Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsG showed me Fallen Arches over the summer...did I fall asleep during it or did we end up turning it off early? :confused: I can't remember, but I don't think I saw the ending. :eek:

crankyjules said:
Whaaaat? The non-locker room thread on page 2??

Have we nothing to say?

Bit late in on this one, but the scene on the train ... I definitely saw Danny as being shy and embarrassed. I LOVED the touch of him taking his glasses off. A little vain attempt to appear his best looking. It was such a sweet scene.

I adored that scene. It says so much about Danny, and is one of the major reasons why I always roll my eyes when someone calls Danny a player. A player wouldn't have waited until the second ride to say something to a cute girl giving him the eye. A player would not have been slow or bashful about it. Danny attracts a lot of women, but I think this scene really illustrates how unaware he is of how sexy and attractive he is.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

What's the genral storyline though? It's it just high school kids growing up and stuff or something completely different!!
Players is about a high school kid who thinks he's in the mafia. The story follows him and a group of his buddies, one of whom is played by Carmine (the character's name is Frankie - AGAIN :lol:), as they do typical high school guy stuff - drinking and girls. But since the main character fancies himself to be a mafia type, there is a bit of unusual activity. I don't want to ruin the story for anyone, so I'll try to be vague - the gist is that he's a football star who gambles his future to get in good with a mob boss and predictably ends up paying the price.

MrsG showed me Fallen Arches over the summer...did I fall asleep during it or did we end up turning it off early? I can't remember, but I don't think I saw the ending.
Um, you fell asleep. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
I adored that scene. It says so much about Danny, and is one of the major reasons why I always roll my eyes when someone calls Danny a player. A player wouldn't have waited until the second ride to say something to a cute girl giving him the eye. A player would not have been slow or bashful about it. Danny attracts a lot of women, but I think this scene really illustrates how unaware he is of how sexy and attractive he is.
Exactly!! A player would NOT have been slightly embarrassed at her attention and shy about approaching her. He is so not a player.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Players is about a high school kid who thinks he's in the mafia.
I really did not like Players. Carmine's performance was good ... but the movie itself was pretty bloody bad. I haven't rushed to watch it a second time, put it that way.

Top41 said:
MrsG showed me Fallen Arches over the summer...did I fall asleep during it or did we end up turning it off early? I can't remember, but I don't think I saw the ending.
Um, you fell asleep. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You feel asleep???
How could you?? :lol: :lol: :lol: The ending makes me cry every time. Not because of what happens to Frankie. But because of the whole situation - the reaction of his mother, his brother going to the movies ... that clip of Bogie and the message in it. Now THAT movie I love. Players I hated.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

He's called Frankie again!! I'm looking forward to watching Players! I'll give anything a view once!
I really enjoyed Fallen Arches! I love how his family just want whats best for him, college and getting out of LA and get him an education!! It's a good movie! His mother's reaction at the end is heartbreaking!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

"Fallen Arches" is really good. Great story, great family relationships, nicely executed piece of work for a low budget film. Aside from the great job Carmine and the other starring actors did, the film itself is able to withstand scrutiny. Nice directing, nice editing, good soundtrack.

Don't even get me started on "Players." I've only endured it once (as any true fan must) and am not likely to revisit it. There is a glaring legal inaccuracy in the resolution of a court case that bugs the hell out of me. That's just me though. I realize Lee Madsen (writer/director) isn't an attorney, but he should have perhaps done a little research or asked an attorney to read the courtroom scene for him. His resolution would work in a civil case, but not a criminal case. Bygones. Legal inaccuracies in film are forgiveable. But piss-poor editing IS NOT.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I'm intrigued to see it now Mrs G!!
I was actually surprised I enjoyed Fallen Arches! But it was well written and with a good supporting cast too. Top marks for the directing and music!
I've also seen the Learning Curve and The Big Brass Ring! They are interesting films to say the least!!

Does anyone know anymore of the film he is meant to be in with Hill Harper and Eddie Cahill?? I saw it on IMDB or something like that!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MichelleK said:
I'm intrigued to see it now Mrs G!!
Well, hell, now that I've mentioned something in the script that bothers me and busted on the editing (which truly blows), let me add in the lighting. Watch for the harsh shadows and a God-aweful night time outdoor scene (on Lake Tahoe, if I recall correctly). I realize a proper lighting set-up on a lake at night is expensive, but if doing it right isn't in the budget, move your shit indoors or at least to an outdoor location that would be easier to light.

I should soften the above by noting that I do love independent films and am sensitive to the plight of the inexperienced and under-funded filmmaker. I applaud all that they do and think just getting their project made is amazing. To accomplish that and manage to find a distributor is fantastic. Know that when I criticize various elements of films, it's not that I feel I could do better. I can't. I've completed coursework in all aspects of filmmaking and let's just say, it's lucky for me that's not how I try to make a living. I'd starve. :lol:

I've also seen the Learning Curve and The Big Brass Ring! They are interesting films to say the least!!
Those are a must for any fangirl who wants to see what she can only dream about. :lol:

Does anyone know anymore of the film he is meant to be in with Hill Harper and Eddie Cahill?? I saw it on IMDB or something like that!!
I don't know anything, but wish I did. All the CSI:NY boys in one film. That'll be a treat.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsG, I take it Players is one of those "rent" movies instead of "buy" movies?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^^:lol: It absolutely is. I was just going to buy it because WalMart had it advertised for $15, but when I got there, they didn't have any. So, totally pissed off, I went across the street to Hollywood Video and rented it. Thank god I didn't buy it. I was kind of disappointed with it. :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Off the subject of his movies for just a second--I checked out Carmine's artwork on his website, and I absolutely love his paintings. Does anyone knows if he exhibits anywhere or sells prints of his paintings? Thanks.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I believe he has had work in a couple exhibits -- one a few years ago and another maybe last year with celebrity work. I've never read any mention of selling his pieces though.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

He'd make a fortune if he sold the pieces!! All the fangirls will be in there like a shot!! Some of the paintings are pretty awesome!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Eh, I'd rather buy nudie pictures of him. Just sayin'. I'm not an art kinda girl, myself. That hot little body of his is the kind of art I'd like to admire. :devil:

So, how about Danny in "Heart of Glass," ladies? :) Is the good old Danny back and here to stay? Good things or bad things you noticed about the character last night?

Me, I just wanted to smack him upside the head for touching the vent and getting shocked. You dummy! But I did love the way he brought the wife to Peyton to avoid the time and paperwork at the hospital. :lol:

Other thoughts? :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Last nights episode seemed really good from what I read!! I'm really glad they cut the Danny/Lindsay schmuk!! He seemed like he was on the ball last night!
EEEK only about 3 months until it's shown over here!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I hope the good old Danny is here to stay. I found it interesting that the scenes with Angell and the phone call never made it into the episode. I also found the comment about having to be knocked unconscious and dragged out of his apartment if a sexy woman was naked in his bathtub interesting. Other than that, he just seemed so playful and relaxed and energized in the episode; especially with Mac and Peyton. We just have to cross our fingers and hope the passionate, rule bending, sometimes child-like smart ass is truly back.

ETA: Carmine is so great with the little, and not so little, details of the character. The looks, the gestures, the little smirks, etc. It was hysterical to watch his reaction to Mac and Peyton. When he made the grandkids remark and Peyton looked like she wanted to bash him in the head with the scanner, both of their looks were priceless. And the tone of his voice in asking if Flack knew about Mac and Peyton. And on the flip side, re-examining the crime scene (aside from getting zapped) and realizing what happend. Ahhh, he was a joy to watch.