Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Aw, I can't wait to seem them together again!
Have we got any spoilers for sure? I haven't read alot yet... I've been putting myself off spoilers, but I REALLY like Calleigh/Jake together-- so I'm making this an exception. :)

Although, I'm also a DuCaine shipper. :lol: But I LOVE the scenes with Jake + Calleigh.
So I haven't really watched that mcuh Miami. dodges objects But how did these two meet, or where did jake come from? Cause the first time I've seen him was on last nights eppy. And I liked him, them, uh-oh, obsessive fan-girl is starting to show... :D
I can't believe none of the lucky peeps who got to watch Going Going Gone has got nothing to say about that... I mean, I saw the promo and the caps... It was pure CaKeness! I haven't seen the ep yet, so, please, someone spoil me! :D

About Jake's storyline: he's a former academy mate/boyfriend of Calleigh's and an ATF special agent. Now (for our delight) he's back, hotter and sexier than ever. :devil:
Now that Jake is not working undercover again, he might become a recurring character...but I don't think Calleigh will let him back in that easily (not if H has something to say about it :D )
I wasn't that impressed with the episode 'Going, Going, Gone' itself, but the CaKe interaction was awesome! Aww Calleigh, trying so hard to act rejecting and almost hostile, but we totally see through her. When they were walking at the waterside, I was almost screaming at my TV "Go jump him! Just do it! Jump!"
And hey, I made a few CaKe icons! :D
I'm gonna post just three here:

Loved Calleigh's smirk at the end, and that "We have our moments." And now I can't wait for another Jake episode!
I'm sensing intense chemistry and magnetism with these two. I'll enjoy the ride with them, and hope the result is good where they rediscover the magic between them.
Just finished watching GGG and, man, that was a true CaKe ep! :eek:

There was all a shipper could ask for... Flirt, angst, tension... And I love it when Calleigh squeals "What did you say?" when Jake tells her that maybe she's right. :lol: The whole last scene is so damn cute and flirtatious!

Calleigh: "I can't believe I took a bullet for you."
Jake: "What are you talking about? *leans closer* I can't believe I shot a man for you."
Calleigh: "I'm the one in pain!"
Jake: "I got the emotional scars!"

:lol: I love them, seriously! *wants threesome* :p

I can't wait to have more CaKe! :D
Actually, the threesome I want is Calleigh, Jake, me. :p
But anyhow, I wrote a CaKe fic, so if you want to dream a little (and in a very cute angsty way :p), go ahead and have a CaKe read. ;)

Anyone know if we're going to see them together again any soon? GGG was so perfect for my CaKe angst-craving heart. :rolleyes:
Awwww I loved that fic, Luna! Go write more! :D
From what I've heard, Jake is gonna be in the next episode. Unfortunately we'll have to wait till next year to see it... stupid winter hiatus... Booooo! Oh, but the episode is called "Internal Affairs"..... Hmmmm.... suspicios title! *crosses fingers for CaKe AFFAIR* Hehe.... Please TPTB! Some CaKe smooching/sexing isn't too much to ask, is it? :rolleyes:
Definetly will have to catch that eppy then.. I love CaKeness. I like em a lot. I'm agreeing with Leela PTB, CaKe amoochin'/Smexin' wouldn't be too much, right?
Even thought there hasn't been alot of CaKeness arond yet, I'm really warming up to the pairing! Their chemistry is amazing. (and I'm saying this as an also-DuCaine shipper). :)
Leela said:
Awwww I loved that fic, Luna! Go write more! :D
As you wish, mistress... Here you go. :cool:

I've heard we actually are going to see him again in the new ep (long waiting, but still)... I know I'm the usual sadistic, but I want a good, healthy argue between these two. I mean, a heavy fight, which would obviously end up with the best make out ever... For further details, join me in the gutter. :p
They have such great potential (mainly sexual, imo, but what can I do? They're hot!)... My CaRWash heart (which still preveals :D) really has to concede they have such perfect chemistry... What I would give for a small slice of CaKe!
Okay, I wanted to refresh this thread, bring it back out of the dumping.
So, next episode isn't far away anymore, and Jake will take over the investigation of the case, what means:
impossible for Calleigh and him not to meet and not to have some intensive, hot scenes together, well, that's my opinion. :p
Has anybody already seen the promo? Some CaKeness there??
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