Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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:lol:CATH, you looove the angst, my friend!! "Going Under" is one of my all time faves. jake is just so cute but yet very cocky. I love that. Calleigh does too. Remember in RUSH, I think that was it. She said to Alexx, I like the bad boys, I can't help it. Bad doesn't always mean bad ALL OVER , I bet Jake has a soft side, too! ;)
ok Guys with this post I want simply to finish this ridiculous discussion :rolleyes:
I've never read E/C tread cause I never wanted :rolleyes: ...but as I'm getting followed bye the mods and sincerly I haven't got the idea of offensive or not :confused:
anyway after that I just read the first 4 pages of it and well I already notified how bad and rude that trhread was :rolleyes: anyaway I want to finish this discussion forever..and I want you to know what offensive vulgar and ruede mean to me

hiphugaholic No bashing? Not even a little bit? Ok, but it's gonna be really hard not to shoot arrows at Jerkly

brookeAp3 It would make sense if they had never broken up, but then Calleigh is an amazing actress because i believed that she was really pissed at Jake. and then there was her face during the night shift scene when she realized that she had made the wrong choice. Is it the 19th yet?? At least we don't have to deal with Jerkely for the next two weeks!!

somethingsdont Calleigh is... stupid.

midnight_tiptoes It's good for us, though! Either way, by the the time EC get together the writers will have probably forgotten all about the rule, anyway.

In a way, though, I'm glad that they're doing it like this. It was so easy for DL on CSI: NY. Mac hasn't even asked them to be careful. I like E/C's obstacles, they're realistic (well, except Jerkley), and when they finally get together it'll feel a billion times better because of all the things they've put us through.

Delko_Lover07 I hate Jerkly though. I'm curiuos to see if he screws up somewhere and his asshole side comes out OR he gets really hurt..or even worse..killed. x.x

Moriel21 And uh yeah you're not really gonna find any "Jerkely" likers in here! Plenty of us want to shish kibab his balls over a hot grill though!

StarDuquesneEMT as much as I bash Jerkley

somethingsdont I don't think Calleigh is passive aggressive at all. Another reason why Jake should die, I guess.

midnight_tiptoes I don't think Calleigh's passive aggressive, either. She can be, but usually she'll tell you what's on her mind. I can't see Eric having patience with passive aggressive women (see Natalia).

somethingsdont Passive aggressiveness is characterized by stubbornness and avoidant behavior, right? I guess Calleigh can be stubborn sometimes, but she's never had a problem being assertive. Jake should know that, but since he's too busy studying his own rectum, he doesn't.

Jacks Quote:

somethingsdont said:
I don't think Calleigh is passive aggressive at all. Another reason why Jake should die, I guess.


Ha! "Top Ten Reasons Jake should Die"
10. Calleigh isn't actually passive-aggressive.
9. If she's faking orgasms, she's doing that with Jake...and it's not because she's tired after a long day (Oh dear...does this make me a bad person?!)

somethingsdont said:
I guess Calleigh can be stubborn sometimes, but she's never had a problem being assertive. Jake should know that, but since he's too busy studying his own rectum, he doesn't.

Oh goodness, Lucy, you make me laugh! He is quite an arrogant jerk sometimes, isn't he? I love how much you despise him, and you always come up with the best zingers for Jake. Honestly, we should have a whole board dedicated to your opinions on Jake

StarDuquesneEMT said:
God I love you guys! I'm laughing so hard my puppy fell off the bed

I just watched Going Going Gone, and I don't get how Jake can be so cavalier about shooting someone. Calleigh may be Bullet Girl but she has respect for her craft and never uses that level of force lightly. Just one more way that E/C will come to rule the world.

You lauged your puppy off the bed?! Oh dear.
Yeah, I just watched that one too. You could tell she was pissed at/upset with Jake both when she thought he was with that girl and when she found out what he was using that girl for. It's kind of stupid though becase I feel like she knows in her head that Jake is an idiot and is only bringing her down, but there's something that keeps her going back to him. When I watch them together, I see that they have a history, and it seems like they can and should only be friends (if that). He has a habit of making these comments that are supposed to sound cute and flattering, but for who Calleigh is, I feel like they're more insulting (ie "officer pretty"...while AT a crime scene of all places) Oh dear, I can't even get my thoughts together. Well, there's my two cents.

Are these offences for you? :confused: cause for me they represente offences, vulgarity and rudness which should be forbidden in normal speech especially in a forum with people under 18 ;)
But probably it's just me and other few people here :(
omg.. their just.. crazy. I hate how someone can just do that. And I'm honestly disappointed to see Mo's post.

Let me guess, midnights the one who made the nickname? she did that in smacked too for Peyton.

I don't like EC but I have NEVER bashed Eric. in any thread. at all or bashed E/C.

This honestly has to end. all of that is stupid.

But don't feel so bad they do it to DuCaine and CaRWash too.

They would be bitching at us to high heaven if that was US posting it about THEM. calling us bitches and everything else. This is really disappointing and pisses me off at the same time.

I will say, Jake does piss me off at times, but I keep that in here or to annoy MJS in DuCaine, but MJS knows what I mean. ;)

How many times and things does Jake have to do to prove himself? Jake, baby, keep doing what your doing, screw it.

All I ask of him is to make Calleigh happy, Cal's happy, I'm happy. End of story.
Thats exctly what im talkin about, FLO!! :) You go, girl.

Note: These are points here people, not attacks, & I have to say its all dissappointing, especially that one of those quotes is directed from a MOD"S quote. Do you see our point, now?

Ya know I love ya CATH ;)
GO Rummy :D
GO Cathstokes :D
GO mjszud :D
GO JAKE :devil:
anyway returning on our beloved CAKE....AAAWWWW Angst....I love it...I always live with it :devil:
Also in another episode s.3 there was a discussion between Calleigh and Ryan...about bady boys :devil:
and Ryan told it right "you love bad boys" :lol:
and can I say it? WHAT A BAD BOY :devil:
Cathstokes you're so right ;) happy Calleigh :D
This is it guys. There is no need to bring quotes in here from other threads and it needs to stop and it will stop. This is the childish behavior that brings on bickering between threads.

In case you missed it the first time:

Shipper Central is designed to be a FUN place for people to discuss their favorite FICTIONAL pairings. Shipping is NOT life or death - it's fun AND it's fiction. So, let's please not take things so seriously. If someone doesn't like your chosen pairing, SO WHAT? You do and that's all that should matter.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that this is a fictional TV show. These characters are fictional. There is no need for all of this complaining. This is the last warning before official warnings will be made and/or this thread could possibly be locked for 24 hours.

Everyone needs to stop complaining about other threads in this thread and get on with the discussion of Calleigh/Jake.


And in case nobody read the Shipper Central rules, here is another section you guys need to be aware of:

If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being
shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread.

DO NOT push the 'notify moderator' button repeatedly - ONCE is enough. If a problem is more widespread than just one post, PM us about it. Abuse of the 'notify moderator' button may lead to the loss of that facility and, in some circumstances, to your own removal from the board.

All of these rules can be found here.
mjszud said:
Thats exctly what im talkin about, FLO!! :) You go, girl.

Note: These are points here people, not attacks, & I have to say its all dissappointing, especially that one of those quotes is directed from a MOD"S quote. Do you see our point, now?
mjszud, may I ask which Mod you are referring to? The Lucy mentioned here isn't me, if that is what you are assuming. Some posters go by their real names in threads as you know (for example, sometimes people call CathStokes 'Lynn'). My real name happens to also be my username. Thanks for clarifying, and you can send me a PM if you prefer.
Yeah, that Lucy was me. I don't want to start shit with any of you, and this is probably the first and last time I ever post in this thread, but I don't like it when my name gets dragged into all this unnecessary drama as "evidence" and feel I have the right to retaliate.

Florry, I think that if you thought it was unjust that we were getting off easy, perhaps you should've sent a PM to a moderator with all this proof you've collected, instead of publicly flaunting it in a thread everyone is allowed to frequent.

"In my country," it's called fueling the fire.
LUCY, Ive PM'd you. ;)

SOMETHINGSDON'T, we here who are in support of CAKE are moving on. FLO's post was not to slam any one in particular but to make a much needed point. That is, that the "talk" has been all over this forum, not just in the 3 that got warnings. I can assure you that no one here wants to argue w/ you or (any other name mentioned above) over this. I think you might feel differently if you were in our shoes. Maybe you should send FLO a PM if you feel its completely necessary. ;)

As everyone can see the past few posts have been us trying to go back to topic, so can we do so, please?
How can *everyone* see that you've all been trying to get back on topic, if there's been one comment about this ship since the names were posted? I couldn't find any indication of Jake/Calleigh in your last post, either.

My problem is not with the point you guys are trying to make. Even I can understand where you're coming from in that regard. My problem is that names were dragged in.

I've never notified a moderator or had a problem with anything anybody here has said until the list. We may speak badly about Jake (a fictional character in a television show), which, by the way, we're trying to rectify, but we don't go around listing the usernames of (real) people who have said things we consider offensive, even to prove a point.

Look, whatever. I only hopped in here because I saw a lot of mod replies and was curious. Imagine my surprise when I saw my username.

I think you might feel differently if you were in our shoes.
I'm fairly certain I wouldn't, but since you guys seem to know us so well ("They would be bitching at us to high heaven if that was US posting it about THEM. calling us bitches and everything else."), okay, maybe.

Keep my username out of this thread and I'll keep myself out of this thread, too. Pretty simple, really.

Back on topic? Sure, I've even got a peace offering:




I'm fairly certain I wouldn't, but since you guys seem to know us so well ("They would be bitching at us to high heaven if that was US posting it about THEM. calling us bitches and everything else."), okay, maybe.

I'm not exactly saying you. I'm just saying, you know how people are. I'm not saying all people would be, but I know of few that would, I've been in both shoes before and I hated it.

And I honestly just want all of this to start.

*looks at Mod!Lucy* I was like, what did I do now? LOL. Hiya :D I don't have nothing against the mods, I love most of them to death (theres some I really dunno) :D hehe. I knew reading that it wasn't you, so I didn't comment about it :D

Okay, So you guys, lets honestly bring it all back to Cake, I don't want us locked for 24 hours, (trust me, its not pleasant) okay, so lets talk about our fav Cake Moment. We can talk about the kiss, if yall want, seriously, lets bring it all back :D Lets just all agree to disagree and shake hands. *reaches hand out* peace?
well...for me the "discussion" is over :D

Go Cathstokes let's talk about our CAKE moments ;)
this was one of the most hilarious CAKE moments for me ;)

"We have our moments" :devil:

that smile is pierceless :lol:

During the whole summer I thought my favourite CAKE moment was the kiss...but after "sunblock" and considering what they're passing through CAKE MOMENT is Jake and Calleigh holding their hands...aaaawwww...too sweet :D
my favorite moments are the end in "sunblock"(flo we have the same "taste" :lol:),
and the funny scene in "bang bang your debt"(the makkieito.cappucciaino and expresso scene :lol: :lol: :lol:)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

glad to know we have the same taste :D

OMG...probably it was the most hilarious moment ever :lol:
it really cracked me up :lol:
Calleigh was too funny :lol:"makkieito, capucciaino and expresso"
and Jake...well he was too lovely :devil:

"after we buy it"...they were living together....that moment was their best moment ;)

I really hope to see other great moments like this or even better :devil:
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