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I understand that TPTB want ratings but I believe CSIMiami is slipping in the ratings this season. Or at least it was.

It seems to me the more the show strays from the S1/S2 formula and strays away from the science and the core CSI team the more the ratings tend to falter or fall.

Maybe Donahue should go back to the formula that's proven to work in terms of ratings and fan satisfaction. Change is necessary to keep the show fresh but totally altering the basic essence of the show and straying from the original premise of the show to incorporate more soapy aspects isn't working either.

I'm more than ready for Donahue to abandon this whole baby and/or soapy romance aspect of the show and go back to focusing on the cases and the characters of Calleigh, Frank, Horatio, Ryan and Delko as they interact with each other, the evidence and the suspects.
*sigh* They really should stick to the way things were in Season 2...that was sooo good. I'm so afraid the baby news' gonna be true that nowadays whenever someone mentions 'baby', I get twisted guts. :(
I am all for Eric and Calleigh... But Delko just got together with Natalia, and just jumping in with suddenly "Oh we're having a kid" !? That's crazy... And I don't think H would get a sick woman pregnant. Come on... I've seen fanfictions more in character than that.
I just read about the EP "Skeletons" And all i am going to say is TV guide has some spoliers in it....Baby Spoilers. :eek:
It also seems like that is going to be a great Episode! Oh BOY! :eek:
Oh I have to disagree with you there Hcrazy. It's just not my cup of tea. I don't think I'll enjoy the episode at all. But, whatever rubs your Bouddah.
so speedcochrane I hear u say that there are baby spoilers??? hummm...whats hortio up to now??
This whole storyline about E/N and for that matter the whole H/Marisol thing makes me so sick that I haven't even read this thread in over a week.

This is like a freaking soap opera!

CSI: NY is moving up more on my ratings list every day!
i saw the 'skeleton' thing on tv guide on line. i wouldnt be surprised if its true. does anyone else have any more information?
MyLostPuppie Welcome to the board :D

Anyway, yeah the thingy...about the whole H thing and Eric thing and the babies....just read up the thread and you'll get the I rant about it enough at home as it is..
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