Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

Ha!! Back to the sex toys. Mine are (yes, plural) already have very handy nicknames... of course I've referenced them in here before ;)
feenx said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Gee, ya think? I mean, c'mon, what's freaky about strange women telling him they named their sex toys after him. :confused: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sex toys?:rolleyes:what sex toys?
That was a reference to an email someone (not me) sent Carmine a long time ago. Likely the reason Hill or Eddie will never give us an email address. :lol:

I'm sure there are a few out there named after Hill though. Mine doesn't have a name, but let's just say that both Carmine and Hill have been thought of. ;)
^ I actually just bought some new batteries for Carmine this last weekend. He was running kind of low :D

Perhaps I will be purchasing Hill soon...
ThumpyG said:
^ I actually just bought some new batteries for Carmine this last weekend. He was running kind of low :D

Perhaps I will be purchasing Hill soon...

*note to self need to buy...:rolleyes: batteries for speedy, before sep/20.*
I think I'm gonna go for the three for one deal and get Eddie, Hill & Carmine all in one purchase. Hill will probably be the biggest one out of the three while Eddie lasts the longest and Carmine breaks down often because of the noise he makes and due to all the pressure :lol: :devil:.
feenx said:
*note to self need to buy...:rolleyes: batteries for speedy, before sep/20.*
*dittos that note to self* :lol:

I think I'm gonna go for the three for one deal and get Eddie, Hill & Carmine all in one purchase. Hill will probably be the biggest one out of the three while Eddie lasts the longest and Carmine breaks down often because of the noise he makes and due to all the pressure .
That sounds about right. ;)
^A little diversity in the conversation mixes things up quite nicely! :lol: The ab contest seems to have gone Carmine's way, but I still wholeheartedly endorse the suggestion that others have made that we get more current versions for judging...

And jorja - spot on with the toy comments! Size, endurance, and attitude sums it up nicely. :p
jorja_fan86 said:
and Carmine breaks down often because of the noise he makes and due to all the pressure :lol: :devil:.

:lol: :lol: poor carmine. i don't think he'd like to hear that. :( :lol:
hill on and eddie on the other hand would probably argue over who is :devil:
^ Ah, but think of how quickly he would recover from his breakdowns and how eager he would be to please afterwards...

I'm not sure that Hill and Eddie would bother arguing - they'd just know that they were damned good and the smiles on their partners' faces would be excellent justification. :eek:
I voted for Hill, but he has such a baby face in this pic! I think the beard/stache really adds to his look.
^ He has facial hair in that pic? The one from City of Angels? Guess I could try looking at a brother's face for a moment because I don't recall seeing any facial hair. :lol:
^ I was referring to his facial hair on NY. Without it, as in the pic, he looks so young!!! Beautiful but young.
^ My bad. Yeah, I like him with a little bit of hair too. Of our CSI:NY hotties, I think Eddie is the only one who looks best with a clean shaven baby face.
^ QUITE TRUE! :D i looove carmine and hill's facial hair though. super sexy. but flack with facial hair?! :eek: *shudders* :lol: