CaRWash RP

{I think I was misunderstood here. I was planning on a funeral where they have to sit and listen to s.o., so I made Cal sit and Josh sit somewhere else. Which means the only two places for Ryan and Natalia is either next to Cal or next to Josh. Seeing Ryan would never sit next to josh he goes to sit next to Cal, while Natalia sits next to Josh, which causes her to be jealous (ryan next to Calleigh instead of her) My plan for the Cal and Josh thing was to do it AFTER the funeral, outside. And the funeral is not over yet. Was I not clear enough? If so, sorry.}
( For me your very clear Dutchie and i wash also waiting for that point so i will still waith because i dont know what to do now so let me know and i hope when can change the storyline a bit back to what the planning wash..)
{Okay sorry, we all had a different idea about this funeral so we all got confused. I'll clear it up. Here we go.}

Calleigh watched Ryan walk back up to Marc's parents, who were treating him like family. Natalia, who looked like she was feeling ignored, walks in the direction of the bathrooms. When she comes back she looks at the two empty places and sits down next to Josh with a sour face. Ryan comes back down eventually and sits down next to Calleigh. He doesn't say a word, he just stares in front of him.

The funeral ends and everyone stands up, making their way outside. Calleigh herself stands up and looks at Ryan. They needed to talk, but then again, so did she and Josh. But Ryan makes his way over to the parents again, so Calleigh joins Josh outside.

"You wanted to talk? We can talk here. What's up?"

{Nathalie, that was your cue.}
"You wanted to talk? We can talk here. What's up?"
Calleigh said to him, not here sweety just walk with me.
But she is refusing so i grab her arm very hard and start to take her with me.. She is saying something but the only thing im just feeling is madniss and she will hear me out but not so close to the others..

after a short walk and standing at his car he finaly starts to talk.

"What was that with Ryan in the Church, i didnt like that" "Are you two togheter because i need to no and what else do you no, or what arent you telling me?"
He is getting more angry because she isnt looking at him and dont answer him.. On that moment he cant help him self and Grab her again this time at her shoulders and pushed her against the car..

" TELL Me what you Know and what they are saying" he yells at her.. " I need to know and now why arent you answering me Calleigh, what is wrong" " Dont you love me any more?"

"Auw youre hurting me" she says to him but he dont wanna her that he wants answers from her and he is hurting her more and his nails are into her skin.. Its makes him so angry like she is a fictum. Poor Calleigh he thinks and he laughs at her. "So im hurting you, what do you think you are doing to me?" " Holding Ryan like that and whisper to him?" " I have feelings to".. \

On that moment he hear footstaps and he let her go but before she can walk away he slaps her into her face, "thats because you dont answer my quistions"..
Before he knows Ryan is in front of him with a angry face and yelling at him..

Thats making him really pissed of and he is starting to hit Ryan not seeing anything around him any more his angryniss is taking over just like the day of the murder of Marc..

(in his mind)
OOO God what are you doing idot there are so many cobs around now, but a other voice is telling him to beat this guy up for nowing what he did and flirting whit his girlfriend..

(ok Ryan or Calleigh go ahead. I hope this is good for the both of you?)
{That's just great Nathalie. I love you.}

Calleigh feels his nails in her skin as he is yelling at her, her back against the hard steel of the car as he smashes her into it. "Ouch, you're hurting me!" He won't listen. "Stop it, you're hurting me!" He slaps her in her face.

Then Ryan shows up and starts pulling Josh off of her, and before she can say anything him and Josh are going at it, fighting. "Stop it! Stop it, Josh, let him go! Let go of him, Josh! Leave him alone! JOSH, STOP IT!
After the funeral Ryan makes his way out into the parking with Boa by his side, neither saying a word to anyone or each other.
As they are walking to his car he sees Calleigh and Josh over by his car," she's leaving with him, nice." He thinks in his head but then he notices him grabbing her and hears her cry out he's hurting her.
He runs over to them and grabs Josh pulling him off her," what the hell is your problem? What are you going to do,kill her too like you did Marc you son of bitch."
He swings at Ryan but he ducks it and Ryan grabs him trying to take him down to the ground. Josh is trying to hit him so Ryan throws a few punches to his head. He hears Calleigh screaming for them to stop but then his mind goes blank from anger and he just wants to hurt Josh for killing his friend and hurting Calleigh.
He finally manages to push him to the ground and he gets on top of him slamming his head into the ground," I should kill you right now." He screams not realizing a crowd has formed around him.
He feels someone pulling him off Josh and he stands up on his own holding his hands up," ok I’m done. I'm ok."
He turns around seeing the crowd but not caring, he’s only looking for one person," Calleigh." He calls out then spots her behind him. He goes over to her," are you ok Cal? Did he hurt you?"
When Ryan is finaly off him he can get from the ground and starts to open the door of his car. When he is looking around he see Calleigh and than gets in the car. Because not so far away from him he also see Eric and Frank and he already knows what the are up to.

He starts the car and drive off like a grazy mad man and try to escape but in his escape he doesnt see where he is going and so he cant come far. Because he run into a tree.
He gets out of his car and start running away from every one with Frank and Eric at his ass..

He dont know where he goes but he have to get away and keeps up running and running... Looking for his gun but he left it in the car. " Stupid me" He thinks.. "Dont stop running dont let them get you" the voice in his head is telling him and he is still running... And dont hear what Eric or Frank is calling to him..
{ok, I'm confused, Ryan was already with Calleigh and now Josh stabbed him in the leg??????? I need to know before my next post and I'm confused.}
Natalia was heading over to Ryan's car with Ryan, finally getting to go home. Unfortunatly, she couldn't leave just yet. Both her and Ryan noticed Calleigh with Josh.. They also both noticed when she got shoved up against the car. "Oh my God." She couldn't help but blurt that out. Before she knew it, Ryan was ontop of Josh punching him in the head. Both Natalia and Calleigh were yelling at them to stop it. "Ryan!! Please just stop it! Your going to hurt yourself." She stared over at Calleigh who was on the other side of Josh and Ryan. They looked at eachother coldly for a second before turning their attention back at the fight.

Finally someone pulls Ryan off of Josh and he backs off. Natalia was about to run over to him and ask if he was ok, but before she could, he was over with Calleigh. "Damn it," she mumbled under her breathe. She didn't want Ryan to get to talk to Calleigh alone, but by the time she made her way through all the people, it was a little too late for that. When she finally got over to Ryan and Calleigh she needed to know if Ryan was hurt. "Ryan are you okay? What were you thinking? You could have got yourself killed.. That guy doesn't care about anyone but himself! Look what he's done to other people!" She took a much needed breath before she was going to continue. She still had a lot to say but Ryan cut her off. He said he was fine and that he wanted to talk to Calleigh by himself. Natalia looked over at Calleigh and then back over at Ryan. "What?" She stared at both of them waiting for an answer. She wasn't sure what exactly she wanted them to say, but when they stared at her with a blank expression she continued. "Fine. Have your... your... private talk." She turned around, and stormed off. She couldn't believe this.
After Ryan is pulled off of Josh the only thing he cares about is finding out if Calleigh is ok. He doesn’t even realize that Josh jumped to his feet and took off in his car at a high speed recklessly. He gets to her and asks her a few times if she’s ok not getting a response. Next thing he knows Boa comes up asking him if he’s ok, telling him he could have got himself killed. He doesn’t care what she is saying all he cares about is Calleigh.
He glances at Boa,” I’m fine Natalia just leave me alone, I need to talk to Calleigh by myself. I’m sorry just give me some time.”
He turns his total attention back to Calleigh,” Cal, are you ok?”

She’s so dazed she doesn’t answer him again. He doesn’t even hear Boa telling him fine and storming off.

He runs his hand over her face gently,” come on Cal talk to me. Say something please.” He stares into her eyes with his filled with tears.
{No problem Nathalie. Good job, the fight was great.}

Calleigh snaps out of her thought the moment she feels Ryan's hand on her face. "I'm...I'm okay." She cringes when his hand touches her cheek where Josh slapped her, it is probably red and she can still feel it. She looks at her wrists and rubs the sore spots. "He...he really did kill Marc, didn't he?" She asked. She couldn't think of another reason for Josh to hurt her, yelling at her to give him the information he needed...he really did kill Marc, and Ryan was right all along. She was involved with a killer, she had let her faith in Josh come between her and Ryan's friendship, she had been so naive that she had let Josh ruin her life.

"Oh my god he killed him..." She looked up into his tear filled eyes and her own eyes started to tear right there and then. "He killed your best friend and I was defending him all along...and I didn't even love him. I never loved him." She swallows. "Oh god Ryan what have I done?" She falls into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." She cries. "I'm so sorry Ryan, please...I'm so sorry..."
Ryan tries to get her to answer him but still no response. “Cal say something please. Are you ok?” She finally looks up at him saying she’s okay but he can tell by the painful expression she has that her face is sore where he is touching her. He looks her over seeing markings already appearing on her wrist and face. He’s so worried about her he’s not noticing anything else going on around him.
Then Calleigh looks at him and asks "He...he really did kill Marc, didn't he?"
Ryan nods,” yes Cal he did. I tried telling you but…” He stops he doesn’t want to go any farther with it. He sees no sense in it now.
But then she looks at him and her eyes fill with tears and she says to him that she was defending him and she didn’t even love him. Hearing her say she didn’t love him made him feel so much better. But then she falls into his arms crying saying she was sorry.
He holds her tightly whispering in her ear,” it’s ok Cal, everything is going to be ok. We all make mistakes.” He thinks about his mistake with Boa and how he never wants Calleigh to find out what happen between them.
He rubs her back while holding her in his arms. He loves having her there, he just wished it was under different circumstances but he’s happy he’s the one here for her.
“It’s going to be ok Cal. Look at me.” He pulls her back looking into her eyes,” do you want me to take you home or maybe to the hospital to have them check you.”

OK I think Nikki is gone for a day or so SO if anyone else wants to jump in and maybe go after Josh that be good..someone...anyone?
{I just got home, I'm tired and about to drop dead, so if this post doesn't make sense...tell me when I wake up again. :eek: *snore*}

"I'm...I'm fine. I just wanna go home, I just want to get away from here." She says. He nods and they start to walk towards his car. Just before they get in Calleigh stops, making him stop as well and turn at her. "Please..." She pleads, "...please forgive me. Please be able to forgive me, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant for Marc to die because of Josh, I...forgive me, please?"

{HEHE, however I'm about to drop dead I do remember Boa was brought by Ryan. So if Ryan drives Cal home Boa stays behind without a ride. :devil: :lol:}
Eric was sitting with Frank in the church. Catching Josh wouldn't be easy, especially because he was with Calleigh all the time during the funeral, actually they sat near of them. Josh looked at them, he knew what they were going to do. At the end of the funeral, everybody went out of the church, they've been paying attention to each Josh movement.

Then they see him arguing with Cal, and he hits her, Ryan fighting with Josh, and then he tries to escape in his car. Frank and Eric run to their car and start chasing him, he doesn't get very far: crashes into a tree "We're lucky today Frank :D Maybe he's injured". But they weren't so lucky, Josh opens the door of the car and tries to escape. Frank and Eric run behind him, "Wow, this guy runs like hell" finally they catch him, and lead him to their car. Everybody in the parking were looking at them. "Well, Josh I think you have many things to explain."