Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Well the perfect captation for Calleigh's pic would be "And I'm jumping on him immediatly, am I not? :drool:" :lol:
I'm positive she was thinking - " yeah, I'm gonna get me some of that".
& Jake has this arching the back thing goin' on that says "check out my pecks!" :D
Anyway, MJ must escape from gutterville. :alienblush:
**she goes to gutterville**:alienblush:

I'm all too curious to see what TPTb would do for his return...would there be angst....would Cal just be so happy he's alive that we'd get another cheese-soaked CAKE scene?!?
After 'Resurrection', I think it was more clear they're making him a good guy. At least they didn't leave it making anyone wonder if he's up to no good, like in 'SYG' -so- I would hope that they just make his return a happy one & leave out all the wonder of if he's done something bad....that's annoying & overdone. Plus, that would be just dumb at this point to try & have him "go bad" 'cause he was all too sweet in the last epi doing something to help Calleigh. The point was made quite clear I think. ;)
Well let's just say that I was just glad they finally turned him into a real good guy, a sweet one who cares about Calleigh.
"I did it for you" was way too sweet even for a guy like him. We know that he can look cocky but hey that was just too tender :adore: .
The Jake they showed in SYG wouldn't have done and said something like this and, IMO, it's pretty obvious that this is the real Jake, the one they should have been showing since his first appearence.

He made more than one mistake in his past with Calleigh and he hurt her (we still don't know what happened), but as every human being he changed and he changed in a really good guy.
He put in danger his life for her!!!! When do you something in a show like this? Never 'cause, IMO, we never had the real LOVE and hey that's love.
After that episode I honestly can't imagine him doing something more for her, except for his return to home. Gosh he did everything a person who really loves you should have done.
If I had been Calleigh, I would have been touched. She was touched and I'm sure she's waiting for him.

So I can imagine him coming back and her hugging him and crying telling him something like "I don't want to wait for you anymore, I want you to stay with me for the rest of my life 'cause I love you". Plus I so can imagine him coming back, Calleigh acting like that and him kneeling down and asking her to marry him 'cause he's back forever :thumbsup:

See? You don't need the actor for thousands of episodes to build up a storyline like this. You just need on episode and everything will be perfect for our CaKe.
Am I asking too much dear TPTB? I guess no
*pokes to TPTB**
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

See? You don't need the actor for thousands of episodes to build up a storyline like this.

Exactly right!!! In a show like this where it's focused around solving crime, every little detail in showing one's relationship is very important. There has to be emphasis (especially showing a TRUE romantic element) to make the audience get a feel for it since they can't provide it in every single episode. So, to me, all these things they did with Calleigh & Jake were meant to speak high volumes. It doesn't matter that Jake isn't in every scene & at every crime scene working with her - what matters is everything they did between & where Calleigh was....& she was with Jake, & she's still waiting for him. There's no convincing me that she has just washed her hands free of him - if TPTb wanted things that way, then surely they'd have actually shown that......& they did not. :p

I need a Mimosa drinkie - anyone with me? :hugegrin:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

See? You don't need the actor for thousands of episodes to build up a storyline like this.
Exactly right!!! In a show like this where it's focused around solving crime, every little detail in showing one's relationship is very important. There has to be emphasis (especially showing a TRUE romantic element) to make the audience get a feel for it since they can't provide it in every single episode. So, to me, all these things they did with Calleigh & Jake were meant to speak high volumes. It doesn't matter that Jake isn't in every scene & at every crime scene working with her - what matters is everything they did between & where Calleigh was....& she was with Jake, & she's still waiting for him. There's no convincing me that she has just washed her hands free of him - if TPTb wanted things that way, then surely they'd have actually shown that......& they did not. :p
Ah there's now way they'll be able to make him go way like this. She's obviously waiting for him and she never forgot him or even better she's not thinking of anyone else 'cause there's always Jake in her mind.
I'm not worried and I'll never be and I'm still optimistic also for the future episodes ;)
Right now let's wait for the next episode which might turn good to us, despite all the spoilers :p

I need a Mimosa drinkie - anyone with me? :hugegrin:
Mimosa???? Did I hear right? Dear mj I'm right here with a demijohn of Mimosa :beer:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Well, the spoilers we hear "out there" never seem to fully deliver so.... ;)
As for it turning good for us, anything is possible....even if it's not in this episode. At this point, & after all this time, Calleigh has only shown romantic feelings for Jake so I honestly can't see this brush of death making her fall out of love with him & in with someone else- it doesn't work that way.... unless your someone who enjoys playing mind games for 2 years & only falls in love if it's to benefit your own feelings.....& I do not believe that Calleigh is that arrogant.

There's also something a bit telling if ya want to take the title into consideration. Smoke get's in your CSIs is a play on words from the song/phrase 'smoke get's in your eyes' & if anyones ever heard the lyrics you'd understand what I mean. In a nutshell, it's about a man who thinks he's found true love & realizes that smoke has gotten in his eyes &he's loved blindly. It's just a little song about people who's feelings aren't as true as they thought. *cough Eric? cough* We'll see how it unfolds. ;)

Dear mj I'm right here with a demijohn of Mimosa
Ahh, thank you! :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I know what you mean with that song mj and I perfectly agree with you.
Maybe this episode will turn into a keyepisode to show how thing are, really.
I watched the promo and no it doesn't look Jake is gonna be mentione at all, but at the same time, I do think nothing new has been said in it.
All that's been said is just "One defining moment will bring this team together again".
So it should be all about the team concerned for Calleigh (btw I'm still shocked :eek:) and Alexx's return.

Anywhoo I still think that Alexx can do something for our couple, she can explain Calleigh how the situation is and, above all, what to do in her future and not just as a MD. We know that Alexx is kinda Calleigh's mother, sot there are lots of possibility that we get a scene with Alexx telling Calleigh what to do both froma medical POV and a mother's one ;)

Plu I'm always postive for our future.

Let's all get drunk :beer: :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Guys, I see that you're getting close to a new thread, do you need me to open it for you? I was wondering, if someone would be able to post me a list of thread titles, so I can set up a poll when the new thread is open.

Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Guys, I see that you're getting close to a new thread, do you need me to open it for you? I was wondering, if someone would be able to post me a list of thread titles, so I can set up a poll when the new thread is open.

Ok I'll give you the list of new possible titles.
As for the topic I think I have something in my mind to open it, if you don't mind it ;) BTW which number is the last post? 1000?

Here's the list we have right now ;):
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for you"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting with a glass of Mimosa"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for a new Mimosa party"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he risked everything for her"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "I did it for you"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "We can't live like this!!"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he took a risk for her"

That's all we could think :lol: . Hope it's ok for you :)

Now question time (an I'm pretty sure we all have interesing anwers in our crazy minds)
_what is Jake doing while away from his Calleigh? Will he be always risking his life because of his UC period or will he be trying to phone her the whole time?
_How is Calleigh waiting for him? Knitting (as always in my mind :lol:) or at the shooting range? Or will she try to avoid everthing and everyone?
_what will our duo make once they're back together??

BTW there's an interesting spoiler about the russian mob and Calleigh. It looks like someone is going to attack her (possibly in her own house). Will Jake be ready to return and save her? :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Guys, I see that you're getting close to a new thread, do you need me to open it for you? I was wondering, if someone would be able to post me a list of thread titles, so I can set up a poll when the new thread is open.

Ok I'll give you the list of new possible titles.
As for the topic I think I have something in my mind to open it, if you don't mind it ;) BTW which number is the last post? 1000?

Here's the list we have right now ;):
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for you"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting with a glass of Mimosa"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for a new Mimosa party"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he risked everything for her"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "I did it for you"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "We can't live like this!!"
Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he took a risk for her"

That's all we could think :lol: . Hope it's ok for you :)
That's fine, of course you can open it. :D I'll set up the poll for you when you do. Yeah once we get to 1000 posts, I'll close this thread and you can open the new one. :D

Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Ok, well about 'smoke get's in your CSI's' - from what we can see - No Jake is not mentioned. However, here is something to chew on - Calleigh will eventually come out of conciousness to speak her first words. Now, who's to say that she doesn't mutter "Jake" when she comes to!! ;) Just a thought. We don't have to SEE him for TPTB to make a point or to show some foreshadowing. Plus, based on her condition there may not be a whole lot of conversation from her...depends on how "with it" she is by the end of the episode.
The other spoiler I'll have to think about cause I haven't read too much about it yet. All I can say is that the only way for Jake to save her & be a hero is for TPTB to bring him out of UC. We can't expect him to do much when he's stuck out there in his own danger & doesn't have a clue what's going on in Miami....unless....he winds up connected to this case. He said in 'Resurrection' that they would send him "somewhere", we obviously don't know where so at this point he could totally be working as an undercover mob person trying to nail these guys. Let's face it, TPTB left his job (& thier relationship) so open that he could resurface at any time & under any circumstances.

Ok, so I was watching 'Resurrection' again & I still think it's odd that they've aired this so close to the new one - like a reminder of sorts ;)
Anyway....I didn't realize that when Jake kissed her she kept her eyes closed for like a freaking HOUR !!! :lol: I just think it's so telling her going on & on about how terrified she was that something would happen to him & she'd never know about it, the expressions on her face - you cannot tell me that the girl wanted things to end - no way! Plus I think that whole time she kept her eyes closed is because she didn't want to have to watch him could just sense the fear & sadness coming off her.


Now question time (an I'm pretty sure we all have interesing anwers in our crazy minds)
_what is Jake doing while away from his Calleigh? Will he be always risking his life because of his UC period or will he be trying to phone her the whole time?
_How is Calleigh waiting for him? Knitting (as always in my mind :lol:) or at the shooting range? Or will she try to avoid everthing and everyone?
_what will our duo make once they're back together??
First one: Well we know he's missing Calleigh & wondering what she's doing.
Everyday is a risk for him being in that job. If he could phone Calleigh without putting her in any harm then I think he would.

second: Yes, she's knitting ....she very well may be up to an afgan the size of Texas by now! :lol: It's already been "told" that she's avoiding people so that I don't doubt.
Here's how I picture it: she goes home to her empty house, she looks at her answering machine to see if Jake has called. She then probably takes a shower trying to wash away the stress. After the shower she checks her machine again, heats up some dinner but she probably can't eat. The phone rings but it shows on the caller ID that it's just a friend so she doesn't answer it.....then she starts her knitting & falls asleep on the sofa because the bed is too empty without Jake. :)

Third- what will they make when they get back together? They'll make SOME WHOOPIE what else???? :devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Ok, well about 'smoke get's in your CSI's' - from what we can see - No Jake is not mentioned. However, here is something to chew on - Calleigh will eventually come out of conciousness to speak her first words. Now, who's to say that she doesn't mutter "Jake" when she comes to!! ;) Just a thought. We don't have to SEE him for TPTB to make a point or to show some foreshadowing. Plus, based on her condition there may not be a whole lot of conversation from her...depends on how "with it" she is by the end of the episode.
Calleigh muttering Jake while waking up would be fantastic and hilarious at the same time ;).
Let's say that since she's been with a tube down her throat for while (at least 2/3 hours or something like this), once she wakes up, it will be pretty difficult for her to speak and, obviously, when you have speaking difficulties you say the most common words, or the words you can pronounce more easily. Or, better say, something which is instinctive...what's more instinctive than muttering "Jake"? ;)
Not to mention that her sight will be a little bit blurry at first.

Ok, so I was watching 'Resurrection' again & I still think it's odd that they've aired this so close to the new one - like a reminder of sorts ;)
Anyway....I didn't realize that when Jake kissed her she kept her eyes closed for like a freaking HOUR !!! :lol: I just think it's so telling her going on & on about how terrified she was that something would happen to him & she'd never know about it, the expressions on her face - you cannot tell me that the girl wanted things to end - no way! Plus I think that whole time she kept her eyes closed is because she didn't want to have to watch him could just sense the fear & sadness coming off her.
Was it just an hour? I thought it was more :lol:.
Seriously you don't reamin with your eyes closed like that for a "goodbye kiss".
That's exactly the moment when I felt she was going to wait for him, not matter how (hard) the fure was going to be ;)

Now question time (an I'm pretty sure we all have interesing anwers in our crazy minds)
_what is Jake doing while away from his Calleigh? Will he be always risking his life because of his UC period or will he be trying to phone her the whole time?
_How is Calleigh waiting for him? Knitting (as always in my mind :lol:) or at the shooting range? Or will she try to avoid everthing and everyone?
_what will our duo make once they're back together??
First one: Well we know he's missing Calleigh & wondering what she's doing.
Everyday is a risk for him being in that job. If he could phone Calleigh without putting her in any harm then I think he would.
I still think that sometimes he phones her even if he's risking his life. Just because he can't resist without her :lol:

second: Yes, she's knitting ....she very well may be up to an afgan the size of Texas by now! :lol: It's already been "told" that she's avoiding people so that I don't doubt.
OMG I never thought her knitting situation was that dramatic :guffaw:.
But yep considering everything, I can picture this new image of Calleigh and her afgan :lol:

Here's how I picture it: she goes home to her empty house, she looks at her answering machine to see if Jake has called. She then probably takes a shower trying to wash away the stress. After the shower she checks her machine again, heats up some dinner but she probably can't eat. The phone rings but it shows on the caller ID that it's just a friend so she doesn't answer it.....then she starts her knitting & falls asleep on the sofa because the bed is too empty without Jake. :)
Aww that is just sad for a girl I've known like Bullet Girl, but yes that's how I can picture her right now.

Third- what will they make when they get back together? They'll make SOME WHOOPIE what else???? :devil:
All I can say is :lol::lol::devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

How come in here the last post reads 1000 but "out front" it says 999 posts? :confused:

Anyway, my last post in the old thread :p....

Seriously you don't reamin with your eyes closed like that for a "goodbye kiss".
That's exactly the moment when I felt she was going to wait for him, not matter how (hard) the fure was going to be ;)
I know. That's what I thought too because she just didn't have that look that said "oh well see ya" it was more like "come back to me come back to me don't go!!!" :lol: You know that's what was screaming in her head.

I still think that sometimes he phones her even if he's risking his life.
Well it's certainly possible, but I don't think he's contacted her because as we've pointed out, she's very distracted & I think if she's talked with him then she'd be more relieved hearing his voice.....she'd be more cheerful just knowing that he's ok for the time being.
But considering she made that comment that she'd never know if anything happened to him makes me think that them communicating while he's UC isn't easy. I think she said it all when she said "I can't LIVE like that" because as you can see she's still here waiting & worrying just as she said she had been doing the last few months before he returned the last time; & we can tell that she isn't LIVING properly so - indeed it says it all! A person doesn't just stop worrying, caring & loving another person just because they're sent away. He'll come back, & when he does she'll love him just the same as she always has.

OK!! - onto the new thread...see you there (bring lots of Mimosas)!! :beer:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Congrats guys on the new thread guys, I'm going to close this one for you. Calleigh/Jake #2 can be found here.
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