Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hi Calleigh and WatchinCSI!...something more to add after reading your posts...

I guess what makes Calli THAT angry was also because of Ryan not telling HER(not anyone, but HER ;)) about having played DeathPool before...not even when both of them went to the deathpool party together.

Surely some seniority feelings of Calli was hurt when she realised that Ryan has something to do with deathpooling from somewhere else (other than from little wolfie himself), as she was his mentor-always...

BUT...Maybe...inside her heart she might be thinking, "so I am just an outsider to you? I thought I am different from all the others? :mad::mad: ROARRRRRRR!!!!"

to Calleigh : I totally agreed..."You don't do something like that if you're so mad at someone, unless you really care for them." Sure enough...I hope THE OTHER Calleigh will realise this soon, or maybe we should secretly hope Calleigh will have more "uncontrollable" scenes with Ryan, that should make her realised what's going on inside her heart :D

to WatchinCSI: hey I like you "stealing cookies" description...that's exactly how Ryan look like during that time...I guess he was so worried that Calleigh will appear with a cane or something... :lol: and I also like your "when he would lose his job, they had to stop flirting at work" statement...yeah...maybe that was another thing THE OTHER Calleigh have to realise soon...we are waiting... :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I totally agree with everyone about DP 100. When I first watched the episode I was thinking "Oh shit. She is pissed." But, then I realized she was really, really over reacting. And i'm glad she did. She wanted to make sure he would never do it again, and she was really worried about him. It's soooo adorable she was willing to take the blame for him. Aw! That's love. :D

Ryan looks like such a kid after Cal stomps off. He was kinda like :eek: "What just happened there?" Or.. "I think I should stay on Calleigh's goodside from now on." :lol:

All that talking about her getting worried about Ryan has got me thinking. Ryan hasn't got in trouble with the informat yet, has he? So, maybe when he gets in trouble, Calleigh will be like what the hell. He got in trouble again? Then she'll go on asking how he could get in trouble again, after the supernote thing. Perphaps she would even say something like "Why do you think I got so mad? I wanted to make sure you'd never do something stupid again. I guess that backfired" Then Ryan could go on to tell her that he apprciates her worrying about him, but she can't always take the blame. Or somthing like that. Awww :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I was awatching (for like the 100th time :lol) addicted lastnight , way back in s3 that is :lol:, and i noticed a little arm touching at the beginning. Not only that but when Ryan walked into the lab to talk calleigh he said her name and grinned (even saying her name can make him smile :D) And i squeed into a cushion.

Heck the evidence just keep on mounting up ;)
Me: So Ryan, Calleigh what do you have to say for yourselves?
R: Well..
C: I guess its time we told em ryan...
R: The truth is...
R & C : WERE MARRIED * flash rings*

:lol:Ok maybe thats a little idealistic (just a little :p) but come on even back in s3 there was something to Carwash

P-S Welcome all new Carwashers *gives out carwash cookies*(special brand just for carwashers with all the carwash goodness :lol:)

P-P-S Iv made another carwash video and its posted on YT
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

thanks alex for the CaRWash cookies... ;)

ok katie, heres my version of that scenario:
...Ryan watches after Cal stomps off ...thinking, "oh my..did I piss her off just? What HAVE I done...?!" *start banging head against lab's metallic cupboard* Calliegh ran back, shocked, and hold Ryan into her arms, "I am sorry...I shouldn't be so harsh...." and she...(I could contn'd on and on...but it's starting to get lame and I don't want tomatoes to be thrown at me :lol:)

here's another scenario for you alex, *bites CaRWash cookies*:

Jue: So Ryan, Calleigh what do you have to say for yourselves?
R: Well..
C: I guess its time we told em ryan...
R: The truth is...
R & C : we ARENT married, if that's what you are thinkin.. *grins*
Jue:*Total Disappointment look*
R: But...(stole a look at C)
C: we are very much in luv...And (stole a look at R)
R & C: we will be getting married in Season 6!
Jue:*already hysterical jumping and dancing non-stop*

*secretly took another CaRWash cookies and hide in pockets, still dancing away* :D :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hehe, I'm sick for a day and here we are talking about marriage? Now I know why the thread was so slow, it was because of me. I leave and suddenly everyone starts posting. :eek:

I don't know if I gave you a warm welcome, if not I will do it now: Jue, welcome! I can see you've settled in, and that's good, but stay out of the chair in the corner, that's mine! :p

Nathalie, remember it's Under the Influence Tuesday eh? The first ep of CaRWash goodness. *looking forward to seeing it for the 7th time* :rolleyes:

Katie, I so agree that IF Ryan gets in trouble with the informant, Calleigh will help him. And be very worried. Though thinking back of 10-7, when he gave info to Erica, Calleigh wasn't exactly supporting...ah well, chance to make up I guess. :D

About marrying in season 6...*looks in freshly-written scripts*...yeah, must be able to squeeze that in somewhere. :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

hallo nikki! :) Saw your name mentioned everywhere in this forum...nice to see u here again! hope you have fully recovered!

wait a minute...did I heard you mentioning your chair? what chair? *frantically lookg around* I aren't sitting on any! :eek: I don't even have one yet, you r free to take the director's chair, just make sure the pair got married in S6 k? :D

come to think of it, I guess the writers are trying to test our patience by not letting them be together till now...come on...lab doesn't allow relationships? then how come we see eric+natalie freely flirting their lovin/carin/touchy way in some epi? it just doesn't make any sense to me :( ...

or maybe...just part of my wishful thinking, the writers are thinking of ways to pair them up...for a serious relationship (not the play play type)...thus the wait. if that's so, man it's worth waiting for.. :cool:

a question for Season 3 DVD worth buying? I couldn't remember when did I start watching CSI:Miami...guess it's a off and on thingy...but eversince my CaRWashing hobby developed..have been staying late to watch every I might have missed out some gd CaRWashing moments...especially the important part where wolfie join the lab, where the pair first met and so on...which season has more CaRWash in it? 3 or 4? I guess it's best to buy both... :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yup, Nikki is my name, feel free to use it. It gets mentioned a lot huh? Must be because of the CPOTD. :D

Season 3 is definitely worth buying, I have it too and I love it. Season 3 is full of CaRWashness, but four too...yeah I'd buy both if you have the money. :lol:

*pulls out chair* There, you can sit right there. ;)

About wishful thinking: we've been getting amazingly many hints these seasons, so I'm really hoping TPTB really have something in store for our fave couple. :eek:

Did you guys see that in the Miami OTP thread, that CaRWash is ahead? It's not a game, I know, not a match, but still it's nice to see.

I made a small's not good...okay it sucks, but still.

I've always thought something was missing in this scene...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

If y'all get chairs, can I have the couch? :lol: I kid, I kid. :p

Nikki and your CaRWash recruiting. *shakes head* :lol: I'll have to admit, my favorite CaRWash scene was in..'Legal'? I believe. Ryan and Calleigh were in the morgue and Ryan was all sad. :( Poor guy. And Calleigh was there for him. Hee.

I also loved 'Under the Influence' Especially the part where Ryan and Calleigh were sitting together at the computer and he says that he sacrificed his lunch. Hee. Such a cute scene between them. *sigh*

Anyway, now that I'm done explaining me two all time favorite scenes, lovely picture Nikki! Well, manip anyway. :p You're right, that scene was just missing something. I really like though how in season three, Calleigh is almost always working with him. :D

ETA: And yes! Season three is worth buying. :D A lot of great episodes, and a lot of great CaRWash moments to see. And I see that CaRWash is pretty popular in the OTP thread. Hm, I wonder why that is? *pokes Nikki* :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

:lol: Yeah, you're right Geni, whenever you look up you see them working together... I think the team is secretly bribing H to put them together every time so that they can finally realize what everyone else already has... They love each other. :p
And obviously they never miss the chance to drop a hint of pure flirtatiousness.
Yesterday night my best friend came by for our House M.D. Night and I let her watch the CaRWash Simply The Best, and she asked me if they were already tofether (and she didn't even get to see Deviant, cause I didn't have it on CD!)... I swear, one day (when Jake will be all mine) it'll turn out that they've been together for ages. Well, that's my not so secret dream. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*hits Geni* Hey! I'm the only one who gets to poke, lol. :p YAY I made it! I lured a mod *dance* Everyone is gonna think we're getting another warning here, that's usually the only reason a mod comes here. :lol: Couch is all yours Geni, just kick Katie off of it. (picking random name here :devil:)

We talked about that Legal scene a while ago, we all loved it. UtI is classic of yeah. I remember watching the episode with comments and I think it was a writer who said: "This was their first bonding moment on the show. Later on we added some fricion between them but this is a real...tender...moment..." And then the director added: "Yeah..." And I said: "HELL YEAH!" Like, out loud. :rolleyes:

I liked how Cal was his mentor. I'm glad it was her, can you imagine if it had been Delko? :eek:

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Felony Flight)


Ryan: Calleigh...
Calleigh: It could happen.
Ryan: CAL!
Calleigh: What?
Ryan: I love you! :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

haha yeah i would've prefered that scene with that dialouge :p nice CPOTD nikki (you're unbelieveable ... what is that 15?)
omg the writers said that? i really need to watch that epi with comments
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

:eek: Don't kick people off the couch Nikki! There's plenty of room. ;)

By the way, nice dialogue there. If only. :lol: And you know, I saw the commentary for 'Under the Influence' but I don't remember anything about Ryan and Calleigh. :lol: Of course, I haven't seen the commentary in a while. I guess I'll have to watch it one of these days.

Does anyone else think it was uber cute when Calleigh had her gun out and was saying "Ryan? Ryan! Ryan!" :D An alligator can't separate these two for very long. :devil: ...Well that's in reference to 'UTI' anyway. I'm pretty sure there hasn't been another alligator between them. :lol:

_Calleigh_ said
Yeah, you're right Geni, whenever you look up you see them working together...

I guess the writers had set that up from the beginning that they'd be interacting a lot in season three. And if I could remember any of season four, I would have added 'and season four' in there. :p

I really loved a lot of their interaction when Ryan first came along, because you could tell Calleigh was a little defensive of anyone new. So I think Ryan in a way means a lot more to her than she means to him. *shrugs* I mean, he did help clear her dad, and he's always been there when she needed help.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I think the fact that he did help with her dad was very key to their relationship...if it had turned out different i doubt carwash would exist...It was the first of many stepping stones in their relationship each as important as the last, both the good and bad ones make them so special...and its what make its plausable that they will get together. There not unrealistically happy with eachother all the time. They have their ups and downs, and that makes them normal and their couple status attainable :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Welcome to the thread Geni! :D (Can I call you that?) *passes over the cookies*

Nikki, your... wow. :lol:
Nikki said:
Couch is all yours Geni, just kick Katie off of it. (picking random name here :devil:)
:eek: NO YOU DIDN'T! I am ashamed of you Nikki. I thought you loved me!! :( *kickes Nikki off her chair* Hey. I like this chair. It's no couch but it will do.

Geni said:
:eek: Don't kick people off the couch Nikki! There's plenty of room. ;)

Thanks! :D But right now, i'm enjoying kicking the Queen off her thrown. :rolleyes: :lol:

Nice CPOTD.. I guess. Nah i'm just kidding. I love it. :) :) Nice dialogue. "I LOVE YOU!" :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OMG Geni, you here? :eek:
Nikki, you're soo evil. ;)
(aww, poor girl, you were sick? I hope you feel better now.)

I agree, Calleigh is a great mentor for Ryan.
He learned a lot from her and they also had a lot of fun during their work.
I was only disappointed in 'Recoil'. He didn't know all the rules and she didn't explained it to him.
but some tenison between people is normal. you can't get along with everybody all the time. ;)

BTW, the Role Play is soo good! *thumps up* :)
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