squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I did too!
From: "Jessica Catts" <jesscatts989@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:09 PM
Subject: My insparation
I haven't e-mailed you in a while. Mainly because I have the worst luck with
internet and it tends to like to watch me suffer every once in a
while....just because it can.
If you responded to my last e-mail, I didn't get it, because AOL sucks and I
have verizon now.
So let me tell you how everyone on every since CSI show that I watch is my
role model for life. Because of you guys, my grades have increased
dramatically because I want to be a criminalist when I grow up. The only
grade that didn't come up is Math...math for me is like.....ketchup on
stringbeans. I donno. So I'll make it short, just wanted to share my daily
ramblings with you, and I hope you have fun in Toronto (I heard you were
going there from the ppl on the forum), I'll hopefully hear from you soon!
Love always,
Jessica aka Wyoming
Ps. I got that nickname based off the idea that you had with Montana. I was
born in Wyoming, and that's what everyone calls me!
His reply:
Wyoming I love it keep up on your studies and thanks for writing.....cdg