Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OMG this scene sounds so gooooood!!!!! (ok deep breaths, must calm down) So cute!!!!! Damn I hate living in the UK. I won't be able to see the eppy until about October as Season 5 doesn't start in the UK until July!!! I have to wait 8 months for a actual pure CaRWash scene. :eek: Noooooo!! Oh life is not fair. I do hope you can get loads of screencaps and can post them. (hint, hint :lol:)

I have decided that the director/writer is a natural CaRWasher if they're giving us this scene. :lol:

I lOVE the pic!!! It is such a sexy picture. Ryan's eyes are DEFINATELY wandering!! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Mind me for ruining your dreams here, but he's standing a bit away from her, on her left, and Luna cut Horatio off that pic. Do I like that pic? Yes. Is he staring at her? In this case: no. He's staring into nothing. I know, spoil the fun, but it's just not fitting in a situation like this. He wouldn't be staring at her with Eric lying in a hospital room, not sure if he's gonna make it.

Of course the writer is a natural CaRWasher: it's me :D

Welcome ijustwannadance, dance away in this lovely thread. ;)

*runs off to read Luna's ficcie*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ah! I didn't know where that pic had come from. And as its in a hospital room, its not really appropiate. :( If it wasn't in the hospital, and Horatio wasn't about, it would be pretty good.

But its still a good CaRWash pic!! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Oook... Just finished watching No Man's Land and I gotta say it was one of the best eps of the season so far... And indeed there was plenty of Calleigh/Ryan interaction.
I loved it when she asked him if he was okay... It was a lovely déjà vu, especially when his voice trembled lightly as he answered. She gave his such a tender look... So tender that I think I'll show y'all how CaRWashious it was. :D

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*Ahem* Time to add to the list. :D

3x03: Calleigh: "You're crazy, you know that? You could have been gator bait on your first day."
3x03: Ryan: "I'm glad everything turned out okay."
3x03: Calleigh: "What are you doing? Ryan? Ryan! Ryan?"
3x03: Ryan: "Looking for this? I took the backdoor."
3x03: Ryan: "I did sacrifice my lunch. Just remember that."
3x05: Ryan: "Those are nice earrings by the way."
3x05: Calleigh: "You took my class."
3x05: Ryan: "If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan." "Total chick drink." Calleigh: *evil glare*
3x05: Calleigh: "Ryan, did you find the trace report? Alexx said you got it mixed up with tox...are you okay?" Ryan: "Yeah. I used to be in patrol...everything would just move along..." Calleigh: "It takes some getting used to. I understand."
3x13: Ryan: "Some women are just attracted to bad boys." Calleigh: "Oh really? Do tell." Ryan: "Come on, like you've never been tempted."
3x07: Calleigh: "Be careful out there."
3x16: Calleigh: "I'll get Ryan."
3x16: Calleigh: "Let's go introduce ourselves."
3x21: Ryan: "It's no big deal, I was sorting it by date." Calleigh: "I usually do it by file number. I'm sorry, I appreciate it, I really do, it's just I like to get all my duck in a row before I go to court."
3x21: Ryan: "I didn't know about your... Your dad... And what you were trying to do. "Calleigh: "You know, I've learned in this business, just that you know one thing about a person doesn't mean you know everything about him."
3x23: Eric: "You're always defending him."
4x08: Calleigh: "You. In the elevator. With me. We're leaving now."
4x08: Ryan: "So I guess you can take the girl out of firearms... But no you can't, cause it's you."
4x08: Ryan: "You always take his side." Calleigh: "Funny, he always says the same thing about you."
4x08: Ryan: "Ever pushed aside the dinner plate to get some?"
4x16: Calleigh: "You wanna ask me again in an hour over a beer?" Ryan: "You're not mad at me... Cause I heard we got into a really big fight today." Calleigh: "Don't believe everything you hear."
4x17: Kaiser: "Big day coming up for the both of you?"
4x19: Ryan: "Meet me in the garage."
4x19: Calleigh: "You'd do the same for me if I were having a bad day."
4x23: Ryan: "You have plans after work tonight?"
4x23: Ryan: "Could you put my name on the card?" Calleigh: *huge grin* "I already put your name on the card."
4x23: Ryan: "You're fantastic."
5x01: Ryan: "You look very beautiful today." Calleigh: "Well, that's a... That's a nice save."
5x01: Calleigh: "Why are you beating yourself up? You just broke the case!"
5x02: Ryan: "I'm glad you're ok." Calleigh: "Thanks Babe."©
5x06: Calleigh: "See, I don't think this place is very scary in the day time. Do you?" *rubs shoulder* Ryan: "What? Nah... Come on, I wasn't scared." Calleigh: *giggles* "Way to change the subject."
5x10: Ryan: "How did you get your hot little hands on a military watch list?"
5x11: Calleigh: "Great job!" Ryan: "Thanks." Calleigh: *huge grin* Alexx: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what about me??"
5x15: "You okay?"

Almost time for a new thread!! How's the poll coming? *looks* The laptop one is winning. :lol:

I think this episode showed us that Cal and Ryan obviously care for eachother when the other is down. Perfect example of why I think we will get atleast one scene next week. :D *dances around*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ouch! Haha Calleigh , I'll try my best not to spam XD

Dutchie - Thanks! :)

I swear, I can almost smell the CaRWash scene XD I'm SO excited for it.. *breathes*

Also, in No Man's Land, I completely agree and I'm SO glad that I'm not the only one who caught the "look" or else I would have been considered crazy XD :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*basks into hopes*

I have to agree, Katie, there are definitely very good chances we're getting at least one scene next week. I won't explain all my castles in the air now (I'm writing a fic about this, so I don't want to spoil anyone :lol:), but I just think there is no way they're not looking for each other's comfort. Take a look at the promo pics... The view of Cal sitting by Eric's bed is heart-breaking, not to speak about Ryan's expression... I can see them share an intense look and silently tell each other "I'm here for you".
I guess Calleigh will be too worried to let Ryan get to close to her, but I want to believe TPTB will be wise enough not to let her act too robotic... WTF, she does have feelings, she has to show something, Eric's her best friend!

And about the new thread, I guess it is clear the title will be Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash. :)

Brace yourselves, CaRWashers, we're getting there! ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yay! Almost new thread! *does pre-new-thread dance* Also, _Calleigh_ is it just me or are we supposed to put a spoiler code on that?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Well, No Man's Land has already been aired in the US, so no spoiler code for that, and since the rest is just my humble assumption, I don't think it requires spoiler tags either. :) I've only mentioned thigs happened in No Man's Land, so I guess it's safe. ;)

ETA: I'm going to open the new thread now, before we go beyond 1000 posts. Let's move to our new temple! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

i'm posting 999 so modie doesn't get to mad :D

No Man's Land..*pouts* Eric!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yes i am back! Now that my heart has been torn out and smashed to a million pieces and i have no one to talk to i'm turning to you guys! My relationship may have ended in me crying myself to sleep but CARWASH LIVES ON!!! :( Dude what's this with Eric!?!? :eek: Ahhhh!! I hate to sound like a horrible person but... Calleigh has no one else to turn to... ::raises eyebrows:: :D
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