Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

Hey now, no picking on us "older" board members, right MrsG.

As for the man fur, I'm just flashing back to the 40-Year-Old Virgin scene with "Kelly Clarkson, Kelly Clarkson" being screamed while the guy gets his chest waxed. :eek: What a wimp! :lol:

BTW, does anyone know if Carmine or Eddie has back hair? Stands to reason if the chest is hairy, the back might be. :lol:

Now, Gary's old enough to have been my dad, but he didn't look half-bad shirtless in COTP. In fact, he looked pretty darn good for a fifty year old. Wait, 50? Doesn't that qualify him for AARP? :devil: :D

ETA: 100th I can post pics! ;) :p
We've, um, seeing evidence that Carmine doesn't have a hairy back. :lol: (I know the pic is going to pop up soon... :lol: ) I doubt Eddie's back is hairy, so I think we're all clear on that front.
oh yeah... for a while there i was going crazy if he did have a hairy back, but i remember that pic. where is that pic from, a movie?
... I'm all for a nice chest with a nice amount of hair, but, hairy backs? I must draw the line there. :lol:

And, if that luverly purple flip-flop and towel picture is real (and I'm sure you fellow fangirls will vehemently assure me it is ;)), no, he doesn't have a hairy back. :p
I voted for Hill, although they're both fine. He has sucha baby face in that pic.

Oh ... hairy backs. Gack. Just saw my bro-in-law ans saw lots of suspicious stubble on his back. Blech.
Hairy backs are really, really gross. I had a wicked crush on my best friend's older brother when I was in high school and it came to a screeching halt one day when I happened to see his back. I don't know how his wife stands it.

We know for sure that Carmine's back isn't hairy, but Eddie's not as fond of taking off his clothes as Carmine is, which is most unfortunate. I wish the man would be a little less modest. Sigh.
poor wife. a little hair is ok as long as it's not like Robin Williams.
Unfortunately, Hill's losing to Carmine! The injustice!! Tell your friends to come vote for Hill people! Hill is the man of the people and has the abs to prove it!