still run through his body, he figured from either lack of blood or his high temperature. “I …don’t know either Cal, I’m sorry. I just ….I just want to get out….go ..home.”
Calleigh places a hand on his forehead. "Oh my...your temperature is way too high. How can you feel cold? I think it's possible to cook dinner on your head." She brushes her lips over it softly. "Gosh...sweetie." Her mind is making overtime. This can't be a good sign, she could almost burn her lips doing this.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. This is all my fault. All my fault and I can't make it stop. I can't get you home."