Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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I know...I bad ;)
but you know....seeing all this negativity towards Jake all over the forum and web (not only in e/c's thread ;) ) is so bad :( ...really. Add also the authors...I never trust them :('s so bad (I now it) but it's always dangerous having to do with them :eek:

As for my spoilers for Jake *cough*e/c thread*cough* and somewhere else ;)...but right now I don't remeber where :(
:)I know its really hard but just keep in mind its just THEIR doesn't mean that it will happen just because THEY want it to. I hope your spoiler is right, we need some good CAKE scenes. Besides, before I became addicted to this show (S4 EDeN hooked me), I was just a viewer who watched the show, It never even occured to me that people actually "shipped" anyone until I came here in the last half of S5. My point is, im sure theres ALOT MORE folks out there (who don't go to boards) who watch every week & probably could care less if e/c hook up or CAKE for that matter. And theres probably people who are watching that like Jake & Calleigh together & see it as 'what it is'. Im sure that the writers know all this. I don't think they boil down all thier plots just to please the fans who are(in majority) on message boards. They aren't that dumb. Believe me I had a much different view of the show when I was just a 'watcher' opposed to coming here & reading spoilers & shipper pov's. So anyway, LONG LIVE CAKE!! I would love for at the end of epi 9 for Jake to tell her he loves her!! & of course Calleigh respond w/ a ditto!
Well the spoilers need to be confirmed nut I'm pretty sure we have to trust them ;)
Well...I have to say at the beginning I didn't watch CSI:Miami cause it was a spin-off :( .How stupid I was!!! *she starts hitting her head against her pc*
After "dispo day" I started loving the show...and I was kinda sure Calleigh had a relationship with Speed (and I'm pretty sure about it ;) and I love it ) but I was never caught by forums and shippers :( .
Now since last May I've been caught by forums and Cake.
Jake reminded me a lot of Speed since the first momente I saw him ;) and I loved him especially with Calleigh...He was the only one to bring back Calleigh's smile :D ....and I'll never stop thanking him for this and loving him (because he's too hot :devil: and also for bringing back Calleigh)
Now I'm too caught by CAKE and I won't be able to stand their end :( :( :( .
So I understand your mind about people who watch the show without signing in a forum to express their opinions and I totally agree with you.
Let's hope you're right ;)
As for Ep 9
At the end of the episode Jake will bring Calleigh back to her crime scene :( apologizing for not beliving her since the beginning. With this scene everyday I have a dream: He brings her to her crimescene just before the evening (better say during the sunset) , then he apolegiez telling her how much he loves and cares her. She will understand it and will hold his hand (like "Sunblock"...but there it was Jake who hold her hand) and then she will kiss him telling she loves him too much to let him go away ;)
I know this only a dream...but you know dreaming is not forbidden ;)
Oh no,dreaming is good, I love to specualate upcoming epis....
I want there to be some 'iffy' moments w/ her & Jake ; Eric can be a friend for her & the rest of the team; somewhere her & Eric will have a conversation, she'll apologize for misleading him; she'll say "sometimes 2 people are meant to be just friends.....others are meant to be more", she smiles & looks across the way at Natalia & Jake (their working on the crime scene). Eric will chuckle & say "right" then tells her he just wants her to be happy; At the end, Cal will be outside in front of the lab when Jake will come to her, hold her & tell her he loves her, she says it back. End of epi.

Florry86 said:

As for Ep 9
At the end of the episode Jake will bring Calleigh back to her crime scene :( apologizing for not beliving her since the beginning. With this scene everyday I have a dream: He brings her to her crimescene just before the evening (better say during the sunset) , then he apolegiez telling her how much he loves and cares her. She will understand it and will hold his hand (like "Sunblock"...but there it was Jake who hold her hand) and then she will kiss him telling she loves him too much to let him go away ;)
I know this only a dream...but you know dreaming is not forbidden ;)

OMG!FLO!!this is an amazing dream! i hope to see this scene for real not only in our cake's dreams!!! ;)
rummy80 said:
Florry86 said:

As for Ep 9
At the end of the episode Jake will bring Calleigh back to her crime scene :( apologizing for not beliving her since the beginning. With this scene everyday I have a dream: He brings her to her crimescene just before the evening (better say during the sunset) , then he apolegiez telling her how much he loves and cares her. She will understand it and will hold his hand (like "Sunblock"...but there it was Jake who hold her hand) and then she will kiss him telling she loves him too much to let him go away ;)
I know this only a dream...but you know dreaming is not forbidden ;)

OMG!FLO!!this is an amazing dream! i hope to see this scene for real not only in our cake's dreams!!! ;)
I know it's only I dream :(....but let's hope it will become truth.
You know...Dreams can be truths ;) and this truth would be a damn good one :)
I came by cuz I need some cake!!! The other night they aired a great CAKE epi. I don't remember the title, but the one where they auction off the 2 girls & Jake had been undercover w/ one of them. So cute...we got CAKE w/ the gunfire scene. See ...he DOES love her, he was trying to protect her! & the end w/ "I can't believe I took a bullet for you" & "ya half to admit we make a pretty good team". I also loved when Calleigh & Natalia were talking about it when they were on the docks & Nat goes "Jake, huh?" I thought it was they were buddies chatting about guys. Great CAKE epi!!
AHAHAH :lol:....That was "going going gone". They aired it also her in Italy on Friday ;)
Well...That wasn't such good episode but it fabulous for our CAKE ;) ...I loved it.
I loved when Jake told her (the park scene) that they dindn't let him take her as the undercover he wanted a young beautiful girl :lol:
Whene Kornspan shot Calleigh Jake was really worried for her :eek: (me too .( )...Gosh I'll never forget how he run worried to her to see if she was ok (aaawww)
I also like the moment with Natalia asking Calleigh "Jake, huh?" and Calleigh "yeah"
But the best CAKE moment was
"I cannott believe I took a bullet for you"
"What are you talking about??I can't believe I shot a man for you"
"I'm the one in pain"
"I've got the emotional scars"
"You're not loosing any sleep over this"
"maybe you're right"
"you're right Calleigh"
"nice to hear"
"you've have to admit it. We're a great team"
"We have our moments" all giggling :lol:
Well also my mother watching the episode especially Calliegh's smile told they're such a great's too evident
Florry86 said:
the best CAKE moment was
"I cannott believe I took a bullet for you"
"What are you talking about??I can't believe I shot a man for you"
"I'm the one in pain"
"I've got the emotional scars"
"You're not loosing any sleep over this"
"maybe you're right"
"you're right Calleigh"
"nice to hear"
"you've have to admit it. We're a great team"
"We have our moments" all giggling :lol:
Well also my mother watching the episode especially Calliegh's smile told they're such a great's too evident

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh flo!it was a great duet!!!! :cool:
it was also the precise moment when i became a cake fan! :cool:
i waited a long time for a great calleigh duqesne reborn and going under and going going gone and the duets with jake was the moments to see a new/old calleigh!
the chemistry between this 2 actors is so evident since the first duo scene!
they are great togheter! :cool: :cool: :cool:
You told it ;)
They're absolutely fantastic together....and I never stop laughing during their duets :lol:
Now we have to wait a tremendous week till the truth :eek:
I can't resist *grabs her oxygen mask to manage stand this wait*
They just released the first details of the episode. :eek: It would be an apocalyps for Calleigh :eek: ..poor girl :(. A gun pointed to her head, th knocking out, the shooting and *starts crying like a fountain* :( and the scene when she understands what happend OMG...It so terrible :( the unnerving sound of the horn, Calleigh trying to look for her criminal :eek: and when she grabs the woman's hand :eek: looking desperatly for a pulse. Then there will be her carreer problem because of her drinks (Why in the hell she drank before going to work????? :confused: ). This ep. sounds so terrible....maybe the worst tragedy in Calleigh's life :( :( . It also sounds like nobody (Jake included :( ) will be there to help her right during her aggression :( . And it also sounds like Jake won't be there with H, Tripp and Ryan whene they arrive at the crime scen :( ....But also Eric won't be ther :) . Now I'm totally confused about it :confused: I mean who wiill help her? cause she really needs the best person of the world there to help her. I really don't want Eric to be there :mad: . Probably Jake will appear later, let's hope so. Right now I'm sure Jake is the only one who can help her during such a bad situation ;) . He knows her too much (not to mention the fact they lived or are still living together :devil: ) to abandon her in such a bad momente ;) . I don't think Eric could help her...well he knows her but Calleigh never lets other people see her while breaking down....but I'm pretty sure she will show her emotional scars and her worries to Jake ;) . Let's really hope the authors don't screw up such a great story called CAKE
I think it will come down to the whole team giving her some comfort through this, but at the end of the day she will want & need Jake to stand by her side. I have high hopes that he will. I think most viewers are looking as this epi to be revolved around her 'personal relationships' & to me personally it will revolve more around HERSELF & her career. They have to throw in the add-ins of course but I could see H, or Ryan also being there for her as well as Eric. The previews gave me no indication that this will all boil down to a nasty riff between her & Jake, so im thinking positive!!
while I'm worried about why the promos and what Flo's said could affect Calleigh, I'm really hoping its able to give her a push that she needs to get back on her feet, and hopefully Jake won't be an ass and help her out :D
Here's an article about nex week ep ;)
It is also an interview to Emily Procter who explains how paiful was shooting the scene (cause you know..she does her own stunts..and well now she has bruises all over her body and cracked fingers :eek: )
She also talks about Jake and she confirms
that Jake will be there. He will do everything to help her..Also asking Eric's help when Stetler interrogates him :) At the end of the ep. Calleigh will have to decide between her career and he love (Jake). One of the authors also says this episode will color CAKE for several ep.

Emily Procter - Stand your ground
Thanks Flo :) At least we know Jake will be there and try to help her, she deserves someone on her side. :D but the whole choice thing, is really not good, unless Emily's leaving maybe? I dunno. I'm at a lost on that part, but if its going to be on for several eps, they might do the secret type thing again.
Well thats some good news, however I don't understand the whole "coloring cake". If there is still Jake later & still Calleigh working then how & who does she choose? Maybe they will keep Jake dangling around the scenes & then they can get rid of this stupid new "rule", get OFFICIALLY back together by end of season. They absolutely CANNOT go w/ this sucky rule...

**locks CAKE in the supply room**
**locks EDeN in the hummer & parks it out in the glades**
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