CaRWash RP

{*Sets up cake and pop in RP* Happy Birthday Twiz!!! :D *huggles* I love you, my 'I was drunk when I slept with you' Ryan. :p}
[*Comes to the rescue*.. Erm.. Well, not yet. :lol:]

Delko told Natalia that everything would be fine and that she had to stay calm. He was right. Well, about one thing. She needed to stay calm, the last thing anyone needed was a girl who couldn't keep it together. Calleigh, if she was alive, was probably being stronger then Natalia. She wiped away her tears before speaking, "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll be fine." The rest of the car ride was quiet, but each of them knew what was running through everyone's mind.

They finally got to road number 31, and got out of the car. Their eyes met the railroad and they knew where they had to go. A bit further away were three abandoned houses. Delko and Tripp put one of their hands on their gun before starting to walk towards the houses. With every step they took, their pace increased. Who knew how much time they had.. If they even had time at all.

They approached one of the houses in silence. By the time they got to the front door, Tripp and Delko had their guns drawn, and Natalia was following close behind. Tripp tried to open the door but it was locked. "Shit-" Natalia was cut off by the sound of the door breaking. Tripp had kicked it open. "Nevermind." They stepped inside, looking for any possible evidence of Calleigh and Ryan...
[HAPPY B-DAY SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :lol:]

Frank kicked the door open and progressed into the house, gun drawn. His eyes scanned the dim hall way and the adjacent rooms. He was straining for a clue...any clue that might reveal the whereabouts of Calleigh and Ryan. He spotted some creepy looking pictures, and saw just how derilict the house was. It would be easy for someone to leave something in here and it never be found, but they were going to find Cal and Ryan.
'Delko, check the back kitchen and downstairs rooms...Natalia come with me, we're going to check up stairs. And Delko? If you find anything yell. Same to you Natalia, even if it looks insignificant i wanna know...'
{Cumpleaños feliz, te deseo a ti, cumpleaños Sue, cumpleaños feliz :D :D Happy B-day Sue :D}

Delko heard Natalia saying she'll be ok, but he wasn't sure about it 'cause he didn't still trust her a lot, if he was nervous himself only God could know how nervous she was.

Finally they spotted railroad 31 after arriving that place. They got into one of the house. Delko started checking the kitchen, it seemed that no one had been there in ages, that wasn't the house definitively. He still had to look in the rest of the rooms downstairs. He walked, Natalia went downstairs and joined him, suddenly they heard a big noise coming from one of them.
Natalia followed Delko and Tripp into the old house. Looking around, Natalia got the shivers. She couldn't stand knowing Ryan and Calleigh could have been trapped in a place like that for such a long time. She followed Tripp for a while, but they weren't finding anything, so he told her to go with Delko downstairs. She found him half way down the stairs. "Hey, Tripp wants me to help you out." They were going down the stairs when they heard a very loud sound from the rooms at the bottom. Natalia almost fell down the stairs because it startled her so much. Eric asked her if she was okay and told her she had to be quiet. "I'm fine.. I know, I'm sorry. That sound..." She trailed off as she saw a shadow under one of the doors in the basement. "Oh my God.. Eric, look! Something's in there!" She whispered. Delko carefully and quietly ran down the rest of the stairs and Natalia followed. He instructed her to get on the wall beside the door. Delko stepped infront of the door and opened it with his gun drawn. Much to their surprise, a few rats scurried out from the room. Natalia felt like she was going to pass out. First, she thought the shadow could have been Calleigh or Ryan, or the person who kidnapped them, but then she found out it was rats. Natalia hates rats. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Delko!!! Ewww!!!" She said in a whispered scream.
Delko couldn't believe Natalia almost fell down when they heard that sound. Suddenly she saw a shadow under one of the doors. Delko opened the door carefuly... a few rats came out of the room "Damn" said delko loudly. "They can't be here. This place is so abandoned, and dirty. I think our feet are the first that have been here in ages. Come on Natalia. Let's join Frank upstairs".
Thanks again for all the b day wishes and presents, you guys rock.
I am loving this, great job to everyone writing, it's awesome.

Ryan feels her lips against his, something that he had longed forever for and now it was finally happening and he wasn't going to let that be their last kiss. He gets a strange sensation throughout his body of hope and determination.
” Cal there has to be....something in here to help us." He looks into her eyes," my's been giving problems." He gasps for air," but it works you have to...try it somewhere else in here." He looks around the room," there has to be here we can.....use against Josh when he comes back. Please Cal I don't want this to be it for us….. I love you, I will always love you." He brings his bloody hand to her face gently touching her bruised up face," I love you." He leans to her kissing her lips gently
{Katie, I couldn't help but say: I love you my 'I love you with all my heart and have loved you ever since I met you and will love you forever' Ryan. Hmm...seems I got the better part in this RP eh? :lol:}

"I love you too Ryan, we'll be okay." She places her hand over his and kisses him back softly, then pulls back. She looks at his bloody hand and face. "I'm gonna get the water, we need to clean this up." She stands up -not before grabbing his cell phone with her- and walks to the other side of the room. "Still nothing." She bows down to her purse, which Josh had throw there, and took out a bottle of water and a packet of handkerchiefs. Walking all around the room to get back to Ryan she checked for connection. Nothing.

She kneeled down and took a handkerchief and held it over the bottle, then tilted the bottle so it got a bit wet. She looked over at him. "Do you want to do this yourself? I don't want to hurt you."
He watches her as she walks around the room searching for a signal for his cell," Damn I knew I should have dropped this cell provider." He thinks in his head.

She comes back over to him wetting down a handkerchief asking him if he wants to clean himself up.
"Would you mind doing it....I'm having....some problems moving, my whole body hurts so." He swallows down a huge lump in his throat," I'm sure you won't hurt me."
" might sting. Be a big boy now." She smiles at him and extremely carefully lets the cloth touch his hand. She starts wiping the blood off both his hands and makes the cloth wet again, this time wiping his face. She doesn't want to know how she looks herself, but probably not much better. After she's done she kisses his lips - you take every chance you get in a situation like this - and takes a sip of the water. "Are you sure you don't want some?"
He grits his teeth as she run the cloth over his hands and face, she was right it was stinging, but afterwards she kissing his lips making him forget about the pain. He felt better also because he knew he was cleaned up a little and right now his OCD was kicking in hard. This house he was in was his worse nightmare, not just because he was being held captive there but because it was filthy. The floor he had been put on was covered in dirt and smelled like urine. He had plenty of time to stare at the walls wondering which piece of wall paper was going to fall down first and to count the holes in them. Then there was what seemed to be furniture of some sorts covered over by dust covered blankets. As if the pain he was in wasn't enough he had to suffer with this OCD nightmare. Then when he finally got to see his own hands he just imagined how bad his face looked, covered in blood. So now being cleaned up was making him feel a little better.
” A sip of water would be nice.” He leans his head forward and she helps him take a sip of water, but he chokes on it. He holds the handkerchief up to his mouth as he coughs. His chest and stomach feels like he’s being beaten again as he coughs.
When he’s done he looks at the handkerchief covered in blood,” that can’t be good.” He puts his head down with his eyes closed. He knows time isn’t on his side.
{"That can't be good." Omg understatement of the year! HEHE had me laughing for a good 2 minutes. :lol:}

"It's not. Could be a sign of internal bleeding." She took the handkerchief and threw it away. "Are you okay? I mean of course you're not but..." She sighed. "Nevermind. I don't know what I'm doing anymore exept driving myself nuts with worries. I...I love you so much...please don't leave me." She places a hand on his chest. "Don't make me be alone here."

She'd actually wanted to clean herself up too but if Ryan was coughing up blood that meant he was in worse shape than she thought. He was her first priority.
He feels his chest getting tight again making him labor harder to breathe.” Cal we need do ....something." He gasps for air," I don't have much time." He takes her hand," there has to be...some..thing in here like a stick… we can use against him." He points," have you tried… pulling the boards off the… windows? Maybe …you can get out.” He doesn’t want her to leave him but he knows they have very few options and time is running out for him.
"It's a lost action Ryan, I'm a woman, I'll never get them down. Stay calm now, don't panic, it will only make it harder for you to breathe. Josh is not here now, we don't have to worry about him." She squeezes his hand. "All we have to do is keep you alive. Hang on okay, I'm gonna try the cell phone in the one place I think it can work."

She walked to the door and a bar appeared. "Oh my god there's something." She dialed a number. "Pick up, pick up...come on...pick up now, you're the only person I can be sure of having a cell phone..." She looked at Ryan. "YES! Natalia, is that you? Can you hear me, Natalia it's Calleigh. We're still alive, but we're running out of time. You HAVE to find us! Natalia? Can you hear me? Help us!"
He nods his head slightly," I'm trying not to panic but...I'm scared, there's so much...I want to and me." He fights to hold back his tears as she gets up to check the cell again.
He hears her yell out she has a connection," oh please let this work." He whispers to himself.
[Yeah.. I really did get the wrong side, didn't I? :lol: But alteast I got to go to an Aerosmith concert with Ryan. HA!! :p]

Natalia, Delko and Tripp search the old house a bit more before they decide there is no possible way Calleigh and Ryan were in that house. "I guess it's on to the next one." Natalia sighed and followed behind Delko and Tripp as they drew their guns again.

As soon as Natalia stepped into the house, her cellphone went off. "Oh shit! Sorry!" The loud rining was not good for their investigation. Natalia looked down at the caller ID and her eyes got huge. "Oh..My God. It's Ryan's cell!" Without wasting another moment she opened her phone and practicly screamed into the phone. "Ryan!! Ryan, where are you!? Calleigh!? Where's Ryan! Is he alive? Don't hang up we're coming! WHERE ARE YOU!?" She covered her ear opposite the phone trying to listen to Calleigh. The reception was horrible, and Calleigh's voice sounded so distant.

Calleigh started to tell Natalia where she was but all of a sudden the line went dead. "No! Calleigh! Calleigh, are you there?!" She hesitated before closing the phone. "I lost her. I..It..We lost the call."