Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

kasmith101 said:
^I may have to change my vote after seeing that pic.... hot.

same here, is it hot in here or is it just me
1CSIMfan said:
I found another picture of Carmine's abs from The Learning Curve. Not bad.


Oh wow. That almost puts everything into a new perspective! :D I knew my man had a nice set of abs after all... ;)
That's it. We need really, really, really recent pictures.

Right now.

Because this competition ain't ever gonna end till the hot guy strips. I mean, till the fat lady sings.
I gotta admit, The Learning Curve abs are better than the ones he had in Shasta. I still think Hill's got it over Carmine in the ab department, at least based on current evidence. If the guys want to take off their shirts so we can do a current comparison, though, I'm all for it! :lol: :devil:
Top41 said:
I gotta admit, The Learning Curve abs are better than the ones he had in Shasta. I still think Hill's got it over Carmine in the ab department, at least based on current evidence.
I'm with you. Carmine's Learning Curve abs are definitely better than his Shasta abs. That Learning Curve bod is pretty damn sweet. However, I still think Hill's got him beat.

If the guys want to take off their shirts so we can do a current comparison, though, I'm all for it! :lol: :devil:
Can we request that any pics they might wish to submit for a current comparison be taken sans towel and banana? :lol: :devil:
Hell, -I- could use some pics like that too! :lol:

Maybe the lucky ones who are going to Hill's book signing could ask him if he can lift his shirt for a second so we can look at new... evidence. :devil: Or ask him beforehand if he can invite Carmine to the event so we can compare. *lol*
Orison said:
Hell, -I- could use some pics like that too! :lol:

Maybe the lucky ones who are going to Hill's book signing could ask him if he can lift his shirt for a second so we can look at new... evidence. :devil: Or ask him beforehand if he can invite Carmine to the event so we can compare. *lol*
:lol: sound like a plan to me, did he come to LA already?
...Think of it this way. Carmine is 32, is he not? Hill is 40. :eek: He doesn't even look 40 to me, but eh..

=3 Carmine still gets my vote, but Hill? Kudos to him!
Good god, we have Carmine ab periods now? "Ah yes, I believe these are post-Shasta abs, as you can see from the definition and size of the muscle at this point..." :lol:
Perhaps we should just e-mail all of the male cast members and say..."Guys, look. We love you, but we're having an issue here. For the sake of our sanity and the engorgement of our hormonal bits, can you please all provide a recent photo of your abs forthwith, for research and drool purposes. Only this way will we all sleep at night and settle this most perplexing argument.

Signed, the crazy people at Talk CSI :D"