Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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:lol:Well I don't watch the Bold & the Beautiful (I was a DAYS fan some time ago) but I know what ya' mean!! Must Miami really go there? Blehhh, please no. That kind of stuff should be left for a prime time soap, not crime-drama show.
Like Frank says..."it is what it is, don't make it what it isn't" ;) ;)... is that right? Anyway, what I'm getting at is that they should just stick w/ the way things have been done already, Calleigh w/ Jake. She's happy w/ him, he's happy w/ her...they make a great couple.

Besides, it's all too obvious how she feels for him, & for Calleigh Duquesne...thats ALOT. I would of never expected a real "love story" for her character, she didn't seem the 'type' but I really enjoy seeing her in love & emotional w/ Jake, its giving her character more "real life" stuff to deal with, opposed to the usual "everything about the job" stuff.
Make sense? :confused:

Hmmm, Cal a brunette & Nat a blonde :eek: I could see them going undercover as hookers or strippers, in wigs...that'd be hilarious!! :lol: It would be my "charlie's angels" themed epi that i've always wanted! :p

I would love to give Jerry Bruckenheimer a suggestion though. Maybe after the 3 CSI shows are done running , he can have a spin-off thats purely drama...all focused on CAKE & EDeN....oh dear, I would watch everrrry week!!! I'd be a mess w/ all that "loveliness"! :D :devil: :devil: :D does make sense...cause I think the same.
I mean I've never expected for her such a great love story especially after Hagen's suicide :( and I always thought she deserved a good boy just to go out from job...she was always job or her house or maybe catching her father from a bar :lol (oh my dear Duke :lol: ).
Now with Jake...I've started seeing her a little bit...more human...with a normal live out from her job with normal problem with a normal boyfriend ;)
Now she reached her best moment....well stop it...and I think your quote from Tripp is perfect :D

Your suggstion for Mr. Jerry is absolutely lovely :devil: I won't stop watching it :lol: , but I would love all the character except the bullet...cause I think that right it has become a character in the show...they should give it a name.
Damn that does need a name!!! **thinks about it**

Maybe the spin off should be romantic comedy instead...they would be so fun to watch. :lol:Hilarious, I could totally picture it!!

Yes, Frank's quote is now going to be my motto for these beautiful couples. ;) The writers have done a few things right, huh? STICK WITH IT!

Oh my dear Jake, I do miss him. *sigh*
I hate to love him, but he's so damn adorable...can't help it!
Maybe we should make up our own epis & just post 'em here. :rolleyes: :)
:lol: think carefully for the name :lol:

A romantic comedy as a spin off would be fantastic :lol:

Gosh..I miss Jake so much :( *sigh* but I don't hat to love him ;) I really adore him :devil:

This could be a very good idea...I think you should start it ;)
Im calling it "love interruptus" :lol: For right now anyway, til something better comes along ;)!

Hmmm, I wonder if Jerry has a personal e-mail address. Him & I need to have a chat, don't we? :D
What should we call the spin-off??

Just a few more weeks & one last pitiful epi til the duration begins :( :rolleyes: Please give us a teensy weensy bit of Jake....a phone call will do. ;)

"Dangerous Son" airs next...didn't really like the epi but at least there's the CAKE scene. :D :D
I'd just love a call...I don't ask to much :(
aaaww I miss him so much :(

the title?...maybe "eden for love" or "cake loves" I don't know :confused:

Hmmm."dangerous son" nex ep? well...definetly not my fav. but surely the flirting scene between Cal and Jake was fantastic
"morning officer pretty" :lol: :lol:
I love this bad boy :devil:
LOL @ MJS. Nat and Cal going undercover as strippers. That would be funny, really.

CaKe had a scene in Dangerous Son didn't it? What was it about? Oh nevermind, Flo explained lol. That was the part we went giddy wasn't it? Wasn't the coffee talk in it too?
Well I tried to bring us a lovely CAKE picture to gawk at but for some reason couldn't do so. Anyhoo, it was from "going under" when she had him on the ground in handcuffs...sorry, I just loved it. :lol: He had this nice little smirk on his face. You know he really liked it ;)
bad boy Jake.... :devil: *MJ jumps in the smutty pool*

***hands out cake first***
Yum yum CAKE!
:D :D :D :D

Oh I just saw you up there CATH!! I think the "coffee talk" came later....FLO...RUMMY....I know you 2 would know! Help us out here. was it in "Deep Freeze"?
well cathsotokes our coffee discussion was right after "bang bang your debt"...the coffe mascine scene is in it ;)

ahahah :lol: :lol: mjszud that scene was fantastic...I never thought she would have slammed Jake on the ground to handcuff him :lol: :devil: but it was too funny and that smirk was absolutely lovely :devil:
In an interview ( to Megan Mullaly) Emily said also she hurt Johnny during that scene because she didn't know how to slam him on the ground also because during the shooting there was her ex boyfriend (the killer of the ep ;) ).
It was lovely how she explained it..she said
"well I didn't know what to do :confused:...I was like..Can I touch you? I was afraid to hurt him"
I would have loved to see that kind of behind the scene or the one from the kiss :devil:
**slaps self** **bad cake fan**

That's funny. Her EX was in the epi? The killer? Was that the long haired dude or the guy w/ short spiky hair?
That epi is full of shipper mushy moments for me so you'll have to forgive me for not paying full attention to anything other than my ships!! :lol: One of the best epis EVER!! & yes..just for that ships. ;)

I think it's cute, she seems very fond of Johnny, it shows in their characters. They play off each other very well :)
I'd love to see behind the scenes too, (especially the kiss) wonder if they do like SMG and DB used to do and try to gross each other by eating crazy stuff or if she tells him to put a mint in his mouth. I dunno, Just been cool to see. :D

Don't feel so bad mjs. I don't pay attention to anything but my ships moments too :D

Thanks Flo! I didn't know when it was.
mjszud said:

That's funny. Her EX was in the epi? The killer? Was that the long haired dude or the guy w/ short spiky hair?
Fortunately the one with short spiky hair :lol: Well I know it only because I watched that interview ;)
I noticed that she seems very fond of Johnny too ;) How to blame her? :devil: lucky girl :lol:

Yeah that ep. was definetly full of shipper moments (my ships :lol: )...and tey were all the best ships of Miami ;)

Behind the scene...Hmmm I'm pretty sure both EP and JW had a lot of fun :lol:
Although I'm kinda still angry there wasn't the "hot scene" :confused:

Oh no problem Cathstokes ;)
SMG/DB (Sarah Michelle Gellar/David Boreanaz (Buffy/Angel))

aww its good that she is fond of Johnny, makes the CaKe scenes more good. :D

Be patient Flo, we might get our hot scene. hopefully :D
yeah in this way their scenes look more real ;)

Even if there isn't our scene (I'm pretty sure there won't be :( )....we'll have our ship :D
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