CaRWash RP

{Talking about mood swings, five minutes later she's pissed as hell. Are we sure Calleigh's not pregnant? :lol:}

Calleigh stares straight ahead after she gets in, she doesn't give him one look. He's not worth it right now. First hugging her, holding her close, telling her everything was going to be fine and he wouldn't let Josh hurt her ever again, and then lie to her about his date with Boa, while he slept with her. There was only one word in her mind, but it was for Boa, not for Ryan. Whore. She was just a whore, who slept her way around the lab to get information for the FBI. Again. And Ryan was falling for it all over again.

Then she looks out of the window and sees Boa slapping him. Her eyes widen and she sits up straight. She's about to leave the car as Ryan and Natalia enter. She does her best not to look at Ryan, but turns to Boa, who is crying.

"What is your problem?" She snaps. "You should be happy, you got him a second time around, and now you can just move on to someone else. 'Cause that's what you do. You just move on, breaking people's hearts. I had to pick Eric up from the floor after you dumped him, and I know you didn't know that. Eric loved you. You broke his heart, and now you're just trying to do the same to Ryan. You're just mad he dumped you first."

She takes a breath before throwing in the final punch. "But you know what? It's fine. Go ahead, do your thing. You can have him."

{oooowwww back at ya Ryan. :devil: Katie I want a bitch fight. You might not recognize a cat sound if I make it through the microphone :rolleyes:, but I'm sure you recognize the start of a cat fight. Reine, sorry for involving Eric. ;) You can post if you get in contact with Nathalie and ask her what you're gonna do. Just put "meanwhile in the lab..." above your post.}
Natalia gets in the car and can't help but start bawling. How could everything get from being amazing, to one of the worst days in her life. It didn't help that she had to sit in a car with both Ryan and Calleigh. She just wanted to get home, and never see any of them again. She never wanted to speak to any of them again. Unfortunatly, Calleigh had a different idea. She started yelling at her saying that she should be happy because she got to sleep with him twice, and that she should just move on to someone else, because that's what she does. That's what she did to Eric, and now Ryan.

Natalia looks up from having her face in her hands. She can't believe what she's hearing. "Excuse me?" She didn't even know what to say to that. "Well you know what? Your right. I got to have him twice, I must be so lucky." She said sarcasticly, "And not that it's any of your buisness, but Eric and I breaking up was mutual! He wanted it too. So don't try and pin that on me. Atleast I know when I should break up with someone. People tried to warn you about Josh, but nooo. You were too busy trying to make Ryan jealous to listen to anyone." Natalia couldn't believe she said that, but there was no turning back. "No, I don't want Ryan. YOU can have him. YOU want him. Isn't that right? Who's the whore now?"

[MEOW. Back at you Calleigh. :p :devil: Bring it on! ;)]
Ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Natalia was smarter than she'd thought. But this was not gonna stop her from getting in Natalia's face.

"You're still the whore now. You might wanna get a dictionary and look up the word whore. 'Wanting' someone is not defined as being a whore. Sleeping with multiple people just for sleeping with them is. So think again.

Then about Josh. People warned me, correct, but being a smart woman that I am, I formed my own opinion about him and didn't let others influence me. Cause that's what smart people do. My opinion was wrong, I won't deny that, but I never said I was perfect. Oh, and I heard your comment about me sleeping with a rapist. And for the record: I never slept with Josh."

She could see Natalia's eyes widen and Ryan, she saw from the corner of her eye, sat up straight immediately. There the truth was out. She never did. Everyone just assumed that.

"Yeah, you heard me right. Now your defense is gone isn't it? Oh, and just that you wanted to make Eric jealous with Ryan, doesn't mean everyone wants that. Making Ryan jealous with Josh, right. I happened to really like Josh. I know, that's something you can't do, really like someone."

"Oh and did you hear that Ryan? She doesn't even want you. Wow what a love that is."

{ahh back into my cat fighting with boa. Best thing is, this would never happen on the show, and I still get to do it.}
Ryan stares straight ahead at the road listening to the two women going back and forth at each other. He fights with his stomach acids that keep coming up into his mouth.

He needs to throw up but not in his car," man the mess that would make, plus I have my good suit on." He mutters to himself.
He can't believe the terrible things they are saying to each other and the terrible things about him," hello I’m right here listening.” He rolls his eyes,” like they care."

Then he hears Calleigh say she never slept with Josh. He couldn’t believe it. He did assume she had, I mean after all she was taking his side not believing that he could be so terrible. Hearing that was like pouring salt in a wound. One of the things about her being with Josh was thinking about them being together, sleeping together. Maybe if he had known that maybe he wouldn’t have slept with Boa. Then he hears Calleigh say something in a form of a question to him.
"Oh and did you hear that Ryan? She doesn't even want you. Wow what a love that is."
He plays that back in his head," that sounds good to me."

He glances over at Calleigh then back at Boa," come on you guys need to calm down. Calling each other names and saying hurtful things just isn't going to help ok. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I messed up. This is my all fault and I’m sorry."
"Ryan, you did mess up, but that doesn't matter right now, what matters to me, is that Natalia is out on a mission hurting my friends, my dearest friends."

She glances over at Ryan for the first time this ride. "And I can't stand to see my friends hurt."
He turns his attention back to the road listening to Calleigh. She makes him feel worse by saying Boa was just out to hurt her friends. He didn't really believe Natalia wanted to hurt him. He believed she really did care for him, maybe she didn't really love him, but he knew she cared for him. He had hurt Natalia she wasn't trying to hurt him. She didn't lie to him about her feelings. He knows what he's done to her is wrong and he hurt her.

“Calleigh you’re wrong about Natalia, I hurt her. She didn't do anything wrong but try to get me to love her but I can’t and I shouldn't have let her believe there was a chance for us. This is my fault not hers. She's a victim."
"Fine, believe everything you want, fine by me. I'm sorry that I'm trying to save your heart here. Go ahead, get it broken."

She crosses her arms stares out of the window again. Who was the victim here? The only victim here was her. She had been dating a man who turned out to be a drug dealer and a murderer, she lost her best friend (which she secretly loved) to the lab whore, and uh...well they were all alone now. And she still didn't have the guy. Her life looked like a soap, except for the fact that there was no happy ending here.
"Yeah you've already broken my heart Cal, you have and not Natalia. You should be the one talking. Your trying to save me from a broken heart, ha that's so funny, a little too late for that one." He says to himself not having the courage to say it to her. He glances over at her then in his rear view mirror at Boa.

“Um maybe we should all just sit down and talk this out like adults. I mean we all work together. What are we going to do come Monday? If we let this come between our work and Stetler finds out about it, it could be the end to our team and lab.”
"This won't get between our work Ryan. I'm very professional and no one, and I mean no one, is getting between my job and me. I love my job, I need my job, I AM my job, so don't worry about that. I'll act like I always do at work. Maybe a little less cheerful, but everyone has a bad day once in a while. No need to talk about this. I don't want to talk about this. It's done."

{NO! It's done! ;)}
Natalia sat frozen as Calleigh ate her up and spit her out. She had nothing to say to say back. Luckily, Calleigh started talking to Ryan so Natalia couldn't say anything anyways. She stared in awe as she realized even more, how much things were messed up. Then Calleigh brought Natalia back into it, saying she was just there to hurt everyone. "Hey!" Thats all she could say before Ryan started talking again. Natalia thought for sure Ryan would agree with Calleigh, but instead he said she was the vitim. After more of their fighting, she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Alright thats enough! I've had it with both of you! I've had it with all the shit thats happening ok! We are civilized adults, but we sure as hell aren't acting like ones." She turned her attention to Calleigh before speaking, "You... You know nothing about me. You might think you know, but you dont. How do you know I didn't really love Ryan? I didn't sleep with him just for the fun of sleeping with him. I really loved him. And yes, I can really like someone. Now please, leave me alone!" She turned her head to Ryan, who was struggling to drive with everything going on. "You... Well, lets just say you really messed up. But I agree with you on a few things. YOU broke my heart. I wasn't trying to break yours. Another thing, we need to talk this out. This is rediculous. It will affect our work sooner or later. We all know that. So can we please talk about this?" She sighed as she sat back in her seat.
"No. No way I am talking to you about this. There is nothing to talk about Natalia, what do you wanna say? No. By the way, we're at your house anyway. This is not gonna show at work, at least not from me. It has never showed at work that I don't like her, and it's not going to right now. Goodbye.
Ryan pulls up in front of Boa’s house. He looks up at it remembering the night before, too clearly now. After listening to what both women have had to say Ryan feels like Boa has calmed down enough to talk to him rationally in private.

He turns off his car and looks over at Calleigh,” I’m going to um ….walk her to her door.” He gets nothing from her.

He jumps out and runs to Boa following her up to her house. He steps up to her door,” Natalia, can we please talk about this? I’m really sorry and I don’t blame you for hating me. I don’t know what I was thinking but I didn’t mean to hurt you. I do care about you and I like you…..I just …I just don’t love you.”
He looks into her eyes not sure if he’s going to get any reaction from her. “I just don’t want this to interfere with work. We make a good team at work. Just tell me I didn’t ruin everything.”
Natalia was a bit relieved when Calleigh said she didn't want to talk about it. As long as everything at work would be fine, she would be too.. Maybe.

She gets out of the car and is about to open the door when she realizes Ryan followed her. She listened to everything he said before speaking. "I don't think you have time to talk about this, Ryan. You don't want to keep Calleigh waiting. I mean, you do love her right? That's why you don't love me. Your heart belongs to someone else? If this interfereing with work is all your worried about, then your fine. I won't act any different. So there, everything is great now." Natalia felt her heart breaking even more with every word she said.
He could see the pain in her eyes. He hated himself for hurting her and didn’t want to keep on hurting her.” Natalia I’m not just worried about work, I’m really worried about you. I didn’t mean to hurt.”

He looks back at the car, at Calleigh staring straight ahead. Boa was right he didn’t have the time. He was more worried about Cal then her but he was torn.

He looks into her eyes,” how about after I take Calleigh home I come back and we talk?”
Ryan offers to drive Calleigh home, and then come back and talk to her. "I know before I said we should talk, but the more I think about it, the more I realize there's nothing to say. You love Calleigh, not me. End of story. It's fine, really. You slept with me, told me you loved me, but you were drunk. I get it. I'll see you at work." She opened the door, her hands shaking and stepped inside her house. It was the same as it was the night of the concert. But she knew this night, Ryan wasn't going to be staying the night.