Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

I just want them for their minds! :rolleyes:

Seriously, you guys are giving me an education I didn't get in high school, college and law school! Well done. :D
Faylinn said:
ZOMG! It wasn't me! :lol: I don't remember who sent it, but it wasn't this girl. :p

I'd laugh my ass off if someone sent Carmine an e-mail requesting half-nekkid pictures of the three of them. :lol: Can you see him going up to Hill and Eddie going, "Strip you two, the girls want a picture of us." :lol: Bonus points if they're all in the picture together...*drool*...wait, I forgot what I was saying. :lol:

I was the pyscho who sent that email about the purple hat :lol:! Have you all already forgotten :eek:?

Anyways, I'd more then willing to send Carmine an email, asking him for a group photo of him, Eddie & Hill buck er, half naked. I have so shame when it comes to writing someone :lol:.
I didn't forget it was you jorja. ;)

I say go for it. Ask Carmine for that picture. All of us fangirls would be forever grateful. lol
:lol: Yay, somebody loves me and remembers!

:lol: I'd threaten to blackmail him with that sailor photo which I asked about a few months ago if he doesn't get us the photo of the three boys. I'll wait to he responds about the purple hat then I'll put forward the request for that special group shot. I mean, it's too early to freak him out :lol:. If I could reach Hill I'd ask for the photo too but he's lucky that he doesn't have e-mail 'cause otherwise...

Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk

I'm sure you'll understand my point of view
We know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out
The animal in me

^^^^ I just spat my cornflakes out over my laptop and my other half's looking at me as if I've finally cracked! I would love it if you could email Hill, I really, really would.
:lol: If Hill did have email I would have no problem writing him. I imagine it would be something like or
I think Carmine & Eddie already have those two taken though :lol:. I wouldn't know where to start except...

Dear Hill,

You make my mouni very happy. Can I have your children? K, thanks. Oh, and about that photo...

Love always: Mina xoxo

:devil: I'd probably have to wait a while before getting to the children part though :lol:.
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG! Jorja, you kill me sometimes. Just when I'd stopped imagining you serenading Hill with a little Olivia Newton John, I scroll down a little further and find this. :lol: The man really does need a way for fans to contact him because I think he might get a big kick out of you.
HAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: i'm loving this thread. btw, i voted for hill's abs (*gasp* omg HOTNESS!) but yesh, carmine DOES have nicer buns. :D

and i agree, hill really does need an e-mail add for his fans. i bet carmine told him not to coz of all the freaky mail he gets lol :lol:
Ok Hill definately has better Abs than Carmine. However, I've seen some recent pics of Carmine and it looks like he used his summer to work out a bit. Good Job Carmine! I suppose he's getting ready for those nude photos all his fans keep asking for! ;-) LOL!
afrikana said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: i'm loving this thread. btw, i voted for hill's abs (*gasp* omg HOTNESS!) but yesh, carmine DOES have nicer buns. :D
I voted for Hill's abs too, but no matter how nice the man's front side looks, his backside doesn't even come close to Carmine's. Carmine's got a little junk in the trunk, making his sweet round buns incomparable.

hill really does need an e-mail add for his fans. i bet carmine told him not to coz of all the freaky mail he gets lol :lol:
Gee, ya think? I mean, c'mon, what's freaky about strange women telling him they named their sex toys after him. :confused: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If I had sex toys I'd name 'em after Hill and nicknames that I give to certain body parts of his :devil:. However, if I did hook up with Hill I wouldn't need any sex toys if ya know what I mean ;).