Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
Does anyone else feel like they care about a TV show a little too much sometimes? :lol:
Dude, I am a 36 year old professional with a real life and far more productive uses for my time than toggling in and out of a message board all day discussing a TV show and the characters on it. :lol: So, yes, it's safe to say I'm in the same boat you are. We're all freakin' pathetic, if you ask me. :lol: It's a TV show. :rolleyes:

It just seems like it's a job that's constantly in your face 24/7 and I think that I'd start looking tired and worn out also, when it's the same long ass schedule, day in and day out. Yes, he did sign on for this, but I don't think you ever know exactly what's in store for you upon first glance of things like this.
I don't think anyone ever can know what that's like without being there. Initially his whining about the work hours got on my nerves because attorneys also work a minimum of 60 hours a week, only guess what? We don't get 10 weeks a year off, we have to account for our time in 6 minute increments (there is truly no greater reminder of time spent on the internet than that :lol:), we don't make a fraction of the money and even time not spent at work is still spent preparing for work. His remarks made me want to go, "Zip it, pal. We don't live in a 40 hour work week world anymore. Everyone works as hard as you do." But somehow the toll it seems to take on him makes me feel for him and of course, there are circumstances that extend far beyond the number of hours logged that would effect him. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with strangers talking about me on the internet.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:

He's been talking since the beginning that he has to find a way to center himself or he's going to lose it though. I don't think he's necessarily tired of it. It just seems like it's a job that's constantly in your face 24/7 and I think that I'd start looking tired and worn out also, when it's the same long ass schedule, day in and day out. Yes, he did sign on for this, but I don't think you ever know exactly what's in store for you upon first glance of things like this.

Isn't that exactly what Ceesau is all about? Entertainment in Balance?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Isn't that exactly what Ceesau is all about? Entertainment in Balance?

Well, that's what the company is all about, I guess. Life in balance is what we're talking about here.

But somehow the toll it seems to take on him makes me feel for him and of course, there are circumstances that extend far beyond the number of hours logged that would effect him. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with strangers talking about me on the internet.

I agree. I do feel a little guilty talking about him sometimes. Like right now, this is a real person we're picking apart to death, not the character he plays. We don't know jack, really. But on the other hand, visiting this message board and the others are is something he can choose NOT to do. I do hope though, that if the things we say about him take a toll, that he knows that it's done out of pure admiration and well, maybe a little dash of lust here and there. :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^^ I think "Entertainment in balance" is used as a company slogan, being a play on the words "life in balance," which is what a see-saw (or ceesau) represents.

And, yeah, to second Lookaboomerang, we were talking about life in balance. The guy needs to find balance or he'll crack and we don't want that for him.

EDITED because Lookaboomerang edited her post and now there's more to say :lol::

I do feel a little guilty talking about him sometimes. Like right now, this is a real person we're picking apart to death, not the character he plays. We don't know jack, really. But on the other hand, visiting this message board and the others are is something he can choose NOT to do. I do hope though, that if the things we say about him take a toll, that he knows that it's done out of pure admiration and well, maybe a little dash of lust here and there.
I agree. Right now we're not talking about the character. We're talking about the real guy which isn't so cool because anything said is purely speculative. But hopefully he knows it's out of love and the concern for his well-being is genuine. Don't know him, but enjoy his work and want the best for him.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
Does anyone else feel like they care about a TV show a little too much sometimes? :lol:
Are you kidding? I cried my eyes out when Friends left the air. Do you know how pathetic I felt? Then my best friend called, crying, and we cried some more. :rolleyes:

MrsGiovinazzo said: I don't think anyone ever can know what that's like without being there. Initially his whining about the work hours got on my nerves because attorneys also work a minimum of 60 hours a week, only guess what? We don't get 10 weeks a year off, we have to account for our time in 6 minute increments (there is truly no greater reminder of time spent on the internet than that :lol:), we don't make a fraction of the money and even time not spent at work is still spent preparing for work. His remarks made me want to go, "Zip it, pal. We don't live in a 40 hour work week world anymore. Everyone works as hard as you do." But somehow the toll it seems to take on him makes me feel for him and of course, there are circumstances that extend far beyond the number of hours logged that would effect him. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with strangers talking about me on the internet.

You know, MrsG, you've never made me happier than right now that I did not finish law school. :D It's so true, though. No one knows what they sign on for when they become an actor. I mean, hypothetically speaking, an individual may just want to act. Literally, find a role and lose himself or herself in the role. OK, they are phenomenal at acting. It's not a's a burning that won't go away. Unfortunately, you now work 14-16 hours a day. You are hounded by the stalkerazzi and tabloids. You have "business" functions you must attend, and the "business" is Hollywood. You have stalkers who want to harm you or your family, and you can't go anywhere without people staring at you and asking for your autograph. Plus, you don't know who you can or cannot trust. Therefore, you pretty much internalize and don't share. That's got to suck.

It's no wonder some celebrities have alcohol or other problems. Carmine seems to be handling himself well under the pressure. We certainly wish him well. :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Yes, "Entertainment in Balance" is the tagline for his company Ceesau - at least that's what he told me in his email back in June.

lookaboomerang said:
Does anyone else feel like they care about a TV show a little too much sometimes?


Dude, I am a 36 year old professional with a real life and far more productive uses for my time than toggling in and out of a message board all day discussing a TV show and the characters on it. So, yes, it's safe to say I'm in the same boat you are. We're all freakin' pathetic, if you ask me. It's a TV show.

You can count me in there too. There are always so much things I could do or have to do or at least should do - and then I found myself reading - or sometimes even writing - things here on the board. At least we're not alone in being "freaking pathetic".

About the roles, I think it would be interesting to see him as a homicidal psycho in a quite good Thriller or something - not in a "I slaughter everything" Horror movie. But I'm also in for a romantic comedy. I love romantic comedies. Of course not all, but some of them are nice!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

:mad: The ONE time I don't copy before I submit and the board farts on me. Ack. I spent ages sitting and ruminating and working on this one.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I agree. Right now we're not talking about the character. We're talking about the real guy which isn't so cool because anything said is purely speculative. But hopefully he knows it's out of love and the concern for his well-being is genuine. Don't know him, but enjoy his work and want the best for him.

Ditto. I've been sitting here for a while, feeling edgy, wanting to write about it, but not know quite what to write (I don't know why). So instead of subjecting you all to a long and winding stream-of-consciousness rambling, I'm going to cut and paste bits of something I wrote on my blog about a month ago. Dealing with celebrity, the way fans view them, and the toll it must take. (Ahem - edited slightly :) )

"But then there’s the media, just waiting for celebrities to f**k up, because man that makes news and we EAT that shit up. Woe betide the celebrity that is human. We expect perfection from them. We know next to nothing about them. We feel intimate with them because they bring up intimate feelings while they are in our lounge rooms via the tv or the stereo, so we build up our own constructs of what we think they are like. We have these ideal images of our idols which can never be as true as we want them to be. Imagine, as a celebrity, carrying all of that on your back, waiting for it to drop. Imagine having to deal with the constant gossip, innuendo and assumptions about your personal life? That must be so much static in your head.

It’s not normal, to live life in a fishbowl to that degree. To have to close yourself down somewhat just to keep yourself safe, I guess. I know of an actor who has a special email address fans can reach him on. "(Comment: yes, I was talking of Carmine. But only as an example of what I was talking about, and I didn't use his name ... the gist of the post wasn't about him). "What probably started out as very manageable and fun in the beginning, I imagine is now a frigging nightmare. All of a sudden it’s not a few emails from people who enjoy you’re work, but spam-like “I love you” missives. How must that f**k with someone’s brain? Does it make a persons head explode because of the invasions of privacy, the sheer volume of input?"

I'm not making judgements on us talking about Carmine here. I'm not saying "we shouldn't be talking about Carmine because ..." or preaching. The above are just thoughts that felt very relevant. I know if I had to deal with all of that, I'd be exhausted. Let alone working 12 hour or more days, stalkers, and all the ancillary stuff that Prettyeyes mentioned.


I watched Bad Beat last night. (Aside: I'm always in awe of you people knowing every episode by name. I can only remember the stand-out eps' names :rolleyes: :lol: )

I'd forgotten what a good episode that was. We get Hammerback, we get Adam/Danny interaction, we get snarky Flack and funny Flack (I LOVE the scene of him door-knocking the building) and we get angry Danny. Very angry Danny ... did I see his face go red and veins pop out? :lol: :eek: He'd scare the crap out of me!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

PrettyEyes said:
You know, MrsG, you've never made me happier than right now that I did not finish law school. :D
Here, let me throw you another bone: After you adjust to the harsh reality that practicing law isn't nearly as interesting as studying it and that you effectively have no life, you consider doing something else but then realize that you're in debt up to your ass and have to stick it out. By the time that passes, you've grown too happy in your shiny Benz and beautiful house and realize you have no other marketable skills that would support your excessive lifestyle. So you while away your days on the internet because talking about someone else's creativity eases the pain of stifling your own. Now how is that for a buzz kill? Be grateful you bailed after first year. :lol: ... I'm kidding. I mean, not really. That stuff is all true, but it's also the reason I haven't practiced law full time for a while. Eventually you get to a point where you can pursue other things ... and find that ever illusive balance we were talking about earlier.

PrettyEyes raises some good points about life under the pressure of the public eye.

Now I feel bad about the turn this thread has taken this afternoon. Allow me to spank myself. I really want this to be a thread where we can talk about Carmine's work and avoid the personal stuff. It's not fair to him. We don't know him. All we know is his work and that's what we should stick to.

EDIT: I LOVE crankyjules post. I think we were writing at the same time. Says exactly what I was just thinking. *loving you*

EDITED again to respond to crankyjules comments about Bad Beat. I love that episode too. Danny's interrogation scene is amazing! You can really feel how deep his passion for justice runs. And Flack, oh yes, love me some snarky Flack.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Ooooops, sorry...I think it may have been me who turned the thread in that direction - many apologies.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

oops. Looks like you and I were posting at the same time, MrsG
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^^ No need to apologize. I'm the one who's supposed to be moderating this thing and did a shitty job of that today. But that's okay, we can get back on topic.

Lindsey is going to be taking a brief hiatus from the show soon due to Anna's maternity leave. How do you think Danny will react to her absence? Or do you think he'll react to that at all? Personally, I'm hoping that little break will allow for the killing of that storyline, but that's just me.

EDIT: Yep, crankyjules, we were writing at the same time again. :lol: But thanks again for your above post because it really did say exactly what I was thinking only articulated better.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Well MrsG, you know I like the idea of Danny and Lindsay together. However, I think Anna's maternity leave will allow the other cast members to turn up the heat on their performances and shine through. Hopefully, Louie or another Messer will turn up. Family always seems to bring out the best in Danny, performance wise.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

PrettyEyes said:
Well MrsG, you know I like the idea of Danny and Lindsay together.
Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. You know my stance on Danny's love life. It's gotta be Flack, baby. Live a little, CBS. Be inventive. :rolleyes:

However, I think Anna's maternity leave will allow the other cast members to turn up the heat on their performances and shine through. Hopefully, Louie or another Messer will turn up. Family always seems to bring out the best in Danny, performance wise.
With one less character to write for hopefully the others will see a little more development. With the Danny / Lindsey thing side lined for a little while, that might be a good opportunity to focus on Danny's other storyline. The far more interesting one, in my opinion. Bring back Louie!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Well, isn't Hawkes supposed to give Danny a little note or something from Lindsay? Am I making that up? I'm interested to see how that will work out, definitely. I'm usually not too hot on the idea of Lindsay and Danny, but every once in awhile my hopeless romantic side wins me over and I end up loving them for a minute. :lol:

Like PrettyEyes, I'm hoping for a Messer to show up. I kinda wanna meet the parental units. I'm not sure how that will happen though. I feel like the Tanglewood issue has been laid to rest, but I still want to know if Louie is alive or not. Ok. That is sort of a lie. I do want to see Sonny again because he's an intriguing character and he makes things interesting between Danny and Mac, which I really do get a kick out of.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
Well, isn't Hawkes supposed to give Danny a little note or something from Lindsay? Am I making that up?
No, you're not making that up. It happens at the end of "The Lying Game," which airs in two weeks. This isn't the Lindsey bashing thread, so I'll limit my rant, but seriously what kind of person just leaves a note for the man who cares about her? Show him the respect of the personal good-bye he deserves ... and, oh yeah, grow the f**k up.

I'm usually not too hot on the idea of Lindsay and Danny, but every once in awhile my hopeless romantic side wins me over and I end up loving them for a minute. :lol:
Everytime I catch Flack staring at Danny on screen, my hopeless romantic side wins me over. Admit it, you know Danny has better chemistry with Flack then he does with Lindsey.

I do want to see Sonny again because he's an intriguing character and he makes things interesting between Danny and Mac, which I really do get a kick out of.
I love the relationship between Danny and Mac, in all its complexities, and am sad to see nothing is being done with that this season.