Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Not open for further replies. know...this article (especially Emily's part) got me more confused, even if it's possible :confused:
I think that coloring will meand CAKE will break up and maybe after several episodes they'll be together..well let's hope so. Tha part that really confused me was Calleigh will have to make a decision and I don't know why but I'm pretty sure she won't decide..I mean she'll leave Jake and maybe she'll also leave her job (I'll understand her if this is her decision ;) ). I don't know why but I've got the feeling Calleigh will leave her job for several episodes and probably we will see her at home not at the lab. I don't know but I've got this feeling really hoping Emily won't leave the show...cause right now I'm worried about it :(

and I'd really preffer Jake not asking Eric's help :(

Well mkszud make sure you throw aways the keys far enough...I don't want them to manage to escape :D
^^ The keys are hiding somewhere safe, FLO!^^

Calleigh is just different w/ jake, weve never seen her this INTO a guy before. To her the lab is like her family but shes obviously feeling something major for Jake too or else she would have already told him 'you snooze you lose buddy'. Thats the way Calleigh has been w/ the other men in her past. She'll have a tough decision to make but I really think eventually she wont have to even choose. Its all added drama. I will say this though, the writers are making a huge point here in showing us that he means this much to her!!

Im most confused about WHY Jake asks Eric for help w/ Stetler. what can he do? Jake should say "hey, how did you & Natalia do it?" Go ahead it, do it. Wake his ass up!

Go MJS :p

I hope Emily doesn't leave either it wouldn't be Miami without her -- and I agree, I don't want Eric helping Jake.

You know so many ships are wanting Cake to die, but yet, they don't get the rule, let me break it down for them.

If Cake Dies, the rule still stands. If rule no breaky, your shippy dies too. OK?

Yeah, I just had to get that off my chest, sorry guys! :D
Great job mjszud ;) :lol:
if you need any help you know I'd be the first one to help in these situations :devil:

You don't have to sorry CathStokes cause you just told the truth ;)

Well this part got me confuse maybe a little more than the other parts of the article :confused: Why would jake aske Eric's help. I don't think he will ask him for help simply to easy his consciousness or just to cover himself...I don't know why but I think Jake will ask Eric's hel to cover Calleigh...maybe Jake is too involved sentimentally with her and he doesn't want to screw up their relationship just because of telling what Calleigh really did during her accident and before. I don't know why but I've got this feeling :(

and it also would be good cause he'd show how muche he loves her ;)

But I'd preffer him not asking Eric' s could mislead Eric's real sentiments more (even if it's possible)

Well as for Emily
If she goes I go...without doubts ;) ...I don't know why but I'm worried about it also because there were voices :( But you know I won't believe anything until I see it or I touch it ;)
That is the truth CATH!! If the rule stands Calleigh cant be w/ Eric either. Besides, hes in the hummer w/ Nat where he belongs, their hiding. :lol: :devil:

The rule is just dumb, it will never stick. Plus I can just see mushy Horatio getting in Stetlers face telling him that all they have is each other.

Ok FLO, do you have voices in your head? lol. No seriously, have you heard something about this?? I don't know, I would think that if she was planning to leave something would have already been said, but then again look at Jorja Fox's exit. I guess Emily could hold out til the beginning of S7 & then go, like Rory did too. Well, I really hope not. Id still watch the show but yes, it would suck.

OMG I have voices in my head :lol:
Well there was a girl in Emily's thread who told it...she said she heard it on the radio.
Well I'm sure it was not credible ;) ...but you know what's happening right now and also Calleigh's situation with H, Ryan and company is really worring looks like Emily did something that TPTB didn't appreciate :confused:
At the same time I think this situation is due to a simple fact
This stupid triangle. Now the authors are too concentrated in this "triangle" (I put it in brackets cause I only see one line :lol: , or is it just me? ) . So this lack of interection between Calleigh and his collegues is due to this. I mean yeah there is Jake ( and I would really like to sse more of him :devil: ) but at the same time it looks like she's living and working with Eric (we mostly see her with Eric than anybody else) and yeah I like their interaction although I've bever seen anything among them. I think they're forcing this triangle....and I really don't like what TPTB are doing right now with CSI:Miami.
What I'm trying to say is that this is such a weird and at the same time ridiculous situation especially Calleigh's side...theyre isolating her from anybody else :eek:
that's why I'm having suspects (add also our wonderigns from last week, the lack of informations of their contracts and the news I told you)'s just such a bad coincidence of events ;)

And yeah..about the rule I couldn't agree with you more ;)
The whole triangle thing seems too pushed to me as well. To me when I think of a "true" triangle is when there are 3 people & one is torn between the two. They haven't showed that, they've done nothing bot prove that she is head over heels for Jake & not romantically interested in Eric. It just seems rather dumb. I don't get too concerned w/ the promos & uproar about E/C though because quite frankly they did the same w/ the 'idea' that Speed was still alive & well...he is still dead! My point is that i don't beleive that just because they are pushing this "idea" means that it will actually happen. It seems like they do push a few scenes w/ Eric but they also are still showing more & more w/ Ryan & Natalia, so it doesn't bother me as much. It would be nice to see them all 4 (or 5) together at a time! What I find so humorous is in the one epi, Calleigh & Eric are in the lab & then enters Jake. Then later again, Calleigh & Eric in the lab..Natalia comes in. Is it just me or did that seem coincidental?

I hope they try & take it further w/ Cal/Jake. Drama is one thing but this is just annoying!

Something that has me curious & so very tickled at the same time....Calleigh is wearing a ring on her 'wedding finger' & it is being said that they were drinking Mimosa's earlier. It almost sounds as if they had something they were celebrating!! Don't ya think??
And this Drama is annoying me so much :mad:

Yeah I noticed it too...I told it some time ago ;) and now this Mimosas ....mmm they're not telling the truth :devil: ...Yeah, maybe they were ecelebrating somthing but I'm pretty sure it's a ring (btw I have the same ring :cool: ) that she wears everyday when she doesn't work ;)
It just wouldn't suprise me one bit if she went off & married him. I think shes realizing lifes too short & that shes spent 1/2 her life completely devoted to her career & nothing else. She seems to want more now (w/ jake) & I would have never expected that out of Calleigh. I always looked at her as the one csi who would stay single, never have kids, live & die in the lab. But now its different!

So for fun lets plan their wedding :lol:

1.on the beach a church
3.private ceremony
4.CSI :Vegas crossover/they go & get hitched during a case
Well I totally agree with you and I also completly changed my way of looking Calleigh since she met Jake ;) ....although could you imagine her dying in the lab? :lol: just kidding but until some time ago it could really happen :(
Now she's not only thinking for work and the preview of the ep. I posted in spoiler's thread showed it...I mean...she was having a day off, walking and looking at shop windows :eek: only Jake could bring out this unknown side of Calleigh and I have to say that I love it ;)

Well I'm all for a CAKE wedding :lol:
*she thinks about it*
Well I'll pick on the beach (cause they live in the Italy you celebrate your wedding or in a church or in a city hall :( )...I don't know why but I find it absouletly romantic especially for one person like Cal....and I totally can imagine Jake waiting there for his beloved Callegih ;)
I'd also love to see all the team celebrating for this fantastic event ...
I don't know Alexx could be the bridesmaid ( I wouldn't stop laguhing also seeing Alexx crying like a fountain cause her "daughter" just got married :lol: )
and H, Eric (obviously in pair with Natalia) and Ryan could be the best mens ;)
But the best final for this celebration would be all the team walking on the beach and getting drunk :lol: just to yell out :lol:
What a great wedding :cool:
Yea, I agree , the beach is so romantic. Jake would be wearing a nice pink tux. Just kidding, a black tux. Would Natalia look good in green or orange? Alexx could purple? Or does she wear that color to much? Maybe Jake can hide Horatio's glasses. That would be really funny, but H might fire him and Calleigh wont like that. I wonder if their parents will come? We can finally meet Jake 's parents and Calleigh's mum and brothers. That would be cool. :)
mjszud said:

4.CSI :Vegas crossover/they go & get hitched during a case

ahahahahahaa :lol: :lol: :lol:mjszud,great idea! :lol:
i choose the last one!
crossover with vegas with elvis,slotmachine,suite penhthouse and a lot of bombays :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
^^ :lol: Oh my...I just zoomed in on Calleigh in a Priscilla Presley get-up, complete w/ the boufant hair! For an epi, that would be my fave but I think they should come to Miami afterwards & have a big reception w/ the rest of the team. All of them toasting champagne & dancing!! *sigh* *imagines Eric/Natalia doing some sexy salsa moves out on the dancefloor*. That would be really cool. No other CSI show would go there. Calleigh could go solve a case in the beginning & have to go hunt down criminals in her dress & veil. :pI could totally see it! colors? (bridesmaids dresses & tux accent)

hot pink (calleigh's favorite color)

Jake's tux:


or Elvis gear :D
mjszud said:
^^ :lol: Oh my...I just zoomed in on Calleigh in a Priscilla Presley get-up, complete w/ the boufant hair! For an epi, that would be my fave but I think they should come to Miami afterwards & have a big reception w/ the rest of the team. All of them toasting champagne & dancing!! *sigh* *imagines Eric/Natalia doing some sexy salsa moves out on the dancefloor*. That would be really cool. No other CSI show would go there. Calleigh could go solve a case in the beginning & have to go hunt down criminals in her dress & veil. :pI could totally see it!

Ahahahah :lol: :lol: Priscilla Presley :lol: :lol: I'm pretty sure I wouldn't stop laughing with that Calleigh's imagine :lol:
Calleigh hunting criminals with dress and veil...that would be faboulous...but please the veil, not too long ...I don't want her to trip while following the criminals :lol: :p

As for the colours...
*she thinks about it*
hot pink for the bridesmaid...Nat and Alexx would look fabulous ;)
tux cause Calleigh would be in white ;)
ans obviously Jake with Elivs gear :lol: that would be fantastic :lol: also because he has perfect hair to imitate Elvis :lol: although it's a little bit shorter ;) (I want my hand in his hair :devil: ...I love it, it's perfect :devil: )
hey girls....i have an idea for the "cake"...for the wedding cake i mean!
do you like the mimosa cake?????
i mean..the classic wedding cake..but with a lot of mimosas coktail inside!

p.s.:i'm so nervosu for the tonight episode! :confused: :confused: :( :confused:i pray for a cake happy ending tonigt! :)
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