Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Geez, I know. Well Valentine's Day is approaching...ok well in a month but hey, we need discussion here :D

Where should they go & what will he buy her??

First he needs to send a very LARGE bouquet of red roses (or pink, cuz Cal likes pink ;))to the lab for her along w/ a note saying how much he loves her & to meet him at his house later. Then he suprises her w/ dinner at his house that he has cooked for them. very romantic, all the good fluffy stuff!!
Then OFF TO THE BEDROOM THEY GO!!! :devil: :devil: :lol: :devil: :devil:
Hmmm Valentine's day :devil:

What will he buy her?
That is hard :eek:
I don't know...but I bet he will send her one of those strange valentines...but not too romantic...probably one funny, not serious :lol:
Maybe he will leave it at the hall of the lab...maybe everyone (maybe also teasing it) will read it before her.
Thena after a long day she will notice it on the desk...she will read it and maybe she will be speechless (asking herself if he's nut :lol: )

Then she will go to Jake's house just to talk with him about that strange valentine.
Calleigh will arrive at home and find everything dark except candle lights and then she will find Jake in the kitchen with an apron (shirtless under the apron :devil: ) and the cookware in his hands.

After all the good dishes Jake cooked her...she must be ready to forgive him for that nut valentine...and then OFF THE BEDROOM THEY GO!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: :devil: :devil:
A gift certificate to Artie's Playgound!! :lol: :devil:
Bad Jakers...shame shame.

That sounds good, too. He seems like the type who likes to ammuse her. I bet he's pretty funny when it's just the 2 of them outside of work. :p
he doesn't strike me as being too much of a romantic, but this one time & after their "SYG" moment, it'd be his way of making it up to her.

I like the "shirtless" idea! :devil: :D :devil:
shirtless & boxers w/ kisses all over them... :lol:

Hmmm, does Calleigh seem like the lingerie type?
I dunno, I can see more casually sexy.
Then again she has those knee high stilletos she wore in "man down" ;) I swear her & Lady Heather from Vegas met & became best friends :rolleyes:
Maybe Cal is a little bit of a "kinky monster" outside the lab :lol: :lol:
Bad Jake bad Jake :lol: :devil:
Right now Artie seems to be the most famous person in Miami :lol:

Yeah..I'm pretty sure he tries to amuse her instead of being too romantic :lol:

AAAAAAhhhhhhh Jake with boxers :devil: *bad thoughts flow in her mind :devil:*

OMG Calleigh and Lady Heather best friends :lol:
*she dies laughing at this imagine* OMG mjszud this was your best thought ever :lol:
When I first saw those knee high stilettos I was :eek: :eek: ....yeah she must be a "kinky monster" outside the lab :lol:
But in "sunblock" Jake told her she usually is "passive agressive" and in that ep. she was "agressive agressive" :rolleyes:
I don't know but I'm pretty sure she's agressive agressive also with him at home :devil: (those stilettos spoke for her :lol: )

OMG now, instead of studying, I will imagine Jake with boxers and Calleigh with those stilettos :eek: :lol: :lol:
I'll never get the image out of my head now :lol:

It's always the ones you think are so mellow & prim & proper who end up being the "crazies" outside of their job. I bet Cal's got some spice goin' on when she's w/ Jakers!!! :devil:

I just can't help picturing Cal in the stilletto boots w/ a whip & chain. :lol: Jake is probably a pussycat w/ her. That'd be so funny.
Im wondering into gutterville here, I think I need to stop. :eek: :D

Jake: "you best keep this bitch on a leash" (going under)

**yeah right....more like the other way around... ;)
:lol: ok ok we are definetly crazy :lol:
now you also added the whip and chain with those stilettos boots :lol: (btw I "have" to watch "man down" on Wednesday :eek: I don't know if I'd be able to watch it without having some strange thoughts about those stilettos :lol: )

Anyway...I'm pretty sure she is too crazy outside the lab for Jake to handle it :lol: oh poor guy :rolleyes:

Oh that quote...his first sentence to Calleigh :lol: :devil:
At first I was kinda "kill him" but then she slammed him on the ground and the conversation they had right after it...I will never stop thinking about the cuteness of all CAKE scenes :devil:

Probably I'd be watching all CAKE episodes till the end of the strike :( :(
I need some new episodes :(
**waves hello to KIANE**

Hmmm, Jake in a bubble bath. Im not sure I could picture it being romantic but maybe turning into something quite hilarious!!

Do they see where we go to when we don't have any scenes to discuss? :lol: SMUTTY POOL!!!!
Not that that's a bad place to be ;)

So, let's discuss our LEAST favorite CAKE moment....

A CAKE group...YAY...I'll be there.
I dig your location.
I wanted to skip that and get to the seduction.
I see Jake as not that mushy, but as part romantic and bad boy sexy in the bed.
*waves a big hello to KIANE*

Hmm smutty pool for our CAKE...not bad :devil: :lol:
I's so sad...but till a new CAKE ep. what can we do? :confused:
All this situation is weird :eek:

Anyaw my least fav. cake moment...was definetly "stand your ground" when Calleigh confronted Jake about those mimosas (ah mimosas...always getting people in troubles :lol: )...I found Calleigh a little bit hypocritical in that situation...I felt she was disappointed from Jake's behaviour...I also didn't like the fact she talked about her father in that situation (to me it definetly wasn't the right moment/situation).
Yeah..because of him (I still don't understand why) she was questioned by Rick :confused: but then he helped her...I mean he SAVED HER CARREER...she was tecnically suspended by Stetler...if Jake hadn't had that intuition (holy crap what intuition :eek: )...probably Calleigh would be working as a phone operator for the department (I'd really love to see an ep. like this :lol: ).
I know she was shocked by the events that occoured to her that morning (poor Calleigh :( ) but still..I found her behaviour towards Jake a little bit odd.
At the same time Jake could have asked her if she was ok.....cause to me she definetly wasn't that ok ;) ...and still now she isn't ok ;)

I don't like that this ep. is the last CAKE ep. they aired...and that we will have to wait till....who knows :confused:

Anyway Kiane I signed up in the group...and I've added some pics :D
Yeah, I hated that they left that part out. I mean, surely he was concerned about her, but it was obvious she was alright after the fact, she wasn't hospitalized or anything. Plus, the show has never put alot into the scenes where the characters are placed in danger. It's like..oh your ok..good. It's an everyday thing for them...but it still would of been a nice touch had Jake said something to that effect. ;)
Well you know I agree w/ the drinking thing...too hypocritical. I seldom say anything negative about her character, but this one time made me NOT like her. For only a second though :p

I hope we get something to go on in tonight's epi. I just want to KNOW their ok. Im pretty sure they are....Im convinced they WILL BE, but I'd like some proof. :D
You didn't like her only for one second?
Either I tend to say something negative about Calleigh but this definetly was not her best ep.
I found her too strange...yeah she had gone though a real rollercoaster..but still she was not "our" Calleigh (although I have to say it was a great performance for EP).
I mean this episode potentially could have been the best one ever...but me it was kinda disappointing.
I would really have preferred her to be at least injured (after that hell :eek: also Emily Procter had bruises all over the body and her finger tips cracked). That would have been the best occasion for TPTB to show a real concerned Jake. Not that in "stand your ground" he shouldn't have asked her if she was ok...cause as you would have been a lot nicer ;) ...but still it would have been a lot better ;)
Sorry but I'm all for violence and injuries :lol: I work too much with ambulances :lol:

Anyway..That ep. disappointed me...both Calleigh and Jake.
And then...nothing. They didn't mention CAKE anymore. To me this situation is weird...also Calleigh's developing :rolleyes:

Hmmm yeah I'm pretty sure they're ok (although I think she is going crazy in that lab)...but I need evidences too :(
It's so least they must give us 3 CAKE episodes when the strike is over :devil:
Well...nothing! What did we expect, huh?
After the epi was over , I told my husband that it was the last epi written before the strike, he goes "what are you gonna do, are you gonna make it" :lol:
Hell no, Im not gonna make it. Someone save me!!!

So what now? Its hard to keep discussion going, especially w/ no spoilers either, but ...maybe we need a game or topic to keep us "surviving" over here.

There's 10 epis left....whenever we actually get them. You have to think there will probably be a few on Nat's arc, a few more on Ryan's; Mr. Bullet & Eric will have I'd say at LEAST one more, Horatio will be season finale. Then there has to be a few that are just regular episodes. It seems like each main character gets 3 center stories a season.??!! That leaves us room for at least 2 epis concerning Cake.
What do we want to happen in these 2 epis?
OMG...please someone save your husband :p

Well..actually I didn't expect anything but still they could have done something...although the situation right now looks good ;)
Las night I kinda saw Calleigh...the one from before the accident...and that's good :D

Hmmm no new spoilers..blaaahh
Anyway...yeah we'll have two least ;)
I really don't know what think about these episodes...but I'm sure I want a big CAKE episode...I mean one centered episode for both Calleigh and Jake.
I thought the few episodes coming up would focus on Horatio's angst. I hope Cake has a secondary storyline, and Eden has it for the next, as the couple segments.
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