Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

What? Old Danny was back and I missed it? And I have to WAIT ANOTHER WEEK before I can see it? Darn!! I am happy that he is able to come back out of whatever alternative universe that he was sent to and replaced by this weirdo incarnation chasing after She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I can't wait to see it!

Michellek and Jules, you're correct. You cannot access Innertube legally from outside the United States. You get all of the commercials, but none of the actual content. It's tragic.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Oh God, now I'm in Harry Potter mode. So if Danny is Harry, Flack would be Ron and Hawkes would be Hermione (know-it-all :p). So I guess Mac would be Dumbledore, but would Stella be McGonagall or Mrs. Weasley (she is a bit maternal, after all)? I guess Adam would be Neville, bumbling thing. :lol:

...oh, please make it stop! :eek: (My muse, she is evil and will probably remember this post...)

Anyway, yes, Springmoon, you missed the good old Danny in this one. However, don't feel bad, because when you finally see the episode, it'll be worth it--they can't screw up an episode they already aired, now can they? :p
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

OK so I finally watched Players! I wasn't that impressed with the film, to be fair it was a poor script and cast but Carmine did well with what he had to work with!! Anyhoo I did my fangirl must and watched it.
Faylinn, that's quite a post on Harry Potter - I think you got the matches perfect!! Hehe!!

I still really wanna see Danny get zapped!
It's Love Run Cold tongiht in the UK! Yay!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MichelleK said:
OK so I finally watched Players! I wasn't that impressed with the film, to be fair it was a poor script and cast but Carmine did well with what he had to work with!! Anyhoo I did my fangirl must and watched it.
All fangirls must watch all his work. It's just part of being a fan. So congrats on fulfilling your fangirl duty. :D That is a pretty bad movie, but Carmine did a good job. He always does. He can turn in a good performance even in a piece of shit movie. The only film in which I wasn't impressed with his acting was The Learning Curve, but there's enough nudity in it that I can forgive him. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Hehe!! Yeah I agree!! The Learning Curve made up in nudity what it lacked in storyline!
The only film I've enjoyed so far is Fallen Arches and Black Hawk Down!! I watched them though so I am good!!
So Love Run Cold was on in the UK yesterday - Such a good episode!! I love the Danny, Flack scenes - my ship for those two is becoming stronger! Danny's interrogation was so good!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MichelleK said:
I love the Danny, Flack scenes - my ship for those two is becoming stronger!
Oh yes, baby, we have another convert! Danny/Lindsay? Danny/Angell? Forget 'um both. It's all about the Danny/Flack lovin'. :devil: Would be fantastic if CBS ever ponied up the sac to ditch the cliched romance and go a different way.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsG - If CBS ever put Danny and Flack in a relationship or even explored their feelings I would die a happy girl!! CBS need to write some episodes and see how it would pan out! I'm not sure how adventurous they would be or how the critics would react. If it was done in a grown up, mature and serious way it could be fabulous! I can't see it happening as Carmine is now the show's sex kitten. How tight are his shirts in some of the first episodes of season 3! My word!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

If CBS ever placed Danny and Flack in a relationship...I would skip class on those days to stare at the screen. *drools*
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I would flat line or be sat so close to the tv I'd go blind!!
I nevr really thought there were many Danny/Flack fans but as soon as someone mentions a scene they have and then you warch it back - they just bounce off each oher and they don't even seem to need to act much. I am sure all the looks and ad libs are easy to come by! I'm so into the two as a ship now and I never thought I eould ship TV characters!! I told my mum that Flack loves Danny and we watched Blood, Sweat and Tears and she was like my god, how has he not been caught out staring. He's almost burning a hole thorugh Danny's back and ass!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^The staring really does seal the deal, doesn't it? :lol: Flack's so smitten, and Danny, well, he plays hard to get but you can tell he wants to get caught. ;)

I wish they would go that way, but CBS is waaaay too conservative ever to pair up two male characters like that. :( It's really too bad, because those two generate more heat together than any other pairing I've ever seen on a CSI show.

But, if all we're going to get is a friendship, I'd still love to see that explored more in depth. Their friendship fascinates me--they're both so different. Flack is all cool-headed strength, while Danny is emotional and passionate and vulnerable. Both actors have said it's the job that brought them together originally, but I wonder if they job would ever come between them? One is a detective, the other a CSI, and we know detectives and CSIs sometimes clash. And then there's the matter of their differing backgrounds, too...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I have just heard about this learning curve movie, im so off to blockbuster this weekend! I love watching carmine charecter when he cries, like when is friend died an his brother got beaten up, underneath alll that tough exterior hes just a big softie- very cute! oo an that accent very hot!

Random question: Does anyone know if CG smokes??
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41. I would love to see thier friendship more too. I would love to see how they became friends and what their first impressions were of each other. Flack obviously has blue blood with a legend of a cop father whereas Danny has the stigma of the Messer surname. I also love how they balance each other out. Danny is so hot headed and emotional whereas Flack just seems so calm, cool and collective. It seems like Danny calms down when Flack is present. I think they will always have each others backs and would probably take a bullet for each other. I wish we had more explaination of Danny's involvement in Flack's recovery! I still say he gave Linsday a lift home and went back and camped out in Flck's room until he woke up!!

ETA: Carmine does smoke! The Learning Curve isn't the greatest movie but the nakedness more than makes up for it!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ Don't hold me to it, but I believe he is kicking/kicked the habit.

The Flack/Danny friendship is the best on the show. It was established almost from the show's beginning and has had some great moments. I think for me the depth of their friendship was revealed in "On the Job" and then again in "Run Silent, Run Deep." Those moments are so complex and as much is said when they are silent as when they speak. The look that runs between the characters, the body language, all of it is so exciting and mesmerizing.

I'm intrigued by the notion that you have two fathers, both possibly powerful and respected men that raised these sons to be forces of nature even though they probably stand on opposite sides of the law.

I think the emerging friendship between Danny and Hawkes is cute, if a bit sudden and forced for me, a sort of reworking of the Nick/Warrick relationship on Vegas, but even more that that, it lacks the depth, power and interest of a Danny/Flack friendship.

I have to wonder if the fact that Danny seems to be the consummate taker and Flack the consummate giver in their relationship is writer intention. Flack is so sturdy that he can ground Danny, but Danny lacks the ability to be the same for Flack. Danny can't ground himself much less anyone else. I think ultimately it may be that Danny needs Flack and that Flack always wants to be there for Danny.

In my mind, I like to think that when Flack burst into the lab to declare that Louie had been beaten he obtained that information not from another cop but because he was there with Danny when he found Louie or because Danny had called him to the scene upon finding his brother unconscious. I don't know if it is true, but it makes sense to me - Danny finds himself in need so he turns to the one person that seems to never judge him, Flack.