CaRWash RP

“Oh thank God she turned me down. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking asking to come back here to talk. No matter what I say it’s not going to change anything, it’s still all going to be a huge mess.” He tells himself.
He looks back down at the car,” now how do I deal with her? This is different because I love her and I want her and now I blew that.”
He walks back down slowly then climbs into his seat. He glances over at her and she’s still doing her death stare. He turns on the car and heads to her house. The drive there is a cold silence.
When he gets back into the car, Calleigh doesn't say a word. She doesn't feel the need to say a word, she doesn't know what to say anyway. On one side she is so mad, so mad at him for sleeping with Natalia, and for lying to her about it, but on the other hand; it's his life. She doesn't want him to interfere with her life, why would she interfere with his? Because he cared for him. No, wrong. Because she loved him.

Huh. You kinda blew that, didn't you girl? You were yelling at him, at Natalia, you acted like a total Bitch. Now he must think very highly of you. And it was all going so well. He saved you from Josh, he was so worried he turned Natalia down, he touched even laughed in the car together. And now, here you sit, in silence, staring in front of you.

She desperatly wants to break the silence, to say something...but nothing comes to mind. And as he parks the car in front of her house, she gets out without a word and makes her way over to her front door.
As Ryan drives down the street his mind won’t stop,” you really blew Wolfe, any chance you had is gone. Why in the hell did things go so wrong?”
He wants to say something to her but what “I’m sorry.” That hasn’t worked so far. He parks in front of her house and she gets out quickly without a word.
He watches as she walks away from his car.” Do something Wolfe.”
He jumps out running as fast as he can to her. He steps in front of her making her stop.” Calleigh please talk to me. Please forgive me. I made a mistake, a terrible mistake but can’t you just forgive me? I mean I forgave you and I think your mistake was bigger than mine. I don’t know why I let what happened happen but you know me, I don’t sleep around. It was a mistake.”
He jumps in front of her asking her to forgive him. He says her mistake was bigger and he forgave her too. He's got a point there.

"Maybe it was a mistake Ryan, but this is Natalia. You slept with Natalia for the second time and you knew she was the mole. She still is, you just won't believe me, you're falling for her 'victim' act again. And I don't care anymore. I don't care. It just...I thought everything would be okay after you saved me from Josh...but now it's all worse."
Ryan puts his hand up in a defensive stance,” wait a minute…I didn’t sleep with her before, this was it. Nothing happened between us before. Yeah ok I made a mistake this time but that’s it. Last time we went out once and that was it. I don’t know I just knew she wasn’t it. Then we found out she was a mole and I was so glad nothing became of us.”
He stops talking and his mind wonders off. All this time he’s been defending himself to these two women, why? He understood why for Natalia. He did something terrible to her, but Calleigh. Why was she so pissed? They were both acting innocent and victimized.
“I’m a victim here too. My friend was killed, Calleigh has been mad at me for trying to protect her from her killer boyfriend, and I made a huge mistake that I have to live with. Why am I even bothering?” He asks himself.
His mind comes back to Calleigh. She’s standing in front of him staring at him.
He swallows down a lump knowing these next words may destroy him. “I don’t get it Cal. Why the hell are you so mad at me about sleeping with Natalia? It’s not like I cheated on you or something.” He raises his voice a little louder with a touch of anger in it,” You had a boyfriend, it’s not like you care about me or you love me, so why are we even fighting about this? Why are you mad at me? I made a mistake that I have to live with. You have my head so screwed up with your feelings and your problems, well I have problems too.” He puts his head down not believing he just said that to her.
Shit. Shit shit shit, he got her. Why did she care anyway? Because she loved him. Because she was jealous. But she was not gonna tell him that.

"I had a boyfriend, yes, a boyfriend who was a killer, a boyfriend that was a drug dealer...but that doesn't mean I don't care about you! Damnit I care so much for you; you mean the world to me and you just can't see it. And I'm sorry if my problems and feelings have your head screwed up, I should've known. You are the only one I ever told about my feelings and they screw up your head. Thanks. That's very nice of you to say. I'm sorry I tried to be more open to you, to show you I trust you. I am truly sorry for that."
Meanwhile at the lab {Everytime I write this I think about the old Batman show, I don't know why :p}

Eric and Frank are in the interrogation room with Josh. "hey, Josh, how does it feel to be caught?, 'cause I think you know we have you. Manning confessed: you killed Marc Jones. What do you have to say?"

During the whole time, Josh denied having killed Marc. That was very disappointing for Eric. How can he do it? He knows they have 'em.

"Well, I don't need you to confess or something. I have the proofs."
Once again she turns it on him making her the victim. She tells him she does care for him more then he knows, but she doesn’t say she loves him.
” So you care about me? Like what? A friend cares about a friend? Because if that’s the only feelings you have for me then it really doesn’t make any sense why you’re so mad at me for sleeping with Natalia. If we’re just friends you would be more understanding and supportive. You would feel bad for me, not make me out to being a…..bad person for it.” He closes his eyes opening them back up slowly,” I’m glad you trusted me and opened up to me. I’m sorry I blew it. I need you to forgive me, I hate fighting with you. Just tell me you forgive me and we’re still friends, just friends.”
"Yes...I care about you as a friend, how else should I care about you? And I should be more supporting? Fine. I'll feel bad for you. I do, I do feel very bad for you. Come here and hug me."

She didn't know if she meant that or not.

"I hate fighting with you too. So I'll just forgive you and we're done."
He feels so relieved hearing her say she forgives him but his heart sinks hearing her say she cares about him only as a friend. Also he thinks about how she said it. There was no sincerity in her voice. She was just saying she forgives him to make him happy. Then she asks for a hug saying she hates fighting with him. He hugs her and loves the feeling of her being in his arms. But it doesn’t make him feel any better. Even though she said she forgives him and it’s done he knows better.
He pulls away from her,” thanks Cal, I have to go. I’ll see you Monday at work.” He turns away from her heading back to his car. He doesn’t dare look back.
"Bye Ryan..." She says. She's not sure what that think. That part about the hug was sarcastic, but he took it seriously and she loved to hug him, it felt right.

"I will see you on monday..." She added. She wished she'd be able to say that she loved him, but she couldn't.
Ryan doesn't turn around he just puts his hand up waving back at her. He gets in his car and doesn't look her way. He can't, his eyes are filled with tears, again. He drives around for an hour not even paying attention to where he's at. His mind is so full of everything. Calleigh, rather she did forgive him and how much he loves her, for sleeping with Natalia and hurting her, for Marc's death, and Josh. He just wanted him to pay for what he did to Marc and Calleigh. Then he remembers Marc's parents said they had something for him. He heads to their hotel hoping to catch them. He gets to their room and Mr. Jones answers the door. He spends a few hours with them. They first want to know what happened with everyone after the funeral. They saw the fight between him and the other man. Ryan explains it to them letting them know he is the man who killed their son. They talk about the old days when he and Marc were young and growing up. They show him the pictures his parents had giving them. Some from when they went to a summer camp together. He forgot about how great times were back when he was a kid. Then they give him a small box his parents gave to them to give to him. He doesn’t open it. After he’s done visiting them he heads to the lab. He decides he wants to find out from Delko and Tripp how the case is going against Josh. He wants to be there when they slam the cell doors shut on him. He gets to the lab and starts looking for them.

Who will he find and will they have good news or BAD news????
Meanwhile back in the lab....

'hey gunna sit there looking pretty all day or you gunna say something??'Frank turned to Delko 'now that my friend is stupid wrapped in a bow.' He lifted the manilla folder that compiled of manning's interview previously.'Now lets see...right here Josh, Manning tells us everything...and i mean everything. Once he knew we had him he flipped on you quicker than a pancake on shrove tuesday. Your screwed Josh. Face up to the facts...we have you banged to rights...'
Frank turned to Josh waiting for him to retort to the seemingly overwhelming evidence...

'You got anything to say about all this??' Frank look at Josh, his eyes narrowed at Josh's silence. ' Nothing...fine' Frank turned to get up and leave.'
(Josh is coming in look out everyone he is angry :devil:)

Meanwhile back in the lab:

Josh is hearing Eric and Frank out but dont respont on them yet, he is thinking "let them get mad, how angryer the are how better"
He is looking in front of him not at both man, ingnore them more than listing he has his plan and the cant get him for it..The Murder
of Marc. The show off there evidence but there are more fingerprints on the pistol and there where more people there..

Finaly he answers: "You both dont have anything on me, ok my fingerprints are on my gun but i didnt shoot, and you both now that
there are more fingerprints on it.So who can say that im the killer"
"On that day i wash arresting a drugdealer at the time he is murderd you can check the books and the Drugdealer, Gonzales for it"
"He is still in yail, and he it was a big struggle to caught him so some else most grabbed my gun while i was fighting him,
and i heard a shot and look back at me and there was Mark laying already dead" " I looked for my gun but it was gone"
"The rest of the story you both know already and if you dont believe a will write down some names of the people who where there
on the moment"

Franks hands him over a piece of paper and a pen and im just starting write down the names of the man he made a deal with so he comes
clean.. After that he hands it over to Eric and frank saying: " So now you dont have anything more i can go now", "Thanks gentle man
for the warm welcome i had here"

After saying that he can leave and walks away with a big smile on his face ready to do his things,
with Calleigh and paying of with Ryan..
Frank couldn't believe it the worm had somehow managed to wiggle his way out of it! He walked out the room fuming, Delko beside hime. They had no choice but to release Josh. Though they didn't doubt that Josh would slip up eventually, it would have been nice to cuff him and send him down for murder. Now it was up to Both him and Delko to find Ryan and break the news to him. Walking down the corridor, Frank spotted Ryan standing at the opposite end and turned to Delko...'Do you wanna break it to him?...' Frank looked at Eric...