Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yeah, I couldn't ever talk about sex like that with my sibs. . .then again, talking about sex period makes me blush and stop talking, so maybe I'm not that good of a person to ask about that. But I have NEVER called my big bro babe, nor my sister beautiful.

Fav CaRWash scene: the first ep with Ryan in it, where there back in the lab after the sandwich incident.

Cal: You could have been gater bait on your first day.

Ryan: I did sacrifice my lunch for you, remember that.

It went something like that, it's been a while since I've seen it.

Welcome Ali, don't worry about multishipping. I've done much worse things.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yeah I don't really see them as brother/sister either...I have a younger brother (not by much!) and we definitely don't talk about sex or anything like it...especially not in a teasing flirty manner! :lol:

I do call my brothers "honey" not really babe though...but then I'm a nickname that's just me! :D

I think I found somewhere to at least watch some Miami hopefully I'll get to see some of Deviant and Driven... **fingers crossed!!** :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey Mo, if you need any help with juicy clips, I can help, all you have to do is PM me. ;) CaRWashers always help each other, especially if it's about getting more CaRWash. :D

Mmkay, my fav CaRWash scene, uh? That has to be Collision. :devil: With Recoil closely following (just because it got me into CaRWash with its lovely angst :)).
Why Collision? Well, simply because it was a deliberate attempt to tease the audience. TPTB (or Nikki, not sure :p) have written the "Big Day Coming Up?" scene for the pure fun to toy with people's patience and mental balance (well, like in Deviant)... It was like the moment itself was screaming "Hey, look! Don't you have the feeling they're hiding something from us?". Duh, I know non-CaRWash shippers consider that way to obvious :)rolleyes:), but, WTF, denial can't last forever! Those are real shippish scenes, you can't just turn around and mumble "Nah, that didn't happen" (as many do :rolleyes:).
I forgot my point by now, but there's a point that never changes: CaRWash IS. :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ooooo! We're getting Collision this week in the UK. You've aroused my curiosity now.

I have to admit, they are obviously very close. And Calleigh gets very upset with Ryan when he's done something silly, like the Death Pool thing. You don't get upset like that with anyone you don't care about.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hehe, Ali, you will like Collision. ;)

I was just gonna say the same thing, PM me if you need any clips Mo...or PM Luna, lol. Or see if I'm online. :lol:

Inge, glad to see you agree with me on the best scene. And yeah I corrupted Ali, are you now afraid of me? :devil:

Alison, it was:

Calleigh: You could've been gator bait on your first day.
Ryan: I did sacrifise my lunch...just...remember that.

I believe that was it. If I had to make a list of my best CaRWash moments, I think it would be:

1. Driven, ending
2. Deviant, ending
3. Recoil, knocking her down
4. Curse of the Coffin, rubbing his shoulder
5. Going Under, calling him babe
6. Rio, calling her beautiful

Oaky I could go on and on about nice moments, especially now I have season 3 dvd and getting season 4 in a whole other way *cough* :p but I won't. For now.

Oh and Luna, I wrote the 'big day scene' just for you :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

to join in one of my fave scenes is in under the influence... It was when they had finally cleared calleigh's dad...

Ryan: I'm gald it turned ot*sweet look at calleigh*
Calleigh: Thanks Ryan *sweet little smile*

I dunno why it just makes me feel warm...also with that go the obvious...recoil, deviant & nailed (showing him how the nail gun works)

These sweet little scence are just awesome, not too in your face but thre all the same
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Aww I love the UTI scenes!!! I love it when Calleigh gets all scared about the alligator.. (She needs Ryan to save her :p) Shes like "Ryan!!! Ryan!!! What are you doing Ryan!! (Come save me and be my hero Ryan!!)" :D :lol: It's so cute!

Im posting the CPOTD for Nikki. Sorry it's so late but the site was down.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Skeletons)


Look at how she's looking at him. Thats love, thats love. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Calleigh should jump him :D!

I think that would solve everyone's problems. Besides, she looks like she wants to jump him, hell, I'll jump him...I think I'll leave that job to Calleigh thoug, she'd have more fun...:devil:

I liked in Curse of the Coffin when Calleigh sorta made fun of Ryan after he tripped, it was adorable and sweet and made me sqee.

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Good choice Katie, I knew I could trust on you. ;) I could be a mean girl and give the rest a reason to chase you, but I won't. :devil: Okay, I'm off today, not sure if I'll be back, just wanted to add: "where is everyone?"

And yeah, Calleigh should jump him, but I'm saving that for the season finale. :lol: What? I'm the writer, my choice.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
What? I'm the writer, my choice.

*points gun at Nikki* What were you saying, hun? :p

Damn, I do hope we're getting a good angsty season... With Cal dating Jake and Ryan watching from afar, silently suffering inside... And then in the finale Jake dies *Luna's heart breaks* and in the last scene we see Calleigh and Ryan standing close together outside the lab, and...

Calleigh: *sighs* You know, everytime I let myself believe it can work, I end up like this... What's wrong with me?

Ryan: Nothing's wrong with you. You just... Haven't found the right man.

Calleigh: *smiles* Do you think he's somewhere out there?

Ryan: *smiles back* Maybe he's closer than what you think.

*long stare*

*fade to black*

:lol: Yay for hurt/comfort! :lol:

Speaking of hurt/comfort and angst and stuff like that... Yesterday I watched Death Eminent and wrote a fic, insipired by something the father of the girl said...

“You always expect to pick out a crib for your baby, but never a coffin.”
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ryan Called Calleigh beautiful?? :eek: when did this happen and what were they doing or talking about?
I need to know these things!! tell me!! :lol: and show me pictures if any one can! :D

*group hug* :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

It happened in Rio, when Calleigh was temporarily given DA BOSS of the lab, while H and Eric were in Rio to chase Riaz. Here's the dialogue:

Ryan: Calleigh Duquesne, large and in charge! By large, you know, I mean in terms of your reputation and responsibility and... You look very beautiful today.

Calleigh: *huge grin* Well, that's a... That's a nice save.

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
Inge, glad to see you agree with me on the best scene. And yeah I corrupted Ali, are you now afraid of me?

Never! :p
you're very persuasive! you should aspire for a position as PR-manager.
I soo like friendship (maybe more than friendship) scenes. I feared the team broke apart after speed's death and slowly they begin to bound again (not only R/C, the whole team).
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

my fav carwash scene is in 'Deviant' when she asked him out for a beer. I died. :lol: the look she cave him was sooo sweet. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

inge said:
Dutchie said:
Inge, glad to see you agree with me on the best scene. And yeah I corrupted Ali, are you now afraid of me?
you're very persuasive! you should aspire for a position as PR-manager.

Not kidding, you're persuasive! What a big scary person! :lol: And "corrupted"? I'm way more corrupted than you know! Just ask inge. She's read my stories - she knows what a twisted imagination I have! :D

What I liked about the scene at the end of Deviant is when Ryan said that he'd heard that they got in a big fight today. Awwww! You couldn't stay cross with him, could you? :p
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