Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

That's a good way of looking at it Orison! I could imagine it being more Ma Messer with the mob ties. Grandfather Messer would be the big man!! I guess Pa Messer would do anything to impress the father in law and maybe get Ma Messer's hand in marriage.

I'm trying to steer clear of all spoilers and clips for Rasing Shane! Danny all terrified. Another part of Carmine's fab acting!! He does sometimes frighten me when he does interrogation scenes so I can see it being a fab episode. Is it just a one part story or does it follow on.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Orison said:
Having mob ties doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person and/or have a criminal record. Danny's mother could be the daughter of a boss but be the sweetest person, have a good relationship with her son and cook for his friends.

The family may have been under surveillance because of who she is, they do that with relatives of "dangerous" guys but like I said, not necessarily because she did something. What intrigues me on the other hand is Papa Messer. He married a boss's daughter so he had to be very careful and try to please his father-in-law any way he could if he didn't want to find himself six feet under. What if said father-in-law asked him a favor or something, leading to Papa Messer doing something wrong? The snitch theory works too, and could lead to interesting dynamics between the characters.

Ah, the possibilities...
I assumed Mama Messer’s connection to the mob, if anything, was due to family relations (guilt by association). I should have clarified in my post, but I never pictured her as being a bookie or a runner – sexist, I know. It’s just that Danny made a point to remove himself from such a lifestyle (going to the opposite ends of the spectrum as far as career choices go) that it seems a little odd that he would remain so close to her if she was actively involved in her mob oriented family. If being under surveillance and “in the system’s sights” are related, Danny spoke with such frustration towards the latter that had the FBI or NYPD kept watch on his family, then it sounded like a little more than a simple “let’s just keep an eye on you and make sure nothing funny happens.” If Mama Messer was connected due to her family, then I presume she would be actively involved with her family (enough to warrant close watch by law enforcement). Perhaps an estranged daughter of an underboss might warrant some watch if the case was serious enough (maybe?), but I don’t think it would have struck the same frustration in ‘On the Job’ as it did. Danny made it seem like the time spent “in the system’s sights” was prominent enough to cause discomfort in how his life was at the time. He felt helpless then, and the gravity of potentially killing a cop and not being able to do anything to clear his name, was enough to make the comparison.

But it sounds like Danny is close to his mother, who in order for a stringent watch by law enforcement was probably close to her own mob-related relatives. I think the bond would have suffered if he had either snitched or turned his back on her family. If she wanted to break ties, however (felt it wasn’t a safe environment for her sons, for example), then maybe after a while there was approval and a strong relationship was retained.

But overall, Danny doesn’t want to be associated with that kind of lifestyle. He was quick to tell Mac that he never once rolled with the Tanglewood Boys and knew what they were all about (or something to the effect) and I don’t see him meeting up for family dinners if Mama Messer is flitting around with her criminal relatives.

Though outside of telling Louie that “mommy and dad were on their way down” in ‘RSRD,’ we haven’t heard much, if anything about Papa Messer.

Now granted, due to the fun of speculation and assumption, all that I wrote could easily be uprooted, lol. With hundreds of possibilities, it could easily be solved by Danny telling his mother, “I no longer want to associate with them” or “This isn’t the life for me” and her saying, “Ok” and the two of them bond outside of the mob-related relatives.

Or the surveillance and “in the system’s sights” aren’t related would ruin things too. :lol: :p

But it’s still fun to come up with ideas. :)

Random Note: Since the possibly of Danny being a snitch is as both entertaining and interesting as the speculation of whether or not Mama Messer is the one connected to the mob; how exactly would Danny have been useful to law enforcement? I think as a snitch, he would have had to know some detrimental information – whether personally or knew someone or somewhere to get the information. He would have had to on some level had serious involvement, whether again personally or through family associations (from the parents). He’s either had to seen or heard some things to be of any use.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

That was an real interesting read SimplyBlue!

One thing I always wondered was in Tanglewood and RSRD, Sonny Sassone was still a Tanglewood boy. In Tanglewood, he mentioned that there were only the 3 of them and there was no mention of Louie. Does this mean Louie left and has a end date on his tattoo or is he still a Tanglewood boy but they didn't want to drop the bomb of him being Danny's brother so soon. Also when Sonny's info came up on the database it said he was a known associate with Tanglewood. Surely if Mac knew that Louie was on the wrong side he could have looked up his file and his would have said the same!
I'm just slightly confused on Louie's current involvement and status with Tanglewood.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Silencer said:
He's actually really... he comes across as terrified when dealing with Shane. It's a really good scene.

That was a fantastic scene. Danny being obviously frightened gave it so much more depth than your average "cop goes into an abandoned building to confront the psycho bad guy." Danny's not a street cop--he's a scientist. Flack would have gone in just fine, but Danny was clearly out of his element.

I love the idea of Danny being a snitch. It makes so much sense with his character. It would add another layer to his relationship with Louie and help further explain Danny's desperation to avoid him in "Trapped." The night Louie pushed Danny away could have been the act that eventually led Danny to become a snitch.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Whaaaat? The non-locker room thread on page 2??

Have we nothing to say?

Bit late in on this one, but the scene on the train ... I definitely saw Danny as being shy and embarrassed. I LOVED the touch of him taking his glasses off. A little vain attempt to appear his best looking. It was such a sweet scene.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

We're going to watch this episode on Thursday here in Italy, and I saw part on this scene in the promo... shy-Danny's so cute! Took him probably a couple days to get the nerves to go talk to that girl... ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

OK so I recieved Fallen Arches in the mail yesterday!! The storyline is a lil out there but Carmine again gave 100% and it helped that he spent alot of time in either his white vest or no top at all. I gotta say though Carmine must be an absolute joy to work with though as his chemistry on screen sparkles - especially with his on screen brother and mother! I loved the film.

ETA - The Giovinazzo family really are a talented lot. Buddy Giovinazzo's mdb is full of all the music he has done for films! It's incredible!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Where did you get Fallen Arches from MichelleK??

I didn't think it was possible to get it over here.....
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I bought it off for about £7 with postage and packaging!!
I also just ordered Players from PlayUSA for around the same price!!
They are both region 1 dvd's though so just make sure you have a multiregion dvd!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Ah yes, that's the problem. My DVD player is Region 2 only.... :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

You can usually find the codes to make them region free on certain websites!!
If you PM me the make of your DVD player I can give it a try!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

ooo yes I got fallen arches and it was region1 but I found my laptops dvd player had no problem converting so that might be a possibility twinkletoes ?
I'd love to see players though aswell I've heard some good stuff about it! let us know how it is michelleK ! :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

No worries! I ordered Players today so give it a week and it should be with me!
It was only made in 2006 so Carmine should have a fairly decent haircut in it! One would hope anyway!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ Players wasn't made in 2006. It found a distributor who released it in 2006. I believe it was made 4 or 5 years ago. Carmine looks good though. Young because he's playing a high school kid, but none of the hideous hair we've been treated to in some of his earlier work.

Enjoy Players. It's worth having for Carmine. Decent screen time and he did a nice job with his role. He was good enough that I found his scenes with Freddie Rodriguez, who played the lead role, distracting because Carmine was the stronger actor. The movie is crap, overall, but that's not Carmine's fault.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Sorry MrsG I just saw 2006 by the DVD and thought that's when it was released! Oopsie!!
As long as there is a good hairstyle and good quality screen time for Carmine - I'll be ahappy lady!! What's the genral storyline though? It's it just high school kids growing up and stuff or something completely different!!