Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

Ceindreadh said:
Dude!!! How could anybody even notice what he'd got on his feet in that pic!
exactly my point,*empty's out bucket* sorry can't stop drooling
Wow..i think i just stared at each pic for about 15 minutes lost in the moment..and the nakid pic OMG..if he just turned around with no towel
I did not notice the color of flops (basically I was distracted by the butt...) until you guys mentioned it was lavender flip flops...
:lol: I saw that picture before and was like :eek:. ;) Then I saw people discussing the 'purple flip flop' picture and thought 'what on earth are they talking about?' Then someone linked to the picture again and I forced my eyes downward and I understood. :lol:
goreshi said:
I did not notice the color of flops (basically I was distracted by the butt...) until you guys mentioned it was lavender flip flops...

See, that's why it's an important public service to post the pic more than once. Each time you get to see a little more, uh, detail.
Lyn said:
Lying down after being blown up/having bits of Flacky phone removed from you is probably not the best time to be viewing a man's chest, if you get me. Means his midriff is doing that weird saggy thing.

(Eddie, man, I'm sticking up for you here, and you're letting me down by not doing enough shirtless shoots and letting your chest wig go wild. Come on now!)

LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: that had me cracking up!!!
Orison said:
*LOL* Public service, huh? Yes, of course. Spread the love, girls! ;)

i need to see that picture again:rolleyes:, my sister e-mailed me another pic of Carmines butt she said she found it by accident.
ooh.......Hill has a great great great body I must say... vote goes to Carmine~hehe