Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I hope the note thing is the sinking of that ship. Sorry to those in favour of it, but I just do not see the chemistry there. Plus, that whole thing felt very high school to me. If they have to give Danny romance, at least give him a more adult, mature go at it. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
lookaboomerang said:
Well, isn't Hawkes supposed to give Danny a little note or something from Lindsay? Am I making that up?
No, you're not making that up. It happens at the end of "The Lying Game," which airs in two weeks. This isn't the Lindsey bashing thread, so I'll limit my rant, but seriously what kind of person just leaves a note for the man who cares about her? Show him the respect of the personal good-bye he deserves ... and, oh yeah, grow the f**k up.
Agreed. At least tell him in person that you're leaving and what's going on.

I'm usually not too hot on the idea of Lindsay and Danny, but every once in awhile my hopeless romantic side wins me over and I end up loving them for a minute. :lol:
Everytime I catch Flack staring at Danny on screen, my hopeless romantic side wins me over. Admit it, you know Danny has better chemistry with Flack then he does with Lindsey.

Well, I do have to admit that. I won't hold my breath there. They can have their little relationship behind closed doors...leaves more to the imagination that way. "Hoops on Saturday" = something other than that. :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ I agree. It's tasteless to tell someone you know so well something like that over a note or text message. It's only acceptable if you've known the person for like, a day & Lindsay knows exactly how Danny feels for her. It's only common courtesy & sense to tell him face to face. I know if was him I'd be choked.

Oh, and as a future role for Carmine I'd love him to play him as a James Bond like character. I can totally see him pulling off a suave like spy with all the ladies falling for him. Not in a romantic comedy sense but more like action adventure. Just thinking about that role is a huge turn on :devil:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Everytime I catch Flack staring at Danny on screen, my hopeless romantic side wins me over. Admit it, you know Danny has better chemistry with Flack then he does with Lindsey.

Well, I do have to admit that. I won't hold my breath there. They can have their little relationship behind closed doors...leaves more to the imagination that way. "Hoops on Saturday" = something other than that. :devil:
I agree about leaving some aspects of the relationship behind closed doors. I'm certainly not adverse to reading the graphic XXX Danny /Flack fan fic some of the girls write, but that's not actually what I'm talking about. I'd like to see them have a mature gay relationship that focuses on the friendship and male bonding. Throw in some 'come hither' glances and very occassional innuendo so it's clear what's going on. I think they have great chemistry that could be taken further and it'd be fun to see that played in a non-Will & Grace sort of way. And I think both Carmine and Eddie have the openness and maturity to play that onscreen.

Oh, and as a future role for Carmine I'd love him to play him as a James Bond like character. I can totally see him pulling off a suave like spy with all the ladies falling for him. Not in a romantic comedy sense but more like action adventure. Just thinking about that role is a huge turn on.
Oooh, I could go for that. Not trying to be mean to Carmine here, but I'm not sure he's handsome enough in a traditional sense to be cast in a role like James Bond. I could see Eddie being a better choice for that. Carmine is better for the more character-driven stuff than the "Ladies fall at my feet simply because I'm so damn gorgeous" kind of roles. He could certainly do all the character aspects of the role though and I think he'd make a pretty rockin' suave, spy, action dude/ladies man.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Everytime I catch Flack staring at Danny on screen, my hopeless romantic side wins me over. Admit it, you know Danny has better chemistry with Flack then he does with Lindsey.

Now I'm a bit confused. Are you talking about a "gay-thing" between Flack and Danny? :eek:
Please, please correct me if I'm wrong and I hope I am.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^^Nope. You're reading that correctly! You should do a little reading. I was kinda skeeved out about it at first too, but if you find the right fic author, you just might find yourself liking the pairing.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh sweet CarmineFan, I realize you've been a member of this board for less than two weeks, so I hate to corrupt your innocence like this. But with time you'll note there are two contingents of Danny fans on this board. There are the Danny/Lindsey lovers (who appear to have the writers on their side) and then there are the girls who prefer to dream of Danny/Flack. :devil: I believe Danny/Flack fan fiction has reached such epic proportions that it's actually an entire genre of internet fiction and even has a website devoted exclusively to that pairing. :lol: If you're at all adverse to that notion, fear not. It's not real. It's something the fans have created.

EDIT: To second what Lookaboomerang just said, I initially had the mentality of - But I'm female and I like Danny so I want Danny to like girls. But really when you find a fic author you like, it's not too hard to be sold on Danny/Flack. In my opinion a lot of the Danny/Lindsey stuff I've read (admittedly, not much) doesn't feel right to me because Danny ends up getting distorted too far off the character I love. But with the Danny/Flack stuff, they can both be kept true to character and it just works.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
If you're at all adverse to that notion, fear not. It's not real. It's something the fans have created.

But ... b-but ... I know it's real! :( It's like ... Santa Claus! And the Easter Bunny! Sure, ya can't see them, but you can feel them in your heart. Right?

:p Okay, seriously, it's just a fan thing *cough*fornow*cough*. It's gonna be a looooong time before anything overtly relationshippy happens between Danny and Flack. The subtle stuff has already been all over their faces and body language since season one. :lol:

So yeah, we've talked about Carmine's current character, Danny, as well as his other roles and possible roles he might play in the future. Should he decide to leave CSI:NY in the future (make that distant future ;)), how do you think the writers are going to write that in, what with Danny being such a popular character and all? And what will the effect on the rest of the team be?

(Just trying to start new discussion, that's all, heheh. :D)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

He'd be a hard one to write out. If you kill him, there's going to be a massive uproar. You thought Aiden was bad...that will be a cake walk compared to Danny. :lol: I think that they'd have to make it true to his nature. He's going to have to mess up and be fired, with no chance of seeing him again because he's moved elsewhere.

And in true CSI:NY fashion, the other characters will pretend that he's in the bathroom or just in the other room and will not seem effected at all. Don't get me started tonight... :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
Don't get me started tonight... :lol:

:lol: :lol: You and me both sister.

Seriously .. what is with today? Astrological? Full moon? I thought it was just me having an extreme case of Buggeroffitis today.

Or me uncovering my own little internet stalker. Talking about what we were earlier (fans, stalkers etc)... I've got one bloke who contacted me who is now visiting my site 100's of times a day and it's a bit creepy. I don't know how Carmine handles it on such a HUGE scale (shudder) but it's pissing me off ... :mad:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

crankyjules said:
Or me uncovering my own little internet stalker. Talking about what we were earlier (fans, stalkers etc)... I've got one bloke who contacted me who is now visiting my site 100's of times a day and it's a bit creepy. I don't know how Carmine handles it on such a HUGE scale (shudder) but it's pissing me off ... :mad:

Geez, woman, please be careful. :eek: Visiting your website hundreds of times? Did he tell you that for himself, or did you find out about that some other way? Either way, that is obsessive beyond belief. Crossed paths with a few of those myself, but luckily, they vanished after I ignored them for some time. As long as you don't respond or give attention to them, they'll leave eventually.

Unless they're the really, really obsessed ones. Then ... ya better get out the stalker-whacker.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

If Carmine wanted out of CSI: NY, they'd probably kill Danny off like they have the character of every other actor who wanted off a CSI show (Rory, Vanessa). All I can say about that is that I hope it doesn't happen (him leaving, that is).

Danny and Flack might not be canon yet, but the staring is canon. See Kimmy's avatar. ;)

Lindsay's a moron for leaving the note, but she's been a moron for most of her time on the show, so what else is new?

I don't want to see Danny angst about it--seriously, nothing is more unattractive than a whiny, mopey man. He should move on and the writers should deep six the storyline and hope it never comes back. Put aside the lack of chemistry between Carmine and Anna (if you can) and look at Carmine's performances in those scenes. He's fantastic in pretty much everything else in the show, but he's not good in the scenes where Danny is supposed to be pining for Lindsay.

Hell, in that article Mrs.G linked to above (with the 40% comment) he says he wishes his love interest in the show was Jane from DNA! And that's after skirting a question about Lindsay by answering about Danny's dynamic with Mac. Could the guy be any more obvious about not being happy with the storyline? I know actors are sometimes wary of the direction the writers take their character in, but he just really seems to not like it and it shows on screen.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:
Did he tell you that for himself, or did you find out about that some other way?
Found out another way. He's only contacted me twice. The second time I ignored him. I'm hoping he'll get bored after a few days and nick off.

As long as you don't respond or give attention to them, they'll leave eventually.
I imagine that's most likely. He lives over the other side of the world anyway ... not like I'm in any physical danger :D

Unless they're the really, really obsessed ones. Then ... ya better get out the stalker-whacker.
Sounds intruiging ... where do you get those? Same place as the robospanker? :eek:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

If Carmine would leave CSI:NY it's possible that his career will "end". See Matthew Perry for example. After "Friends" Matthew made some movies which weren't much successful. But if you see Jennifer Aniston on the otherside, there can be a diffrent way after leaving a succesful tv-show.
Sure, it will be sad if he would leave CSI NY. But if he thinks that's better for him, he should do it.

I think I've never used the word "if" so much before :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Hell, in that article Mrs.G linked to above (with the 40% comment) he says he wishes his love interest in the show was Jane from DNA! And that's after skirting a question about Lindsay by answering about Danny's dynamic with Mac. Could the guy be any more obvious about not being happy with the storyline? I know actors are sometimes wary of the direction the writers take their character in, but he just really seems to not like it and it shows on screen.

:lol: That would definitely be a lot more interesting, I think! Jane's a little sassy, I think she'd be able to keep him into shape.