Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Ohh, babe, Carmine and Eddie and Hill in one movie? Talk about fodder for a threeso- I mean, wonderful! I can't wait to see it when it comes out. :devil: :D

And on Danny's sexiness, I second MrsG's opinion. Although ... I feel that Carmine's sexiness isn't really the in-your-face type either. He has more of a boyish charm sometimes. Then again, I'm a complete and utter freak (I'll let you figure out the connotation of the word), so my judgement on how overt somebody's sexiness and sexuality isn't the most reliable one for everyone. :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Well I don't know ANYTHING anymore beyond that one of his favourite directors is Jim Jarmusch and that's enough for me. I'm in la la land now :D :lol: Our new friend Ratt and her prezzie of that interview from Panama have singlehandedly turned me into a swooning moron. :eek:

So excuse me if I can't contribute anything resembling intelligent and coherent conversation for a while. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I tried to find "Fallen Arches" here in Germany, but it wasn't possible. There are some more movies of Carmine's which I couldn't get here. It seems like it's only possible in the USA. I think that's not fair. I was curious about the movies you all were talking about and wanted to see them but here in Germany it's not possible! :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^^Try looking on or something similar. I'm pretty sure they'd have it. And if you guys have Netflix over there, that's how I got to see it.

I've noticed that, too, and I find it very interesting. I think there's something uniquely sexy about Danny--he's very sensual, very unconsciously sexy, and I've noticed other characters on the show react to that (a lot of the guest stars especially).

Well, hello! You think about having to walk in and do scenes with that not being used to seeing him all day, everyday. :lol: I think I might have a problem trying to keep my emotions under control too.

And on the sexiness thing, Danny knows he's got it but seems to prefer to not have it not brought up by colleagues or suspects. Carmine, on the other hand, I'm not sure of. I know he's been told numerous times, but I'm not thinking he buys into it. Seems a little embarrassed and shy about having attention from it. I think he'd rather have, "Oh my god, that scene with you and so and so was really great last night!" than, "Oh my god, you looked so HOT in that scene last night!"
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ Duh. No one wants to be appreciated for their looks over their talent. :lol: He's far too intelligent to be truly flattered by the superficial crap. I think he really cares about his work and that people appreciate that.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^:lol: Duh? Anyway, I realize that, but it seems sometimes that we're so quick to spout out a compliment to boost self esteem and 9 times out of 10, it's about someone's looks. It's just the way things work! Duh. ;)
Wow. Thank you so much for this thread. I'm a Carmine fan, but not in the locker room kind of way, so this is making me happy. In fact, I took a 2 month hiatus from this forum because I wanted to have a discussion other than "Ooh I want to take his pants off."

I was unfamiliar with Carmine's work until CSI: NY, but my favorite, and what made me a fan, was Run Silent, Run Deep. The raw emotion he showed in the scene with his brother and then Mac made me a total believer - I stood up and took notice.

I want to see him in more movies. I think he would do well in crossing over.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^Welcome to the forum live4tv! :) I loved his performance in "Run Silent, Run Deep" too. I don't think it would be easy to cry on command in front of a crew of people for who knows how many takes, but Carmine really did a great job in that episode and made it believable.

crankyjules said:
I don't get how anyone could call Danny a player in the first place. What's he done to be labelled a player? :confused: And you're right about the sexuality ... that's something I hadn't even thought of before. How an actor can give a character a different 'sex appeal' than his own is beyond me. I wonder actually if it's an unconscious thing; if Carmine's even aware of it. Or whether it's simply a byproduct of all that passion and edginess.

I honestly couldn't say, but I find it very impressive. I don't know enough about Carmine to make any presumtions about him beyond what I see, but Danny's sexuality seems to be something he's mostly unaware of. I don't imagine an actor can be unaware in that way, since so much of what actors do is based on their appearance (both physically and how they carry themselves). But Danny is a science geek--and yet an unquestionably sexy one. I love how that comes out without Danny being aware of it.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Tiara4Carmine - Thanks for the info about "This is Not a Test." Very cool. Can't wait to see that. According to imdb, it's currently filming and has a $1 million budget. I love small indie films. I'm excited for a little Hill/Carmine/Eddie collaboration outside CSI:NY.

I agree. Sounds like an interesting project. As it's currently filming I wonder if the CSI guys filmed it over their Christmas break?

I'm dying for more information. The only other thing I can see of interest is that it's got Tom Arnold in it...not quite sure what to make of that one....
live4tv said:
Wow. Thank you so much for this thread. I'm a Carmine fan, but not in the locker room kind of way, so this is making me happy. In fact, I took a 2 month hiatus from this forum because I wanted to have a discussion other than "Ooh I want to take his pants off."
Welcome, live4tv! Glad you like the thread and hopefully now that there's a more substantive thread, you'll visit us more often. ... Don't misunderstand though, I think we all want to take his pants off. We just got bored of talking about that. :lol:

I was unfamiliar with Carmine's work until CSI: NY, but my favorite, and what made me a fan, was Run Silent, Run Deep. The raw emotion he showed in the scene with his brother and then Mac made me a total believer - I stood up and took notice.
It would be hard for anyone to watch that and not take notice. The ability and willingness to expose ones self so fully is kind of rare.

I'd really like to know more about this upcoming Hill/Carmine/Eddie movie too. You better believe I'll be watching that at the first available opportunity.
I'm a little late on the dicussion but I need to add in my two cents. I adore how Danny & Carmine are so unaware of how beautiful they are. Nothing, & I mean nothing, is a worse then a man who is in love with themselves & who constantly play up on their vanity. I mean the ones who take photos of themselves shirtless & go, "OMG lyke look at my 6 pack!" :rolleyes:

The fact that they're both not fixated on their physical apperance is sexy as well. I love how Carmine takes so greatly about his family life, his career etc without bringing up the fact that's he beautiful. Don't worry, we all realized that :devil:.

Being with a guy who can talk about something besides that he can benchpress 200 is good, & Carmine seems like that. Save the vanity & hogging the mirror for us ladies :lol:. Basically, modesty is why I love Carmine. Once he falls in love with himself I'm gonna, but I doubt that'll happen. Just let him play up on his career & talents & interests & it's all good ;).
I liked Jane... Unlike with Peyton, I never found her accent annoying. I agree, She's very classy. Heehee
Same. I loved Jane! Loads of people actually thought that she had something with Mac... Is she coming back anyway? I miss her!

Being with a guy who can talk about something besides that he can benchpress 200 is good, & Carmine seems like that.
Yep. :) He seems to be so deep and that's really rare in actors and celebrities. He's not self-centered and that's why we love him!

The new movie seems awesome! I can't wait to see it! I love it when actors bond outside their main project. :) It seems so real. Does anyone know what it's about?
^Hopefully, a love triangle. :lol: :devil:

Getting back to Danny, I've been thinking about something from Las Vegas in the last episode--Grissom told Warrick he's the rock of the team. I think in NY, the rock of the team is definitely Stella, but I think the heart of the team is Danny. Each of the characters cares about him and individually has a special relationship with him (kind of like Calleigh on Miami is close with all of the characters on that show). Danny is the one who goes on his emotions, and also won't let things go when he thinks a friend has been wronged. Look how he acted when Hawkes was accused of murder--he risked his career and then his life to help him. It's stuff like that that makes me really love the character.
^ You're right, Danny is the heart of the team. He's well-liked by everyone, he's always a good friend (except for when he left Flack near death at the hospital to give Lindsey a ride home :lol:) and he's the one most driven by his emotions and his own sense of right and wrong. Awwww, nice comment Top. Danny is all heart.

In the movie "Players," the character Carmine plays, Frankie, is expressly stated by the narrator to be the heart of the gang. Looks like someone has a knack for playing the emotion driven roles.
^^^^ he also seems to have a knack for playing characters called Frankie :lol: :lol:

No Way Home - Frankie Hamm

Fallen Arches - Frankie Romano

Terror Tract - Frank Sorno

Players - Frankie Botz

this boy loves to play Frankie's :lol: :lol: :lol: