Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey Nikki,
I loved your fic it was so awesome. I can't wait for your next chapter. :) I just put up the first chapter of my new story Suspected. It is a CaRWash angst story. I encourage everybody to read it and please review. ;) Thanks for those who have been reviewing my first CarWash fic Want to. I will probably have the fourth chapter up late tomorrow.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Guys, let's try to keep our good three in topic lines in each post, otherwise Rhonda will come and scold us again, and she'd have the right to. ;) It's okay to speak about fics and stuff like that, but there must be also some CaRWash discussion with it, okay? :)

Back to CaRWash, does anyone want to post some good spoiler about last night ep? :D Pwetty please? I've heard about some looks (yeah, more eye sex :lol:), but I'd like to have some details. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Well, since it already aired in the US, I don't need the spoiler code, but I'll include some nifty spoiler space anyway. :)






Yesterday in the episode, Ryan walked into the A/V lab and said something about Calleigh's "Hot little hands." - Which I thought was hilarious. :lol: I'm not sure that's much of anything, but it made me think of you guys and I had to share. :)

(I don't have the exact quote, but I do remember the 'hot little hands' bit from Ryan)

As for looks? I'm not sure, as I can't remember anything else about the episode re CaRWash except the hot little hands comment. :lol: Although I must say, they look great together when they work! They're such a natural pair. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Geni is that you?? *looks around* Yup its you...Nikki huh?

"Hot Little Hands" I didn't see that part. I didn't watch the ep, really...So was it worth the watch?

otherwise Rhonda will come and scold us again, and she'd have the right to

She does scolds now?.. She must be out of boils and torment.

Great pic Nikki, Calleigh looks hot in red!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

"Hot little hands"!? OMFG. How could I have missed that! I thought Ryan said something like "How did you get your little hands..." ect. OMG. Heheh that's soo funny. :lol: That's just the next step.. From beautiful to hot (hands) :p.. He totally loves her. (obviously :rolleyes:)

*Hugs Nikki* Friends. :D

Jue, I like your picture without the sheers better. :p ;)

..Hot hands. :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey, I'm here again, I almost dissapeared when 1CSIMFan scolded me some days ago . I edited my previous post to say sorry that day, I hope you have seen it 1CSIMFan I'll try to behave myself.
I'm sorry CalleighWolfe, I didn't mean to scare you away. :( Those posts weren't just for you, they were for everybody. We all tend to get sidetracked every now and then. :p

BTW, yes I saw where you edited your post. :cool:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Guys, Santa has come with some piccies from Come As You Are (got it last night :D)...


Hot Little Hand :devil:

The typical CaRWash double pose. (don't they look exactly like groom and bride dressed like that? :lol:)

I must admit that my CaRWash heart was a little broken after Going Going Gone (though that small 10% CaKe part was all excited :rolleyes:), but now I'm rather relieved. TEH CaRWash flirtatious attitude is totally back! :D
We definitely got those lustful looks which they have only for each other... I'll cap them soon and let y'all see. ;)

ETA: Here's some CaRWasness. :cool:

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

oh~~I think we have quite a few moments in this ep "Come AS You Are"!

And my fav part is "I will drive", which was said by Ryan to Calleigh. You know he sounded like they had done this a million times so it became a fixed routine or habbit...ennnnnnn, I can't help thinking they went out a lot very very often!I really love these details that sparkled from nowhere and surprised us!Yes, the word I learn from the thread: COUPLISH!Indeed!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

IreneSH, you're still here? Haven't seen you in quite a while! :eek:

Oh my Lunsie, that pic was totally: "I want you here and I want you now." *giggles* :lol:

Today at school two of my classmates were staring at each other exactly like this for a good 8 seconds and I was about to ask them: "Hey, does either of you watch CSI:Miami?" But I didn't, instead I asked the girl what she was doing and she said she was trying to get the refugee on our side. (it was PE, we were about to play soccer) Had me smiling internally thinking of CaRWash. :rolleyes:

When I yesterday got the 'hot 'little hands' part to confirm, I was talking to Katie and Reine and when I watched it I went CAPS saying: OMG YES HE DEFINITELY SAYS HOT!! :D That's a nice moment, though I am so disappointed that we didn't get a:

Calleigh: Hot little hands?
Ryan: Did I just say that out loud?
Calleigh: *smirk* Yes you did.
Ryan: Oh. Well I meant it.
Calleigh: *giggling* Well thank you, I think you have hot hands too. Just a bit bigger.

Or something among those lines. But nooo, Calleigh continued talking about the case. Which reminds me I should be making homework and not be here posting. :p

_Calleigh_ said:
The typical CaRWash double pose. (don't they look exactly like groom and bride dressed like that? :lol:)
Ryan: You want to film our secret wedding. Do you know what the idea of a SECRET wedding is?
Woman: Of course, but I won't broadcast the tapes. *murmurs: just send them to every CaRWasher in the world*
Calleigh: Okay...well may we have your name?
Woman: My name is Nikki and I dyed my hair, and that's all you need to know. :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
Calleigh: Hot little hands?
Ryan: Did I just say that out loud?
Calleigh: *smirk* Yes you did.
Ryan: Oh. Well I meant it.
Calleigh: *giggling* Well thank you, I think you have hot hands too. Just a bit bigger.


What we should wonder is: what does he means exactly by 'hot'? cause, you see, it might be figurative as in 'pretty hands', or maybe he meant it litterally... :p
I guess he has experienced the feeling of her hands on his skin enough to state they are Hot. *is jealous*

Ryan: "Let's go, I'll drive."
Calleigh: "Last time you said that we never moved from the parking lot."
Ryan *smirks*: "Don't remember you complaining about that."
Calleigh: "Well..."
Ryan: "I may let you drive, this time."
Calleigh: "Let's go."

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

:eek: WHAT WAS THAT??!! 'Hot little hands'??? Oh man, I'm sooo far behind! You're right Luna, TEH CaRWash-Hotness is back! :D But why does Calleigh have to ignore this?? :mad: Your caps are so much better, TPTB should definite check out this thread for good suggestions...
And thanks to everybody for posting those carwashously pics *can't stop staring at them - drools*

Oh, I missed your birthday, Sue, so belated congrats, hope you had a great day! :)
And welcome to all "newbies" here, like jue and butterflygoodbye and everybody I might have forget to mention ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ryan: You want to film our secret wedding. Do you know what the idea of a SECRET wedding is?
Woman: Of course, but I won't broadcast the tapes. *murmurs: just send them to every CaRWasher in the world*
Calleigh: Okay...well may we have your name?
Woman: My name is Nikki and I dyed my hair, and that's all you need to know.

Don't forget to secretly get pictures and things.

Calleigh: Hot little hands?
Ryan: Did I just say that out loud?
Calleigh: *smirk* Yes you did.
Ryan: Oh. Well I meant it.
Calleigh: *giggling* Well thank you, I think you have hot hands too. Just a bit bigger.

You did get that, they just didn't show it. :devil:

Ryan: "Let's go, I'll drive."
Calleigh: "Last time you said that we never moved from the parking lot."
Ryan *smirks*: "Don't remember you complaining about that."
Calleigh: "Well..."
Ryan: "I may let you drive, this time."
Calleigh: "Let's go."

Aww let her drive!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

thanks Nikki for the offer! :)...still in the mid of polishin it, will PM u when I am done.. :p

your little dialogue of the secret wedding is hilarious..I like the last part, sound so arrogant, like a CSI officer...

Ryan: You want to film our secret wedding. Do you know what the idea of a SECRET wedding is?
Woman: Of course, but I won't broadcast the tapes. *murmurs: just send them to every CaRWasher in the world*
Calleigh: Okay...well may we have your name?
Woman: *turns to another direction* My name is Nikki and I dyed my hair *puts up shades* and that's all you need to know *walk away coolly* :lol: :lol:

oh btw, since you have said so, u better remember to send all CaRWashers the Secret Wedding tapes if you got hold of one :D ...for all you know, we will find you, coz we KNOW who you are Nikki, and you dye your hair (now that's some clue) :D :D

and Halo Vera...nice to see you here too. :p

Yesterday was watching S3 Crime Wave, the tsunami one...and was sad I can't find many CaRWash moments, think the elevator meet was the only one? And then both of them were drifted away to work on different cases... :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Wow, nice pictures Luna. I loved that scene, and I loved how they were talking about trust. It was cute. :D

I just about fell over when I watched it again and heard hot hands. I told my mom and she said it's an expression. But I love it anyways. Tehee. Hot hands. I was laughing at that one.

Nikki said:
Calleigh: Hot little hands?
Ryan: Did I just say that out loud?
Calleigh: *smirk* Yes you did.
Ryan: Oh. Well I meant it.
Calleigh: *giggling* Well thank you, I think you have hot hands too. Just a bit bigger.

:eek: That's great and realistic. I think they could actually get away with saying that on the show. :D It would just be another great CaRWash scene. ;) Hehe.

We did get a cute scene in Crime Wave. :) Even if it was just the elevator part. But Calleigh was all concered about Ryan. Awww! Has anyone else realized how long Calleigh just stood there after he left? I never understood that. I like to think it was because she was scared for him. :)

I rewatched all the good scenes in UTI before CSI Miami last night, and I forgot how cute they are. I watched it with commentary too. I love what they say about the scene when Ryan says he's glad everything worked out. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I heart under the influence, and as for 'hot little hands :devil:' i asked around and where i come from most would see that as a 'i like you'/flirting thing!

Hehe Ryan wants to drive - that did make me chuckle, they act like a married couple even when working. They know what each other is thinking - its routine and its almost sub-concious know. There body language totally gives the fact that they are comfortable (very comfortable :devil:) around eachother away...i love it!

p-s nice caps and i loved the impro'd quotes :D Makes me hope that they will happen soon! And i have no doubt some great carwash scenes sadly ended up on the cutting room floor :( BUT DONT WORRY!! I..have a cunning plan... :lol:(hi5 to all those who got the balckadder quote in there)
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