Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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*raises hand jumping excitedly*

I did! Jake's hot (well, that's no big deal, actually) and looks amazing in that shirt, but whatever, this is a shipper thread, not a drooling thread, so... Yes, I do hope we're getting some good CaKe interaction in this ep, especially because I really want to see how Calleigh would act with him in such an important case...

I mean, Jake's got a big responsibility, cause the lab's reputation might be ruined by the case... Half of them are basically suspects. I definitely crave to see Calleigh dealing with Hot!Jake in charge... They have such great potential, why don't TPTB just let them develop some good storyline? :rolleyes:
_Calleigh_ said: They have such great potential, why don't TPTB just let them develop some good storyline

That's the point: they (TPTB) seem to mess up every potential that developed or is already present, it's a shame! So why we never really get more information about Calleigh's and Jake's path together, this episode screams for such intense scenes and we want to know!! :mad:
:lol: Don't count on me for that, I'm not the porn kind. :lol: I prefer mild but still hot sensuality. I'm actually working on a new CaKe fic, but it's far from M, unluckily.
I really crave to see what happens in Internal Affairs and hope we're getting some Calleigh/Jake interaction (I always love catfights, but who can get mad at him if he's dressed up like that? :eek: Maybe some Angry!Sex. :devil:)
I haven't seen any CaKe moment in the promo, that doesn't mean there's none, though, right? Right. I mean, Jake was brought into the show for Calleigh's pleasure (damn, I wanna be a CSI too. :eek:), there's no way we're not getting at least one short scene.

ETA: CaKe!Fic :cool:
Yay! I love Cake stories! Thanks _Calleigh_! I'm going to go read it now :D I hope we get at least one good Cake scene tomorrow.
Okay, after Monday's ep, where have all of you gone?? Come on, we got a kiss and there's nobody here?? *tries to rally the CaKe fans*

So what do you think is in store for Calleigh and Jake next season? Will Jake be back? (I sure hope so!) :D

And now, and pic because it's too good to resist. :p
CaKe Kiss
Although I am an E/C shipper, I kind of fell for Calleigh and Jake during the finale. I don't know why, but the whole good girl/bad boy thing is just attractive about the two! It's kinda... fun, for lack of better word. I would like to see more of the E/C/J triangle thing. I think that storyline has some potential.
pet your always for triangles, :lol:

But damn, Jake busted out the slick moves to make out with Calleigh. Smart boy. I still think your evil, but your very slick and lucky ass.
Hey Lynn! I haven't seen you around here in a looong time! I'm sorry I can't help it if I like triangles. They're angsty and I like angst! :lol: But these two have much potential for angst and I can't wait to see them next season!
See, I knew I shoulda watched the finale... I missed good ol' Cake! Darn... these two are soo hott together... drattss.. I'll have to watch it on innertube I guess... no big... awesome pic by the way!
Twinny and you call me a crazy multishipper. I think we have the same ships at this point, don't we?

pet -- I haven't seen you eithers, where ya been? You know you get your angsty side from me and Twinny. We taught you to much :D

Wonder if they'll have scenes next season.

Question: Do you think Cal visit Jake in the hospital?
finally i find the right shipper page!!!

my opinion is clear: calleigh and jake are so hot!!!
for me they have more chemistry than eric and calleigh.
i hope to see jake and calleigh togheter in the next season!!! :) :) :)
I do want to see more of Jake in next season. Maybe some scenes with Cal and some angsty scenes with Eric. What? I LOVE Angst!
whoa there Twinny, we never woulda gussed you liked angst. My ships rock Twinny... :p

I'm definately gonna watch this show next season if there's cake in it. for sureeee... CSI:'s have taken over my lifeeee.
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