Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I like it when Danny an Mac work together, the way Danny will say "I have a hunch" and mac just shoots him that look and Danny replies "I know dont trust hunches follow the evidence" sometimes without even looking at Mac.

I like the way Mac pushes Danny to be a better CSI by questioning his reasoning making sure its not all just circumstantial (?) evidence.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I never thought of the fact that when Mac does what he does, he is trying to make Danny a better CSI! It makes sense now! I don't know why I never got that!

A Danny moment that makes me laugh is one with Stella in the episode with the naked sushi ladies! Stella is talking about blowfish and the chef buts in and goes Fugu and Danny is like EXCUSE ME! That makes me laugh so much - The look n his face is like wtf!

I love how the depths of his character make us laugh, cry, makes us want to hug him and punch him at exactly the same time! That's an amazing actor right there!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MichelleK said:

A Danny moment that makes me laugh is one with Stella in the episode with the naked sushi ladies! Stella is talking about blowfish and the chef buts in and goes Fugu and Danny is like EXCUSE ME! That makes me laugh so much - The look n his face is like wtf!

D'you know I don't think I've seen that one....which series is it from?? Sounds hilarious....
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

It's from the episode called Grand Master. Stella and Danny discover the body of a lady in her pool that's in her living room and they found out that a blowfish/blowfish poisioning somehow killed her! The whole scene in the sushi restaurant is fab.

ETA: I think it's episode 4 of season 1!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I love that one, when Stella and Danny walk in and hes just staring at the waitress's and 'tables' and Stella says "Are you going to be able to focus?" Danny replies "I'm all over it" I just love it. Dont think i could eat sushi after rubing it down someones leg surly it would make it dry?! lol
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

eww I don't think I could eat sushi in the first place and then the way it is eaten of someone's foot!! Think i'd vomit!!
It is one of my favourite episode's though! Danny's smirk at the waitress is above adorable!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

i think its cool-if not a little strange!! great episode though. I love the way carmine can take a few lines on a script page and make them into this rich realistic moment!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

pixies said:
I love the way carmine can take a few lines on a script page and make them into this rich realistic moment!
That's always impressive to me. That's where the art is. The ability to take a line, see all the possibilities in it and select among those possibilities to create a unique interpretation is a beautiful thing.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Sorry I can't find the e-mail of carmine
Can you help me please
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I never thought of the fact that when Mac does what he does, he is trying to make Danny a better CSI! It makes sense now! I don't know why I never got that!

Curious question: Do you think Mac sees Danny as a potential replacement for him, way down the road? I mean think about it. Danny's got the book smarts and the street smarts. He'd obviously fight for his teams, and he fights for the victims. He sounds like Mac, in a not-so-refined or buttoned-up package.

ETA: Celtess, Carmine's email is
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I guess Mac could see Danny as his replacement in the future. Danney is both intelligent and street smart and Mac has taught him that although he has certain feelings in his heart about the cases, he's gotta follow the evidence and learn the whole story before making his assumptions. He's done that alot more and become so much more mature in the past three seasons. Although he does have the odd slip up, everyone makes mistakes and when he does slip up Mac comes down harder on him than anyone else kinda teaching him not to make the same mistakes again and in a way it's sort of tough love.
Danny also isn't prejudice althought he does have his issues with certain cases. Danny has proven time and time again that he will go above and beyond to get to the truth and protect his colleagues but the only concern maybe is will other NYPD officers and higher people respect him because of the Messer surname that always seems to bring trouble!
I just never really got why Mac hasn't put Danny back on the promotion grid?? It really bugged me!

Sorry if that made no sense! Everything just came to me at once whilst I was typing!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I think Mac sees Danny as his protege, but not necessarily in any way as concrete as looking at him as a predecessor yet. Danny is way too hot-headed for that at this point, and also seems to have a bit of a reputation among other departments (the DA snarked him in 'A Man a Mile' and then the captain in 'Raising Shane'). Danny's got a long way to go before he'd even be considered a as a viable successor to Mac.

But I do think Mac has a special interest in him, and cares about him deeply. Mac smoking the cigarette in RSRD was an act of love (no, not that kind of love ;) :p). There was something very paternal about it. It was more than he did for Stella in 'All Access' or even Hawkes in 'Raising Shane.' I think Mac looks at Danny as the son he never had, though Mac is clearly a believer in tough love.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Yeah I see how Mac would see Danny as a son. He tends to protect him alot more than his other CSI's. In OTJ it was tough love and Run Silent, Run Deep, he went above and beyond to prove Danny's innocence. In other cases he seems to trust the other CSI's to help: Flack helped Stella and everyone helped Hawkes, but Mac always tends to solely go out to protect him. His speech at the end of Outside Man really showed how proud he was of Danny. I think Danny's concern in Charge of the Post was not just for Flack but also for Mac. His concern shines through when he asks if they can tell who the hand belongs too.
I think Mac sees Danny as the son he never had and in return Danny sees Mac as the father figure he always wanted.
If that made sense!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

It made a lot of sense. :) I think Danny is desperate for Mac's approval--maybe a little too desperate in the first season, but that's what made their interactions so fascinating to watch.