Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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well...the clips I posted throughout CSI:Miami's thread are clear
Behind the scenes
...especially the one named memorable episodes ;)
Togo talked about "nailed" and how the writers wanted to build up CAKE since the fourth season ;)
he said literally
"Emily Procter gets a new boyfriend and Adam Rodriguez finds a love story in Miami" :D
-to me he's talking about CAKE and could the writers right now ruin this story? It was built up in a very good way...that now they must leave it in this way ;)

and gosh...I just watched the episode from last night....well I noticed how the scene in the bedroom when Calleigh and Eric talked about was too forced for me ;)
I don't know why...but the ep. showed the inconstance in every characte'r profile :rolleyes:
it would have been better if they hadn't aired it :(
no way...this shows how CAKE and Eden should make the show stay up :rolleyes:
Without them right now CSI:Miami is just a continious inconstance :rolleyes:
Thats good to hear! ^^^ Jake wasn't around in S4, though....they must of just had the 'idea' in mind. Romances on csi miami don't come around too often. we see light flirting & some chemistry but in the history of this show we have only really had 2 REAL established romances...CAKE & EDeN (between colleages that is)). I would include H/Y but , were they really together or just H wanting her? Im talking about a real story, 2 people going out, being intimate, the whole shebang. Now suddenly after they put so much "oomph" into not only Cake's relationship but EDeN's also, their going to take 2 of the 4 & have them "explore" their feelings!?!? It doesn't make sense. I tend to think it will later though. The season is far from over & I just really don't think they will officially take e/c down the romance road. Its a little too odd that the writers have made points throughout the past 2 years (points of Cake & EDeN), in showing us that there was alot there in both relationships.

That "children" scene was completely pushed. I was seriously waiting for Calleigh to say "well I suppose you WERE faced w/ being a Dad when you thought Natalia was pregnant". I mean COME ON!!

I seriously doubt that little comment really meant that e/c will run off & have kids together. Gimme a break! Irritating, yes,but im somehow still not worried.

EDIT: OOps, my bad. I forgot about Hagen. But is he really woth mentioning, nah. Hes dead & off the show for good, he doesn't really count. :)
Well....the "children" part...let's made me sick :rolleyes:
If I were Calleigh, when he told "when I find the right girl", I wuold have thrown anything possible from that closet toward him shouting like a mad "damn already found the right girl...her name is NATALIA...go back to her!!! instead of follwoing me" :rolleyes: that would have been the best scene ever :lol:
ERIC DELKO...needs a break...and that break...well he could have it only with Natalia :devil:...not Calleigh :rolleyes:

It's too evident how Calleigh is in love with Jake.

And I totally agree with you.....I'm not worried about it :rolleyes: althoug I would have slapped Calleigh for not having reacted after his damn stupid sentence :rolleyes:
No way.... I can't imagine them hooking up and having children :rolleyes: I would be every day in the toilette throwing up :lol:
While I can totally imagine CAKE and EDEN's children....they really would be cute :devil:

EDIT: Hagen? :confused: Who is dt. John Hagen? :confused: :lol:
Hey, does anyone know when the next ep. Jake/Johnny Whitworth will be in? Because I think Calleigh (we)need him to be on the show like at least every other episode. ....Right? :)
Florry86 said:
Well....the "children" part...let's made me sick :rolleyes:
If I were Calleigh, when he told "when I find the right girl", I wuold have thrown anything possible from that closet toward him shouting like a mad "damn already found the right girl...her name is NATALIA...go back to her!!! instead of follwoing me" :rolleyes: that would have been the best scene ever :lol:
ERIC DELKO...needs a break...and that break...well he could have it only with Natalia :devil:...not Calleigh :rolleyes:

Okay, this is considered ship bashing. Please stick to talking about your ship, not how bad another ship is. If you wish to debate about other ships, please go to the Miami Debate thread for that.

First warning, guys.
Well..I didn't mean to talk in a bad away about the other ship..anyway I'm sorry :)

calleighandjake ...our little dear Johnny should reappear for the ep. 13 ;)
let's hope so :D
Yes, more Jake, please!! Oh, & agreed FLO! I guess it's not considered bashing for others to speak negatively of CAKE. ;)

Did anyone ever find a website for Johnny?
Florry86 said:
Well..I didn't mean to talk in a bad away abouttheothership..anyway I'm sorry :)

calleighandjake ...our little dear Johnny should reappear for the ep. 13 ;)
let's hope so :D

no flo
you don't have to sorry
because that is your opinion
in your thread
i just read all these warnings all over

and guess what?
they warned everybody except
e/c thread
now to me this is
and why?

I always respect mods and admin of this forum which is the best one in the CSI threads but when I see these thing and I can't stay calm cause they overwhelmed every limit against our cake and every other ships in E/C' favour! :(
mjszud said:
Yes, more Jake, please!! Oh, & agreed FLO! I guess it's not considered bashing for others to speak negatively of CAKE. ;)

Did anyone ever find a website for Johnny?
mjszud oh no no everybody can feel free to offend CAKE without problem ;)

YAY more Jake
well...for now I've got this fan site of him ;)

rummy80 said:
Florry86 said:
Well..I didn't mean to talk in a bad away abouttheothership..anyway I'm sorry :)

calleighandjake ...our little dear Johnny should reappear for the ep. 13 ;)
let's hope so :D

no flo
you don't have to sorry
because that is your opinion
in your thread
i just read all these warnings all over

and guess what?
they warned everybody except
e/c thread
now to me this is
and why?

I always respect mods and admin of this forum which is the best one in the CSI threads but when I see these thing and I can't stay calm cause they overwhelmed every limit against our cake and every other ships in E/C' favour! :(

Oh thank you so much Rummy and well I totally agree with you :D
Florry86 said:
Well..I didn't mean to talk in a bad away about the other ship..anyway I'm sorry :)

calleighandjake ...our little dear Johnny should reappear for the ep. 13 ;)
let's hope so :D

Episode 13? So there is only like 4 weeks till we can see him again?? YESSSS. I love Johnny Whitworth. He plays his character so well. Does anyone get the official CSI magazine? The CSI Miami one should be coming out Jan. 8. I'm definatly getting it. Did anyone see spoilertv? It has a picture of Frank in his regular clothes. That's for Guerillas In The Mist. I wonder if he moved back to homicide. If he did there might be less CAKE!!:eek:I hope not. That would be sad. :( And this would be me -> :mad:
rummy80 said:
Florry86 said:
Well..I didn't mean to talk in a bad away abouttheothership..anyway I'm sorry :)

calleighandjake ...our little dear Johnny should reappear for the ep. 13 ;)
let's hope so :D

no flo
you don't have to sorry
because that is your opinion
in your thread
i just read all these warnings all over

and guess what?
they warned everybody except
e/c thread
now to me this is
and why?

I always respect mods and admin of this forum which is the best one in the CSI threads but when I see these thing and I can't stay calm cause they overwhelmed every limit against our cake and every other ships in E/C' favour! :(

Guys, it may be your opinions, but when when you talk about the dislike of other ships, it can be done in a nice way. If not, take it to the Miami Debate Thread. You can't bash them in there but you can me more expressive about your dislike.

I as well as Kimmychu, have checked the E/C thread and haven't seen any form of bashing, therefore, there was no reason to warn them. If you guys think a post is offensive or bashing, you need to hit the notify moderator button and it will be looked into.

I can assure you we are not playing favorites. I am a Danny/Flack shipper for CSI:NY. I have no ships for Miami or Vegas, so I can hardly be biased. Let's all play nice.

1CSIMfan said:
Guys, it may be your opinions, but when when you talk about the dislike of other ships, it can be done in a nice way.

If you guys think a post is offensive or bashing, you need to hit the notify moderator button and it will be looked into.

i'm not sure about your definition of "offensive".if for me a couple is a "forced couple"and the writers,in my opinion,make a big mistak,is offensive for someone? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
i never insult a character of the show!NEVER!this is my favorite show and i love all the characters.
about the
notify moderator botton"...i prefer support my ship in the shipper thread that support AGAINST the other.personally i never "control" the other ship.
at the end...i don't undestand what is consider offensive and what isn't offensive.:confused: :confused: :confused:
Ok guys, here are some quotes from the Shipper Central rules which are located here . Everyone needs to read them and become familiar with them.

Please pay special attention to these:

Shipper Central is designed to be a FUN place for people to discuss their favorite FICTIONAL pairings. Shipping is NOT life or death - it's fun AND it's fiction. So, let's please not take things so seriously. If someone doesn't like your chosen pairing, SO WHAT? You do and that's all that should matter.

We expect EVERYONE to have RESPECT for the other posters in this forum and their ships. Treat other ships the way you want everyone to treat your ships.

To quote TBonz - "Insulting couples (characters) and/or real life actors. DON'T. If you don't like a ship and feel compelled to say why, do it dispassionately and with respect for those who might."

If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being
shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread.


Discussion in each thread should be limited to the ship it pertains to. Brief, on topic mention of other ships is allowed (for example, if you are discussing a double date between two pairings),
Otherwise, discussion of other ships is OFF TOPIC and should be avoided.

This means that there is too much discussion of other ships in this thread. It's time to knock it off.
CALLEIGHANDJAKE, actually it will be longer! I think epi 12 isn't supposed to air until the new year, so that pushes back epi 13 til mid january (?maybe) I know, I can't wait for this epi too. I think this will be like the "turn of the season". The Cake heat will be on again! :D
We have to wait that long just to see Jake again? Shot! Thank God for reruns though -- I saw a rerun the other day, late at night, it had Jake, back when he was undercover and Calleigh clearing his name. Made me want to whack him and cuddle him at the same time. I think this shall be my angst ship.
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