Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Thanks for the welcome. :) - Yup you can call me Geni. ;)

inge, yep I'm here! :D

^^^ alex21591, I agree with your entire post. They're not a fairy tale relationship (Well at the moment, working relationship) and sometimes they have their quarrels. But at the end of the day, they're still co-workers and they're still friends. They'll have their ups and downs like anyone, and they'll make it through. It's one of the great things about them. You can always tell that they'll work things out.

inge said
I agree, Calleigh is a great mentor for Ryan.
He learned a lot from her and they also had a lot of fun during their work.

I agree with you there as well, inge. It brings me back to the scene between them when Ryan reveals that he went to one of her lectures/conferences and that's where he learned how to handle evidence with a certain technique. It was Calleigh who taught him, and I guess he has always looked up to her from the moment they spoke. He respects her as a CSI and as a woman, and one day perhaps, they'll grow fonder of each other. They have a great working relationship, and as you said inge, they have a lot of fun.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey Geni your popping in everywhere now...HI..and Jue welcome, love your name it's so close to sue..hehe. I'm sue.
SO I had a carwash experience tonight at the mall. Me and my son went to eat at Long Johns Silvers and we sat at the same place we always sit at in front of this huge picture on the wall and I never noticed until tonight that in the pic it's of those old fashioned restuarants that you parked and the waitress came to your car..well I just noticed next to the restuarant is a CARWASH and it says it not once but twice in the pic...I laughed out loud and said carwash hehe and my son acutally knew what I was talking about..poor kid.
Nikki I love pic of the day and your saying with it. I actually had that part on my answering machine a few months back. It was Ryan yelling her name and I did it so who ever called me would think it was me answering and not the machine. I said hold on my tv is too loud I need to turn it down..then I turned it down and said hello are you there? OH well sorry but this is my answering machine, leave a message. I fooled so many people hehe, i'm not nice. hmmm no calls me anymore ......

So yeah I think Calleigh has taught Ryan more then anyone has, except maybe Alexx. She is a great mentor for him and seeing he took her class I think he's always looked up to her more then anyone. Also the fact that she's been just about the only that has showed him they care about him being there.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*takes deep breath* SUE!!!!! *huggles to ground* :D Happy Birthday!!!! You already got your present from me but I'll post a nice pic for you later. I love you! *hugs some more* If you'll now excuse me, I have to take care of something.

*drags Katie off of chair* My chair! :devil: Get back to me when you've recruited about 14 people. I'm making a list btw, only I forgot half. :rolleyes: Oh, and you know I love you. Why else would I spend hours on a microphone talking to some random girl in Canada? See, I love you.

Oh, here's my part in that discussion. I think when Ryan took her class he really paid attention (well that shows, what the hell would a person look for in QD when processing a shirt?) to what she said and learned from it. And I think when he got to work at the lab he immediately recognized Calleigh. But he had to prove her father killed someone (or not, in this case) and I think that if her father hád killed someone, their relationship wouldn't be like it is. I mean, even if it's not his fault, I don't think I would be very glad with him if he proved my dad had killed someone. But, thank god, Duke didn't do it.

Another reason why I think Calleigh feels comfortable around him is that he already knows about her fathers drinking problem ever since his first day. Those kind of things are the secrets people usually rather not tell, but he already knows so it's not a distance between them.

I'm just gonna keep going. Also I think that Ryan does mean a lot to Cal, like you said Geni, but not just because he helped her clear her dad (although that helped) but also because she lost Speed and Hagen, and she grew closer to Ryan (even a non-CaRWasher can't deny that) and she's afraid of losing him too. That's why I love the Driven scene so much, it shows that she cares for him. Same goes for the Score, when she sees him squinting. She was just very worried for him and I think the most powerful point in that scene was when Calleigh smiled at him, but her smile immediately fainted when he didn't look at her anymore.

Okay I'm done. :rolleyes:

Sue, that's hilarious. I wonder why no one calls you anymore. No sense of humor eh? :lol:

Inge, thanks, going to RP now. And yeah that's Geni on the couch. Evil? What evil? I think she fits in there on the couch. It was so empty...(whoops, Katie was on it... :eek: *runs*)

Ahhh! *stops running* I have cake for Sue's birthday? *makes puppy dog eyes to Katie* :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

hallo all...and hi to you Sue, guess what? I am Sue too :lol:...Sue's not my actual name, but it sound the closest to my real name...So here we have a Sue talking to another Sue *getting giddy for all the sueings* :eek:

To Nikki : Thanks for the chair offer! *put glue on it and sit down* guess by this I won't be affected by all the chair kicking madness :p

k...I will buy Season 3 for a can I not buy when all of you are talking about it?? ;) Legal ...Addiction ...UTI ....Recoil ...just can't wait to see all those CaRWashin moments...urghhhhh...:mad:

so here's my little contribution (or rather, imagination again) of an interview with the TPTB:

Jue: So...why the introd of the character Natalie?
TPTB: it's to pair her up with Delko (and make him busy), so Calliegh will be free to be with little Wolfie all the guys wanted to see more of R+C isn't it?
Jue: Sure we do. and what about that think-he's-so-smart Jake? we are starting to hate him...
TPTB: Ah...not to worry, he's JUST a passerby to make Ryan jealous, he will be gone soon...
Jue: i see...that's better...thank you for your time, and we hope you guys can make the INEVITABLE come true soon! we just can't wait... :D
TPTB: we can't either *wink*

there you go...pls dont call me crazy *with pleading eyes*...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

jue said:

Jue: So...why the introd of the character Natalie?
TPTB: it's to pair her up with Delko (and make him busy), so Calliegh will be free to be with little Wolfie all the way

:lol: They didn't need to bring Nat in to make sure nobody steals Calleigh from Ryan and vice versa. :lol: It's like when you buy certain things and the label says "Products not sold separately"... Calleigh and Ryan are exactly like that: they're sold only as a OTP, single items do not exist. :lol:

Why do you think they work together so often? If they stay apart too long they can't be so good as when they are together. And, of course, while working they also make plans for their future: in Shootout Ryan was making practise with the baby, in Collision they were looking for the engagement rings, in Shock they were about to make their first present as a couple... And, well, in S5 things started to slip out of control, since he tells her she's beautiful and she calls him babe (which they had agreed wouldn't happen while on the clock :p), and then again she can't keep her hands off him (Curse Of The Coffin)... C'mon, they're totally doing it already! :lol:

Btw, happy birthday Sue!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I agree! That baby is such a cutie and you can't deny Ryan looks so cute holding her. Yep looking at engagement rings together could be foreshadowing. ;) I have to confess I haven't seen many of the best episodes from Season 3 but I am asking for Season 3 and Season 4 on DVD for Christmas. I can't wait for more CaRWashness tonight on Come as you Are; tonight's episode. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Nikki said:
Oh, and you know I love you. Why else would I spend hours on a microphone talking to some random girl in Canada? See, I love you.
Good point. Well thats still not nice of you to pull me off my couch. *Pouts* *Pulls out bed* There we go!! :devil: It's all good now. :lol: And btw, if you have cake, you don't have to run. :lol: :p

HHHappy Birthday Twiz!! :D You already got my present, too, but I left you a present in the Togo thread. ;)
Calleigh, what should we get Sue for her birthday?
I think we should tell her our secret.
Really? Wow.. Great idea!
Thanks, babe.
Here it is: Next episode, you get to find out we've been doing it for some time now!

:lol: Isn't that great! :p :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Well people, there are your 5 pics of the day for today. Hey...but I'm sick...why do you get the bed if I'm lying at home being sick...writing CaRWash...whoops did I just say that out loud? *runs* :eek:

I think you mean Natalia, Jue, but it's ok. We understood. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Luna dear...after seeing ur post, I have to admit I am NOT crazy after could I be when everybody is thinking of the same thing? :D

Katie, wow where you get that last pic...from the pair's closet? behind the scene thing? :eek: :eek:

yep Nikki, I am talking abt Natalia :lol:... So u writing CaRWash :eek: ? *drag Nikki back to bed* hate to do this, but hurry up and finish it and give me my daily dosage of ur CaRWash fic! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*Looks at Katie next to her on bed* For the sake of CaRWashness? We friends? *hugs* :D

Jue, that last pic is from a photoshoot for a magazine called "The Insider". (Which was about the ONLY American magazine a shop in Holland didn't have. :( I looked for it in about 4 different book shops that sell foreign magazins but noooo :mad:) and if you take away the sheers she's stabbing him with, it's nice. :lol:

Now what is this? There's been a new episode and NO ONE has posted about CaRWash? Now I need to go to the episode thread and PRAY there was a moment. :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*squees* I got Curse Of The Coffin and Going Going Gone yesterday and I've had a CaRWash overload. :lol:
I must have watched the shoudler rubbing scene a million times (reminds me of what I did with Rio and Going Under :lol:)... And the notebook bursting on fire in front of them? Our next title (if nothing bigger occurs :p) definitely has to be Calleigh & Ryan #6: Hotness Tested On Laptops - CaRWash™ or Calleigh & Ryan #6: Laptops Aren't CaRWash™-proof :lol:


*curses* I've been trying for three days to update my fic, but hates me and let me only today, so here you are, al last: CHAPTER 8 :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey, I'm here again, I almost dissapeared when 1CSIMFan scolded me some days ago :(. I edited my previous post to say sorry that day, I hope you have seen it 1CSIMFan :) I'll try to behave myself.

Back on topic: I haven't read this board in ages, so I'll just say what I know. Katie told me about yesterday's episode, it seems that we had some looks as always and a sentence that talks about Cal little hands, very funny!!! :lol: I won't be able to watch til tomorrow *crossing fingers* then I'll tell you my own impressions :D.

*runs to read Luna's* :D *stops 'cause she has to go to the univ right now :lol:* *goes to univ*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Luna, I stay with my Calleigh & Ryan #6: CaRWash. It's so HOTT it can make laptops combust. :devil:

Reine, that was not only to you, there were more people getting that warning. Welcome back. ;)

I just heard Calleigh and Ryan got teamed up yesterday which brings a spark of hope to me, but what about Cal's small hands? Did they comepare their hands? Or better: did he hold her hand? :D

ETA: FIC!! Home is where the heart is Next chap coming as soon as I think I have enough reviews :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

thanks for the reply Nikki, am so obsessed with the couple's much so I didn't even realised there's something behind wolfe's back :D

In returned of your kindness of putting up the pic, I have manip the pic a bit (dont worry, I just took away the sheers, wouldnt never touch R+C a bit :lol:)

no more sheers, just the CaRWash gdness :}

I liked that water scene in ur fic! so cute! more please!...I am also trying to write something, big project for me coz I have never try writing stories in English before (those crazy imagination role-play doesn't count :lol:) but a word of caution: do pardon my lousy English, always poor with grammar :p*secretly hide own undone fic under the table*

To Luna...I have mixed feelings after reading ur chapt 8 (SPOILERS :lol:) I am happy (that they seems to be finally gearing to the good and blissful side) and sad (the recent incident might start to drift C away again)...don't think I need to explain that much...will wait for ur next chapter...patiently... :cool:

Saw something outside a cafe outside some days back, it's a little quote from Josephine Bakers, written like an ad or something. Don't know why, when I saw the quote, I just thought it sound like a CaRWash statement...

Some of you might have heard of it before, this is for those who haven't :):

He was my cream, and I was his coffee
And when you poured us together
it was something.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

AWww how sweet. :D Hey Jue I'd be glad to beta your fic for you, try to take the mistakes out. PM me if you're interested. I like the pic better without the sheers. :lol:

The water was my favorite part. :devil:

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From the Score)

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