Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I never thought about the scene when Louie was beaten up!! I love the fact that Flack found out and he was the one to tell Mac. Then in the hospital the way Flack said we're not going anywhere, trust me, I think that was more for Danny peace of mind than Mac's. The look Danny gave was so much more than if there was scripted dialogue! I do wish the ending had been Flack comforting Danny but we have to keep on with building the employee/boss father figure relationship with Danny and Mac.
I sure Pop Flack would know about Pop Messer and I'm sure he would have some wise words for his son being best frineds with the enemy so to speak. A relationship, even just as friends could bring more of the family background into play!
I like the Danny/Hawkes friendship and I admit when Danny trusts someone he goes all out to save them (Hawkes in Raising Shane) but I still think they need to develop it more! Danny and Flack all the way!
My word - I hope this post makes sense!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

JDonne said:
^ Don't hold me to it, but I believe he is kicking/kicked the habit.
I think I saw that on a video at wireimage.

In my mind, I like to think that when Flack burst into the lab to declare that Louie had been beaten he obtained that information not from another cop but because he was there with Danny when he found Louie or because Danny had called him to the scene upon finding his brother unconscious.
I got the impression that Danny didn't find him. I thought that someone from the office must have told him ... that scene where he arrives at the hospital and runs to the gurney screaming that he's his brother ... I thought that was Danny rushing to his brother's side after he had been told by somebody else that this had happened. Of course, I could be wrong
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ Flack found out about Louie from the dispatch, but Danny apparently didn't find out from Flack, or at least that's what it looks like watching the episode, so I was convinced someone else infomed him but then again, I can't be 100% sure...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

That's amazing if he is in the process of giving up smking or has given up!! Maybe it was his new year's resolution!

Back on CSI I assumed Flack heard about Louie through dispatch but I'm not too sure how Danny found out. It was the very next scene of Danny arriving at the hospital and seeing Louie being pushed through and restrained!! I maybe wonder if Mac told him or I'm not sure who else!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Flack didn't call Danny to tell him about Louie? Do we know that for sure? I always kind of assumed he did, though I guess it's possible Danny found out about Louie through some other means.

JDonne said:
The Flack/Danny friendship is the best on the show. It was established almost from the show's beginning and has had some great moments. I think for me the depth of their friendship was revealed in "On the Job" and then again in "Run Silent, Run Deep." Those moments are so complex and as much is said when they are silent as when they speak. The look that runs between the characters, the body language, all of it is so exciting and mesmerizing.

I love watching them together. They really are different around each other than with anyone else. All their interactions speak to a bond that runs very deep and is built on a very strong foundation.

I'm intrigued by the notion that you have two fathers, both possibly powerful and respected men that raised these sons to be forces of nature even though they probably stand on opposite sides of the law.

This might be running into fanfic territory, but I've always kind of imagined that perhaps their fathers interacted at some point. There's always the theory that they clashed, but I keep coming back to the kind of cop Flack's father was--old school. I wonder if something could have brought them together as allies, even if only for a brief time, rather than adversaries. Maybe something involving one of the boys, Don or Danny? There are rich possibilities there.

I think the emerging friendship between Danny and Hawkes is cute, if a bit sudden and forced for me, a sort of reworking of the Nick/Warrick relationship on Vegas, but even more that that, it lacks the depth, power and interest of a Danny/Flack friendship.

I have to say, I find Danny and Flack's bond far more compelling as well.

I have to wonder if the fact that Danny seems to be the consummate taker and Flack the consummate giver in their relationship is writer intention. Flack is so sturdy that he can ground Danny, but Danny lacks the ability to be the same for Flack. Danny can't ground himself much less anyone else. I think ultimately it may be that Danny needs Flack and that Flack always wants to be there for Danny.

That dynamic makes their friendship all the more interesting to me. Danny is so needy, and something in Flack seems to respond to that. Flack goes out of his way to be there for Danny (On the Job, RSRD, Heroes), and I think the way Danny relies on him makes Flack feel stronger. Flack likes being needed, and well, Danny always needs him.

In my mind, I like to think that when Flack burst into the lab to declare that Louie had been beaten he obtained that information not from another cop but because he was there with Danny when he found Louie or because Danny had called him to the scene upon finding his brother unconscious. I don't know if it is true, but it makes sense to me - Danny finds himself in need so he turns to the one person that seems to never judge him, Flack.

Even if Danny didn't call Flack about Louie, I think the scene in which Flack said "We're not going anywhere" and Danny looked back at him with trust in his eyes spoke volumes about the bond between them.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

First I apologise for my last 'groupie' post I didnt read the rules before i started but now i have and I'm up to speed. Best of luck to him if he's giving up smoking lets hope he doesnt do anything bizzare like George eads and the mostash escapade! I dont know what he'd do maybe dye his goatee purple or get a nose ring!

I like Danny and Flacks friendship an i think Flack needs Danny just as much as the other way around, we just havent seen Flacks vunerable side yet. in such a gritty job you need good friends around you.
One of my best Danny/Flack moments is right in the first episode where Danny is taking a DNA smaple of someone Flack is questioning and doesnt even look up on the way out and he just say's "Hoops on Saturday Flack don't forget"
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Bluntforcetrauma said:
I dont know what he'd do maybe dye his goatee purple or get a nose ring!

Ya know, if he got a diamond stud on one nostril, that'll be something. :devil: :p

One of my best Danny/Flack moments is right in the first episode where Danny is taking a DNA smaple of someone Flack is questioning and doesnt even look up on the way out and he just say's "Hoops on Saturday Flack don't forget"

And the best part about that moment? It occurred in the pilot episode of the show. First episode of CSI:NY, folks! :D (How more obvious can Danny/Flack be? :lol:)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Its like comming home from school and ur big brother saying 'don't forget to do the dishes before mum gets back'
I think it would be good to have a main charecter be gay (like Weaver in ER) but i dont think 2 of the main charecters together, i just can't see Danny and Flack making out in the break room lol
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Break room? No. Locker room? Yes, plz. :devil:

Add me to the list of people who (obviously) loves the Danny-Flack friendship dynamic on the show. I'm a shipper, as anybody who has been around here long enough could tell you (yes, really, me, don't act so surprised ;)), but the friendship is such a big part of anything you can imagine between them. I love the way they interact with each other, and the fact that they were able to convey, within their very first episode together, that there was an established friendship there. All it took was that scene in the interrogation room, and who could doubt it? ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

As alot of people in this thread are Danny/Flack fans what are you fave scenes and also what scenes do you think speak volumes for their friendship?

I think the goofy wave from Flack to Danny is the cutest thing ever and also when the two are walking down the stairs in Stealing Home! I'm surprised one of them didn't trip up as they were both sneaking glances.
Te scenes that show how close they are are the cafe bit in OTJ, Run Silent, Run Deep and also when they are approaching the helicopter in Live or Let Die, Flack swings himself around in front of Danny to kind of protect him - stopping him from going into the helicopter first!!

I hope that made sense. Also what other scenes do you think Danny/Carmine shines with other characters? Sorry for all the questions?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Well, most of this would probably be better in the ship thread. ;)

I definitely think the cafe scene in "On the Job" and the "We're not going anywhere" scene in "Run Silent, Run Deep" were great moments for the friendship. It's great to see Flack being there for Danny, but I wish the writers would put more scenes where Danny returns the favor. I know Carmine could knock one out of the park if given the chance. ;)

As for other characters, I love Danny working with Stella and Mac, and the relationships are so different. :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MichelleK said:
That's amazing if he is in the process of giving up smking or has given up!! Maybe it was his new year's resolution!

Back on CSI I assumed Flack heard about Louie through dispatch but I'm not too sure how Danny found out. It was the very next scene of Danny arriving at the hospital and seeing Louie being pushed through and restrained!! I maybe wonder if Mac told him or I'm not sure who else!

Didn't Danny hear about Louie through his police radio? That's why Flack was so hot-to-trot to find Mac and inform him, because they both knew of the old Danny's habit to go off without thinking.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Welcome to the board, Mulder8scully5! Since you just joined yesterday, I won't kick your butt. But this thread is intended for more substantive remarks about Danny or any aspect of Carmine's work. You can visit the Locker Room to discuss his cuteness to your heart's content.

I think my favorite Danny/Flack scene is in the diner in "On the Job." It was touching and emotional. Showed that their friendship transcends the job and the scene was nicely played by both Carmine and Eddie.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I don't think it was ever shown how Danny found out about Louie!! I'd assumed he'd heard through the police radio whilst at the crime lab cos he did arrive at the hospital in the big old police car/truck.