Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

:lol: I also asked him a question about his art. The guy probably thinks that we are all consipring now! I haven't heard back yet on mine, so he probably read it and was like, 'this is the worst e-mail I have ever read, I won't even dignify it with a response!' j/k!

I haven't heard back yet either... maybe we missed the email boat :confused: Whateva. I'm getting my masters in fine art right now, so of course I had to ask him about art! man... I just thought of some more questions.... if he doesn't respond soon I'll send him another one.
:lol: Yeah, who knows? I bet he took a break from answering all of the e-mails, his hands and wrists must have cramps in them by now! I'm just a big art connoseuer, and I really like his work. :lol: I'm actually getting my masters in Forensic Science! :D

As far as the Emmy magazine, I went to Barnes and Noble this morning, and couldn't find it, so I will call them to verify if they have it or not. If not, I will just order it from their website.

OK, I did get a reply from Carmine, and there really isn't that much to tell! ;) HEE HEE. Let's just say that he answered my question. ;)

I am feeling bad now. I will spill.

I asked him about if he thought about selling any of his art or if he has had a show.

His reply: Not ready to part with my art yet, had a show a few years back and thanks for the sweet words....cdg

(I wished him luck on season three, and that his performances showed his dedication and passion for his work)
*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* :D :D :D

i just got my reply! i basically congratulated him on season2 and asked about his tattoo and he said:

no can tell..sorry and thanks for your sweet words, hope to live up to them...cdg

so i guess the tattoo is secret :confused:

i'm gonna go faint fangirl style now! *squeee* :D :lol:
squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I did too!

From: "Jessica Catts" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:09 PM
Subject: My insparation


I haven't e-mailed you in a while. Mainly because I have the worst luck with
internet and it tends to like to watch me suffer every once in a
while....just because it can.

If you responded to my last e-mail, I didn't get it, because AOL sucks and I
have verizon now. :)

So let me tell you how everyone on every since CSI show that I watch is my
role model for life. Because of you guys, my grades have increased
dramatically because I want to be a criminalist when I grow up. The only
grade that didn't come up is Math...math for me is like.....ketchup on
stringbeans. I donno. So I'll make it short, just wanted to share my daily
ramblings with you, and I hope you have fun in Toronto (I heard you were
going there from the ppl on the forum), I'll hopefully hear from you soon!

Love always,
Jessica aka Wyoming
Ps. I got that nickname based off the idea that you had with Montana. I was
born in Wyoming, and that's what everyone calls me!

His reply:
Wyoming I love it keep up on your studies and thanks for writing.....cdg
Damn he's quick, I just e-mailed him again, and got a response in about 20 minutes.

rom: "Jessica Catts" <>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 1:53 AM
Subject: re: My insparation

I had a question for you that I forgot to ask in my last e-mail. Do you ever
come to the forum over at I wonder that with every one of
the CSI castmembers. It's intresting to see if you guys come by or not,
because it's an honor to have you reading lol. If you do, you should stop by
the fanfiction board, that's where most of my posts go.

Love always,

His response:
wish I had more time for visiting the CSI Files but the reality is I barely have time to respond here... but thanks for your support I really do appreciate my fans...Best CDG
Part of the response I got was "BOB is my baby..." and I was like "Wait, who? What?". Then I realized he was talking about "Brink Of Black" :lol: (< seeing as I did mention it in my email to him) ...what can I say, it's been a long day :p :D :lol:
^ :lol: ThisIsMe, that's funny! I would have had to think for a minute about that one too before I realized he was talking about Brink of Black.... :lol:
What's Brink of Black?

And that makes me laugh like crazy again about the thought of him seeing things like the love child thread. He must think we're all nuts lol.
so I emailed him a few art related questions and this is what he wrote back:

wish I had more time for my art... when CSI ends I guess. thanks cdg

thought I share, though not as exciting as some of y'alls! wow he answers a lot of email!
Yay, I got another e-mail from Carmine! I'll post it this time...

Hi Carmine,

I've never attended a live baseball game nor have I have ever watched one on TV. What teams do you recommend for me to watch? I live in Vancouver Canada so I'd love to support west coast teams. Thanks!

Love always: Mina

His response was:

attend a game, pick a team and root for was my first love... thanks cdg
Hey everyone,

I've been comtemplating it for a while now, but this thread has convinced me to send my first email to Carmine. Hopefully he'll reply! I will most likely post something on here if he does! <bites nails and checks emails repeatedly>
I opened my mailbox and BOOM! email from Carmine!!! :eek:
I'm so is a simple mail, but I was in a bad period of my life, and this little present makes my life bright again!!! LOL
Thank you CDG :)