Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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^^^ I've never heard of that before?^^^ But i'll go for the Mimosa itself. I may have to get drunk just to sit through this epi tonight! Nervous, as well. In fact I could possibly vomit if things don't go the way we'd like them to.

However, I am going to try & view it openly & not just in a negative way. This is CSI: Miami folks, even if we don't get a happy CAKE ending, I think the most important thing to watch for is "does Calleigh still show that she loves him"? Thats going to be the main issue for me. Im convinced that she still will be. Im surely not expecting everything to end all hunky-dory but as long as they are still "in love" but "can't be together" then thats fine for me, because I know that won't last!!

**passes out Mimosa's** & large amounts of CAKE!!!
Rumnmy the cake is so perfect :D and probably with it we could stand this ep.
Yeah...I'm going to pry all night :(

*grabs 3 mimosas (like Calleigh ;) ) and starts getting drunk*
I don't know if I can stand problem if we don't like it we can all get drunk with Jake and Calleigh :lol:
So is this encouaging or discouraging?

Encouraging I thought!! Jake came through for her. Eric saw this...yay....he can move on now. Whatever happens later w/ CAKE, who knows, but the fact still remains that she was STILL seeing Jake, & now that she knows he helped w/ the case she can forgive him. I think it only proved that ...yes, Eric is a good guy but obviously Jake is pretty great too. & THATS who Calleigh wants to be with!
Thank Jake Calleigh wasn't suspended or worse :D
I mean if Jake wouldn't asked Eirc's help....(the bullet in the tree was fantastic :lol: ) Caleigh would have surely been suspended or worse ;)
Our CAKE are still together...using the same receipt :lol: and yeah...the cameraman surely zoomed on Calleigh's finger with that RING during the hug :D Does it means something ? let's hope so ;)

What I didn't like was what they're trying to do with Jake...I really don't want him to become the new heavy drinker in Calleigh's life....Her dad is just enough ;)
And gosh...I didn't like Calleigh's bias...really... I kinda hated it :mad:...but now I'm pretty sure she was agiteted and shocke and I don't think she was totally lucid ( I totally understand her :eek: ).
Anyway I don't like what TPTB are trying to do with this couple :mad:
I can't wait for caps I missed the whole middle of this episode :( but I'm glad you guys are giving good reviews about it so it gives me good hope about it all :D

I really don't want Jake to turn out like Calleigh's dad with the drinking, she doesn't need that, so hopefully he can use that as a wakeup call and not do anything.
so..girls a couple of points:

1)what amAzing job did emily?!!i mean..she was amazing..simple..AMAZING!

2)about jake...well the writers do a bad job with this charachter and with this good actor.this is a big mistake!

3)horatio?where's horatio?i mean..*H..she is calleigh..not only one of the team..CALLEIGH IS THE TEAM!!* :mad:

4)at the end i was just a little bit confused..but i have a certainty.........THE CAKE ARE STILL ALIVE!!! :cool: :cool: :devil: :cool: :cool:
You told everything Alex :cool:
1)Yeah I have just to say that Emily was fabulous....she did a fantastic job not only at the beginnin but also with Stetler...I loved it and I loved her puppy face ;)
2) Now I have no words cause I've told everything possible against the authors :mad:
3) " H, hello there...this is Calleigh're bullet girl..remember without me you're nothing ;) "
4) CAKE IS STILL ALIVE :devil: :devil: :devil: :D :D
CAKE is still alive. I don't really believe that Jake was lying to her or that he is a heavy drinker. There was no REAL evidence that he was the one drinking alone & w/out his buddies. Its completely possible he was telling her the truth. I think their just teasing e/c fans w/ the hopes that she'll choose Eric but in the end of every CAKEY episode...shes always back w/ Jake & hes made out to look like a good guy again. Its even greater that Eric is seeing that Jake is an alright guy now, too. Some fans will never look at him in a positive way...we have to just deal w/ that..its their view, its their opinion. But until I see major proof that hes wrong for Calleigh then im hoping for something big to happen between them!!

H- don't get me started! :mad: Just as dumb as why Natalia wan't at Eric's bedside in "man down". The woman he was sooo into & intimate with before he was struck w/ this bullet. Dumb!! I personally think once they get this ...if you want to call it ...a triangle, out of their systems then we'll get back to the way things should be. Logically, they could never pair up the 2 main csi's (e/c) & make it work. It will never happen. She wants Jake, bottom line.

The ring, yes, the ring!! Who really knows...some say the focus was on "the hands" but who the hell wheres a ring on their wedding finger just to simply...where a ring? I think the focus was maybe on both. The clues saying that yes, her & Eric have a good friendship...the ring saying she is in love w/ Jake. Thats my belief!

Hang in there guys, the important thing is that every time they try & show something positive for e/c, it fails & turns more positive for CAKE!
mjszud said:

Hang in there guys, the important thing is that every time they try & show something positive for e/c, it fails & turns more positive for CAKE!

:D :D :D :D :devil: :D :D :D this is so right!!!!!!!! :devil: :Di hope that this positive trend could go on forever! :D :D :devil:
mjszud said:
CAKE is still alive. I don't really believe that Jake was lying to her or that he is a heavy drinker. There was no REAL evidence that he was the one drinking alone & w/out his buddies. Its completely possible he was telling her the truth. I think their just teasing e/c fans w/ the hopes that she'll choose Eric but in the end of every CAKEY episode...shes always back w/ Jake & hes made out to look like a good guy again. Its even greater that Eric is seeing that Jake is an alright guy now, too. Some fans will never look at him in a positive way...we have to just deal w/ that..its their view, its their opinion. But until I see major proof that hes wrong for Calleigh then im hoping for something big to happen between them!!

H- don't get me started! :mad: Just as dumb as why Natalia wan't at Eric's bedside in "man down". The woman he was sooo into & intimate with before he was struck w/ this bullet. Dumb!! I personally think once they get this ...if you want to call it ...a triangle, out of their systems then we'll get back to the way things should be. Logically, they could never pair up the 2 main csi's (e/c) & make it work. It will never happen. She wants Jake, bottom line.

The ring, yes, the ring!! Who really knows...some say the focus was on "the hands" but who the hell wheres a ring on their wedding finger just to simply...where a ring? I think the focus was maybe on both. The clues saying that yes, her & Eric have a good friendship...the ring saying she is in love w/ Jake. Thats my belief!

Hang in there guys, the important thing is that every time they try & show something positive for e/c, it fails & turns more positive for CAKE!

Ahahah :lol: mjszud when you say these things you're fantastic :lol: :lol: you just stole the words from my mouth :lol:
I've just stopped considering certain people and I'm ready to deal with their opinions ;) far as I know Jake is not a bad guy for Calleigh...HE IS THE BEST ONE ;) and I really hope to something really bigger between them :devil:

Well as for H thing I don't want to talk about it or him aymore ;) cause this thing really disappointed me :(
and I'm speaking not as a ducainer cause it's too evident that Calleigh wants Jake and would never take Horatio ;)

Well the ring....tecnically that ring could be a normal ring simply also because I have the same ring and as far as I know I'm not enganged ;)
*starts suddenly questioning herself if she's engaged "be or not to be engaged?"*, plus I don't think your husband gave you a breil (it's a 4 rings made by breil ;) ) when you got engaged ;).... and also because there are a lot of people who wear it on the wedding finger ;) trust me I know many people with that ring on that finger ;)
(I'm not one of them also because of a little problem with that finger, i broke it one year ago :(...I'd have to wear a smaller ring for it :( )
But the way they zoomed on her hand during the huge so there must be a motive in it...and I'm pretty sure that your theory is right....I think they zoomed on both with that motive ;)
Also the fact Calleigh wore a must mean something...she never wears rings (also because of her job..I think...but she wouldn't have problems to wear it with a pair of gloves ;) ) and for me it has only one meaning CAKE :devil:

As Alex ( Rymmy )said...let's hope this positive trend for our CAKE will continue ;)

:lol:I would surely hope that Jake would buy her a nicer ring if it was meant to be an engagement ring; but Im kinda leaning on the idea that maybe he still gave it to her. Don't know, it could be nothing.

Its very possible that their just throwing in the e/c side-hug & hands to please the audience. Well some of the audience! Its all very confusing, sometimes I wonder if they actually will split up Cake & put her w/ Eric but then I look into it more & think about what producers have said & peices of interviews that ive heard & then I look at the situation more logically. I just don't think it ever will happen for them. But for Cake it would seem easier to play off them.

I just always looked at "the team" as a pyramid; Horatio on top, Eric & Calleigh in the middle, Nat & Ryan at the bottom. To me putting those 'center' csi's in a relationship would never work. How would they break up? Who would hurt who? What kind of relationship would they have AFTER they split up? Seriously, I don't see how they could ever do it. I think even Grissom/Sara was different because they were on a much different 'level' work wise.

For Cake, they could still work in their relationship w/out it damaging the whole team. If they want to break up Cake later, its easy for them to just let go of that character, plain & simple.

I think people need to question e/c fans; would you really want to see them hook up to eventually breaking up & then having a wedge between them or realize their good friends & continue seeing them as friends & not enemies. Anyway, im totally going off here & I dont really mean to, it just seems like the stupidest thing in the world to me. I would much rather see Calleigh where she can be "Calleigh" as "work Calleigh" & every once in a while see her as "w/ Jake Calleigh". Does that even make sense??? Oh well. :D
You know mjszud I've never thought about these things...but now I'm thinking about them and you're so right :D oh yeahhh ;)

Well the team is absolutely a pyramid and an eventual love story between Eric and Calleigh would be ridiculous also for the rule but especially because they wouldn't be professional at their work anymore...I'm sure about it ;)
And yeah if they split up..well the Third World War is wating for CSI:Miami :eek: everybody would be fighting or arguing especially Calleigh versus Eric...I know that in this case they'd be arguing or slapping eachothers all the time in front of ,maybe, some relatives of a victim....casue it's not prefessional :rolleyes:

Well returning on our CAKE I love watching in the same episode
- Calleigh the professional one working on a crime scene with her collegues and friends ;)
- Calleigh with Jake...Calleigh the woman with the man she chose :devil:
To me her life right now is too perfect to be ruined ;)
Exactly FLO!!! Besides the fact, no one can tell me that characters like Jake or Natalia wouldn't become a conflict somewhere down the line if e/c were to hook up. Bottom line; Cake are not enemies & EDeN are far from that also. From the moment we saw Going Under we could see that Calleigh was not over Jake & right up until Eric was shot in the head, TPTB were still playing off him & Natalia. E/C going down a romantic road seems impossible to me. I think there is alot there friendship wise but the thing is, is that Calleigh & Jake are more on a personal, intimate level; ditto on EDeN. I just think those 2 relationships have more depth than e/c, who I view as being more of a partnership, a work relationship, Calleigh didn't even know who Marisol was....they obviously weren't that close. Cake has the "at home" level of a relationship; E/C doesn't even come close.
mjszud said: Calleigh didn't even know who Marisol was....they obviously weren't that close. Cake has the "at home" level of a relationship; E/C doesn't even come close.
AHAHAH :lol: you're so right mjszud :lol:
yeah Calleigh thought she was one of Eric's girlfriends :lol: and she thought also he was too busy with a girl while Ryan was nailed :lol: this thing made me laugh so hard :lol:
This is so ridiculous :lol: oh yeah they know so much eachothers :lol:
EDEN was a deeper me...I think he also was ready to have Natalia's baby..I don't remeber the ep. but he was caught enough by Natalia to accept it ;)
CAKE is such a deeper level ;) they live together and Jake already knew about Calleigh's father ;)
They also attended the same accademy (maybe also the same class:devil: )...Calleigh loved him since that period :rolleyes:
and CAKE LIVE TOGETHER...deeper than this it's impossible for me ;)
Damn strait, FLO ;)!! Calleigh needs to get a clue.

1. She has feelings for Jake, thats clear. Her feelings for Delko are much like weve already seen in inteviews, concern & motherly. She has known that Eric is a good guy from the start, why would she suddenly just realize this & fall in love in with him? Because she doesn't feel that way!

2. Sloppy seconds. anyone? Come on, Calleigh, of all people to KNOW about Eric's previous relationship w/ Natalia it was her!!! It was Calleigh who knew that Natalia might be pregnant w/ Eric's baby. Natalia isn't going anywhere; her character is still there & still close w/ Eric. And how does Calleigh feel about the fact that he was still into Natalia until he was shot? Its so freaking ridiculous. Also its Eric who knows about Jake (well, obviously). So what the f--k! Hello... Does Eric want to be Calleigh's 2nd choice? Does Calleigh want to be Eric's 2nd choice? Give it up writers...this story is dumb. Maybe if e/c were part of a freakin' Lifetime for Women movie then sure...walk them off into the sunset at the end (excuse me...blaffff) otherwise end it now before I change my channel. At least until end of season when Calleigh sees that she loves Jake & chooses him & Eric realizes he has a friendship w/ Cal & a much different emotion w/ Nat.
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