CaRWash RP

Aw I'm going to cry with all this sadness...NOT opps angst whore in me slipped out.

He's so tired but he's afraid if he goes to sleep he'll never wake up. He’s finding it harder to stay awake his eyes are getting heavier, "Cal I'm tired.....don't let me…fall asleep....I'm scared." He licks his dry lips but it doesn't help because his mouth his dry." Can I ...get a drink of water?"
Frank looked at Natalia and Delko. 'Nice work you guys...Ok we have it narrowed down to three houses, lets eliminate them.' He stared at the floor for a couple of seconds before turning back to the CSI's.
'The first house they cant be in, we searched through it high and low. Which leaves us this one, and the next one. What do you reckon? 'Cuz we need to make a decision soon if what you said about Ryan is anything to go by.' They opted to continue searching this one then move on, they couldn't allow themselves to miss something because as each second ticked by Calleigh and Ryan could be slipping further away.
Frank continued searching with Delko and Natalia .

[I too just have to say awww at all these posts. Good job you huys :)]
"You're not going to fall asleep, do you hear me? You're going to stay right here. Right here with me." He asks her for a sip of water. "If you're careful. We can't permit you to have another one of those coughings. So you'll have to sit up." With a lot of trouble they got him to sit up. Calleigh handed him the bottle. "Small sips and very careful, okay?" She held a hand on his back and prayed that something went ok for once.
She helps him sit up which proves to be very painful his insides feel like they are being stomped on. He takes a small sip as it's going down his throat he chokes a little but nothing like before. He takes a few more sips making sure his whole mouth is soaked down because he knows he doesn't want to try to sit up again. He nods his head slightly," ok...thank you." He leans his head back with his eyes closed," do you...think coming for us?” He whispers to her.
She stays seated, looking down on him. "Yes I do. I bet they're so close to finding us. Especially after I called Natalia." She extends her hand, stroking his hair. "I bet they made Cooper trace your phone and they're on their way now. We just need to make sure we stay comfortable until they storm in here." She takes his hand with her free one, while the other hand is still stroking his hair. "Until they storm in here and take us out, and we'll be together. And Natalia will kill me. And Eric will kill you. And Horatio will kill us both." She chuckles.
Hi, erm, i'm kinda new at this being that i've only just joined cuz one of my best mates alex dragged me into this but hey it's all good. Anyway she has turned me into a miami obsessive so...Hi again.

I heard about Calleigh getting shot and i totally think they should hospitalize her and then Ryan would visit her and awww so many things could carry on from there.
i think you're in the wrong thread, you're probably looking for the CaRWash thread, this is the CaRWash RP. If you go to shippers central you will find the CaRWash thread there. ;)
Dutchie said:
i think you're in the wrong thread, you're probably looking for the CaRWash thread, this is the CaRWash RP. If you go to shippers central you will find the CaRWash thread there. ;)

Okidoki....thank ya deary :)
His lips quiver," I'm… cold." Even though he was cold his body felt like it was on fire as his temperature climbs and his body shivers.” I hope they….hurry.” His breaths are getting weaker again, his chest is tightening on him,” I need…..lay down….breathe.” He closes his eyes and she feels his body relax as he passes out.
She squeezes his hand, still stroking her hair. She's had it. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know what to think and there's no one to comfort her, all she can do is comfort him. She doesn't scream, she doesn't shake him up, she figures he needs the rest and as long as he keeps breathing and his heart goes on he's okay for now.

"Please..." She begs. "Please guys, wherever you are...please help us soon."
Ryan starts moaning and squirming as he sleeps, he's having a bad dream that Josh is back and he has Calleigh pinned down about to rape her. "No...No…leave her...alone." He cries out from his sleep breathing hard.” Please…no…help me.”
His shaking and talking wakes Calleigh from the short nap she was taking and she shakes his shoulder, trying to wake him this time. "Ryan. Ryan! I'm fine, I'm here. I'm next to you honey, wake up. Wake up please. I love you."
His eyes fly open as he gasps for air," Cal...Cal…he was going to...hurt you...he's coming back for you." He looks into her face," you please don't let...him..." Tears roll down his face," don't let him get you." His body shakes from coldness and fear. He runs his hand through his hair feeling it’s soaked with sweat,” we have…to be ready for him.” He tries to take in a deep breath of air but his lungs won’t let him,” when he comes…back he’s going to kill us…both….we …have to fight to do something.”
"He's not coming back. We're still alone here Ryan, he's not here. Please stay calm now. I need you to stay calm, worrying will only make it worse. Stay calm and lets think of nice things, okay? Lets think about uh..." She has no idea what to say, all she knows is that she needs to calm him down. She can't prepare herself to protect herself from josh, she doesn't have a weapon. "Let's just not think of anything." She leans in resting her forehead against his. Keeping this position she waits until he's calmed down. Then she closes the gap and kisses his lips.

OMG this is sooo hard...*inspiration blows out the window* come back! Nooo! :eek:
Your doing great Nikki...sry I'm not giving you much to work with but Ryan's dying ok...hehe.

He listens to her sweet voice as he concentrates on breathing and calming down. She holds him close putting their heads together then she kisses him. A chill goes through his body as their lips touch. He opens his eyes staring into her eyes," I'm scared....I don't want to...loose you. I so much." He brings his hand up to her face gently touching it," are you…ok look.....terrible." He says in a shaken voice.