CaRWash RP

"Was it Ryan's phone? Are you sure?, man I'm so stupid, how didn't I realize?". Frank and Natalia were staring at Delko as if he was crazy. "Realize about what?" asked Natalia. "The GPS System. His cellphone, it's kinda new, it must has it. Although he had been having problems with it. Damn, Natalia call to the lab, talk to Cooper, tell him what happened, he'll know what to do."
Natalia couldn't believe their luck. Calleigh was about to say where they were, but the damn phone cut off. Atleast they're still alive.

Thankfully, Eric remembered about The GPS System. Natalia didn't know too much about it, but she knew what a GPS was for. She dialed Cooper's number and held her breath that he would pick up. "Cooper? Oh thank God. Calleigh called us from Ryan's cell-.. Yes they're alive, but we don't have much time. Could you use the GPS to track them down? Great, thanks." Natalia told him Ryan's number, and mentioned how Ryan's phone had been having some troubles. Cooper told Natalia, since Ryan's phone had been having a few problems, it would be harder to trace, but he could probably narrow the location to a certain area.

There was nothing left to do but cross their fingers and keep searching for them. Even if Cooper could narrow down the location, they obviously could not keep searching. They figured Ryan wasn't doing very well, since it was Calleigh who called on his phone. They started searching the second house the same as they had the first.
Yay...great job everyone.

Ryan listens as Calleigh yells into the phone not sure if she was talking to someone or an answering machine.

" Oh please let that be someone." He thinks in his head. Then he sees her hang up with a sad look on her face. He raises his voice as loud as he can so she can hear him,” Calleigh…did you get anyone? Please ….tell me you did.”
[Brase yourself hun, I'll be the one to marry him. :p That is, if we make it out alive, so hurry up you lousy people :devil:}

"Natalia? We're in this aband...(-) Natalia? Is anyone there? Natalia? NO! Natalia?" She hangs up the cell phone with a sad look on her face. Then Ryan calls over and she's surprised that he can manage that. She walks back over hugging him.

"I got Natalia, but the line went dead. At least they know we're alive, it's a start. I told them we don't have much time. How are you feeling? Is it any better now? Please tell me it's not worse."
Calleigh comes back over to him hugging him making it harder for him to breathe. He pushes away from her,” can’t breathe.” She asks how he is doing and he doesn't want to lie to her but he's worse, a lot worse. The pains in his stomach feel like his inside are being ripped out of him slowly and while she was gone he coughed up more blood. Also his body was getting cold and he was beginning to shiver, probably from a fever or lack or blood he isn’t sure." Cal....I'm not better." His body shakes from coldness," I'm cold....." He starts shivering uncontrollably.
He tells her he can't breathe because she's hugging him and she pulls back like she's bitten by a dog. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Then he tells her he's not better and starts shivering. She doesn't know what to do. If she'll hold him she will only hurt him but if she doesn't do something he will surely go into shock. She looks around for something, anything under the plastic she can use. It looks like it's unused furniture stocked in the basement and she takes Ryan's hand. "I will be right back okay? I need to look for something, you hang on. Hang in there."

She looks around. If it's all furniture then surely somewhere...She spots a closet and opens a drawer to find socks. Not of use to her. She opens another drawer which is empty. And then she opens the third drawer that holds a couple of neatly folded blankets.

"Three time's a charm." She says, pulling one out and getting back to Ryan, who's still shaking. "Here you go. I knew there had to be something here. Come on." She wraps it around him and places her hand on his cheek, stroking it with her thumb. "Please be strong. I know you are, prove me I'm right. Prove it to me."
She tells him she’ll be right back leaving him lying there alone shivering," Calleigh don't leave me." He calls out but she's already gone.

He tries not to panic," just concentrates on your breathing." He tells himself. His body is hurting more with every shiver he has. She comes back over to him with a blanket wrapping it around him. Right away he starts to feel a little warmer but he still has chills. She touches his cheek and he looks up at her with his lips quivering,” Cal…hold me…don’t…” He grits his teeth from a pain, “oh God, don’t leave me...” He closes his eyes as tears roll from them.

wwwaaaa I feel so sorry for him...I'm such a meanie angst whore..lowers head in shame.
{*smacks Sue upside the head* Yes you are! Look at my efforts to save your life and what do you do? You hurt him more. :(}

"I'm not leaving you. Hey, look at me, I'm not leaving you. I'm never leaving you ever again." Her other hand cups his other cheek. "I want to hold you, but I'll hurt you, and I don't want to hurt you any more. I'm right here though. I'm right here. We're gonna get out of here. We are, I'm sure of it. Natalia will help us. I called her and she'll help us. She and Eric and Frank...they'll find us. They'll find us here and I will tell them how brave you were and how you fought to stay alive. And how you won. Do you hear me? Are you warm enough, there were more blankets."

She just keeps talking to him, she doesnt know what to do. She's on the end of her nerves now and about to break down herself but he needs her, she has to stay strong for him.
Ouch...that hurt Nikki, now Ryan must pay..hehe.

He listens to her voice her telling him everything is going to be ok and he's trying so hard to believe her and to hold on for her. “I need to lie down...can't breathe." His body shakes from coldness still. "Lay down...hold me….Cal I need you."
{Sue I loooove you, you're the best and you know it *hugs* Now can Ryan get better?}

She helps him to lie down and hopes it will somehow help clearing his airway. She runs to get another blanket then lies down next to him wrapping the other blanket and her arms around him, making sure she doesn't hurt him in any way. "You'll be fine. We'll be fine. I'm still right here. I love you Ryan, don't give up. I love you."
I luv you too Nikki...maybe I'll give Ryan a little break here...

She lies him down on the floor wrapping a blanket and her arms around him helping him feel warmer and more secure. His chest loosens up the air starts coming into his lungs more freely. “This is ...better I can breathe." He lays his head on her," I'm warmer too, thank you." He closes is eyes," Cal I love you so...much if I don't… make it just don't forget you."
"Don't say those things. You will make it. Please help me because I'm the only one saying that here and I need someone to convince me too." She laughs. Feeling his head on her hearing him say he feels better and warmer makes her happy. She was trying so hard to keep him from crashing she would almost forget she was about to break as well.

Tears run over her cheeks but she doesn't let him see it, she doesn't want him to know she's barely keeping it together. She's strong, she's his example and she should behave like one. But when she wipes the tears away she sobs and betrays herself.

"I uh...I want you to know that I'm sorry for all I've done and all I've said to hurt you. I'm sorry for everything I said about you and Natalia, I'm sorry for everything I said about Josh to defend him, I'm sorry for ignoring you when you went out with Natalia. I'm sorry for not believing you. The list goes on."
He raises his hand up to her face feeling her tears running free, “it’s ok don't''s over we're together now." He swallows a lump in his throat trying to keep his voice,” no matter what…I’ll always love you…I’ll be …here with you.”
{This kinda makes me think of a song. "And if you're cold I'll keep you warm. And if you're lone, just hold on. 'Cause I will be your safety. Oh don't leave home." (Don't leave home - Dido)}

"I...Oh Ryan that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you so much. We are together and nothing can break us apart ever again. We'll get out of here, and we'll get better and we'll do all kinds of things together. I don't ever wanna be with anyone else but you. I love you. Forever."
[Okay, before I will allow myself to post anything more, I have to let out a huge "AWWWW" because that is the most adorable thing, ever.]

Natalia was searching in the basement with Frank when her phone rang again. She looked at Frank before picking it up. They knew what it was about. "Boa Vista. Hi Cooper, could you trace the call?" He said he did. "Thank you so much. Where are they?!" He said he couldn't pinpoint the exact location, but they were a bit east of road 31. Natalia realized that the three houses were a bit east of the road. "Great! That really helps. Thank's so much!" She closed her phone before speaking, "Frank, they have to be in one of these three houses."

She went up the stairs and found Delko in the kitchen. She told him about Cooper's call and they continued to search the house faster and faster. They were getting so close to them. They could feel it.