Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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I disagree because I am anti capital punishment. If we sentenced him to death, he wanted to become a martyr and executing him is giving him what he wants.
MY intitial reaction was like "what" kill the SOB- than after listening ad thinking about it- let him suffer and the other inmates will treat him like s----and that's his punishment- :devil:

Dog food-breast milk all in a days work this is so GROSS

Eating dog food and sipping breast milk sounds tasty, but it's a living for a research assistant in Manhattan, Kansas. Patricia Patterson works at the Sensory Anaylsis Center at Kansas State University and it's her job figuring out which doggie treats have the least amount of crumbs and the right consistency of breast milk. She eats, drinks and smells the item to make sure it's just right. Although most of the items she tests aren't meant for people, Patterson doesn't mind snacking on dog food :( because it is "way cleaner and healthier than human food" GAG ME :mad:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White Review Journal
I'm not much for capital punishment either, but that's for a different thread I suppose.
AT&T Wireless: they just love that name

So, first AT&T was AT&T. Then it was AT&T Wireless. Then it was Cingular. Now, and I swear I'm not making this up, it's going back to being AT&T Wireless. The rebranding will cost $2 billion. The original rebranding (from AT&T Wireless to Cingular) cost $4 billion. Brain cells it takes to keep up with this ongoing insanity: 2 billion. Seconds it should take you to switch providers as soon as your rates go up to pay for all this asinine rebranding: 4, tops.


And here is one for CSI: Hungary

Hungary workers get shock at bottom of rum barrel

May 4, 9:49 AM (ET)

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine website reported.

According to online magazine, workers in Szeged in the south of Hungary tried to move the barrel after they had drained it, only to find it was surprisingly heavy and were shocked when the body of a naked man fell out.

The website said that the body of the man had been shipped back from Jamaica 20 years ago by his wife in the barrel of rum in order to avoid the cost and paperwork of an official return.

According to the website, workers said the rum in the 300-liter barrel had a "special taste" so they even decanted a few bottles of the liquor to take home.

The wife has since died and the man was buried in a proper grave.
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW gross- imagine-shudders :mad:

A 53-yr old German woman who was trying to save mortuary costs by transporting her dead mother in her car was pulled over by the police in Koblenz, Germany and fined for disturbing a dead person's peace. The cops almost fined the woman for not putting a seat belt on her dead mother's corpse :eek:but the sheriff admits "in this case, it didn't really matter"

Source- The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
At 33 and 104-couple in Malaysia finds love blossoms at any age Please

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia---A 33-yr. old ,man in northern Malaysia has married a 104-year old woman, saying mutual respect and friendship had turned to love, a news report said. It ws Muhamad Noor CheMusa's first marriage and his wife's 21st, :eek: according to The Star newspaper on Tuesday, citing a report in the Malay language Harian Metro tabloid. Muhamad, an ex-army serviceman,said he found peace and a sense of belonging after meeting Wook Kundor (catchy name :D{whom he said intially sympathized with because she was childless, old and alone. "I am not after her money, she is very poor", he stated. Muhamad said he hpoed to help his new bride master Roman script while she taught im Islamic religious knowledge--(wonder how she look's in a bikini :D

Source- The Associated Press vs LVRJ

Labelle,Fla. ---A real estate tycoon who owns a nature preserve tried to show off for visitors by jumping on an alligator's back for a ride, but the reptile bit his hand and dragged him inot 15 feet of water :eek: The 8-foot alligator let go of Ronald Bergeron after witnesses pulled it's tail. Bergeron 62, suffered a broken ring finger and puncture woulds in his palm- FOOL :rolleyes: the multimillionaire developer tried the stunt Sunday while giving a tour of his preserve to weekend guests who had made large donations to the Boys & Girls Club, "I always tell them I'm going to wrestle a alligator" he said, it's part of the Florida culture-" he said he usually rides the alligator for a minute before letting go, this time "it was rolling and I couldn't keep it under control" He grabbed my hand in his mouth" EWWWWWWWWWW big dummie :mad:

Source- The Associated Press
Man accused of DUI - on lawnmower

VERMILION, Ohio - Police said a drunken man drove a lawnmower to a store about a mile from his house. They arrested him on his way home.

Dondi Bowles, 50, was arrested Friday night as he drove the mower on a sidewalk.

Police said a breath test showed that Bowles' blood alcohol level was 0.144 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of 0.08 percent. It was his third DUI arrest in six months, they said.

The lawnmower was towed.

Vermilion is on Lake Erie, about 40 miles west of Cleveland.
Is it true there used to be cocaine in Coca-Cola?

Indeed, a certain stimulant was present in the soft drink back in 1886, according to the Soda Museum, but probably in mild amounts. Coca-Cola was named after its two key ingredients -- coca leaves and kola nuts.

Coca leaves contain small amounts of cocaine, and people in the Andean region of South America have a long tradition of chewing them for their effects as a mild stimulant, appetite suppressant, and altitude sickness remedy. To make cocaine powder, a much stronger stimulant, coca leaves undergo elaborate processing that involves washes by kerosene and several chemicals.

Coca-Cola used syrup from the coca leaves that probably introduced trace amounts of the active substance into the drink. But concern about cocaine addiction grew in the early 20th century, and in the United States, the Harrison Act of 1914 banned the use of the drug in non-prescription products.

When technology improved enough to make it possible, Coca-Cola started using "spent" coca leaves, which go through a cocaine extraction process, rather than fresh leaves, for flavor. It gives a whole new meaning to "I'd like to buy the world a Coke," doesn't it? :lol:

News credit goes to
:D :D :D takes all kinds-another dummy -riding a lawn mower drunk :eek: and Aluetia good one- cocaine-I read that along time ago- wow--


After a little reflection, Josephine Crawford, the little old lady who won a record $10 million on a Harrah's Atlantic City slot machine, is dreaming of a trip to Las vegas probably more than anything else. Then, there might be a trip to Itlay, where her parents grew up. The 84-year old grandmother has been playing casinos in Atlantic City since they opened, but says she never before won more than $1,000.--wonder if she'd send me some :D

Source-Gaming Wire editor- Rod Smith LVRJ

"Alphabet' pickup line named the worst :devil:

Looking for a good pickup line? Forget, 'I want to arrange the alphabet and put U and I together" According to a pickup line poll by Yahoo! Personals, that's the worst pickup line ever, garnering 18 % of the total vote. However, 16% are more annoyed by "Help! I've fallen for you and I can't get up" 15 % cringe if someone says, "Pass the tartar suace, cause you're a great catch" (please)I've never heard that one before---- :( the same percentage that hates 'Jeeves, fetch me my hunting clothes, I've just seen a fox" (gag me) and 12 % dislike hearing "I'm cutting down on carbs, sugar, but I'll make an exception for you" ewwwww :mad: and only 4 % of Americans object to being picked up with "I hope your know CPR, cuz' you take my breath away" another please :eek:

Source The Buzz- Ken White LVRJ
Really- any guy that said those lines to me- I'd run-fast :mad:


Skowhegan, Maine---A 43-yr. old woman is charged with helping her daughter and two other teenage girls bake cookies laced with a laxative that ehne were given to a teacher. Julie Hunt pleaded innocent to a charge of misdeameanore assult. She was arrested last week after a police investigation into the attempted prank at Carrabec Community School in Anson that sickened four 7th and 8-grade children. The cookies which were baked with Ex-Lax, were left on the teacher's desk on April 10 with a note saying "We made these cookies just for you, and hope you enjoy them" A police affidavit said Hunt told the girls how to crush to pills and mix them in the cookie batter. The girls ages 13-14 used the entire box. The school principal called police after hearing two girls talking about the incident. The girls will not face criminal charges- but were suspended

The Buzz- LVRJ
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