Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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A new travel survey by the Yeasawich, Pedderdine, Brown & Russell/Yankelovich research firm reveals that 15 % consider a resort with nudity "extremly desirable". Men are more interested in going buck naked than women, with 19 % of guys considering clothing opitional vacations a viable option compared to 11% of women--30% of blacks and 28 % of non-whites desire nude vacations, compared to 13 % of whites--23% born after 1979 want to get naked on vacation as do 18% of Glen Xers-and 15% of baby boomers are dying to let it all hang out-and only 12 % of oldsters born before 1946 want to bare it all

Source Ken White- LVRJ
Qatari pays $2.75 mln for mobile phone number

DOHA (Reuters) - The tiny Gulf state of Qatar, famed mainly for having the Arab world's largest reserves of natural gas, added another record to its name Tuesday -- one of the world's most expensive telephone numbers.

At a charity event in the capital of Doha, a Qatari bidder paid $2.75 million for the mobile phone number 666-6666.

The winner, who made the highest bid 10 minutes into the auction, declined requests for interviews. Eight people took part in the auction, organized by Qatar Telecom to help raise funds for charity, paying 3,000 Qatari riyals ($824.60) per ticket.

Funds from the ticket sales were given to a local charity, while the 10 million riyals from the sale of the number will be used to expand medical services.


Harry Heftman, 97, who runs Harry's Hot Dogs in Chicago, is believed to be the oldest hot dog maker in Chicago, if not in the world. Heftmman, who has been making hot dogs since 1954, serves between 300 and 400 dogs a day and says the key is cooking them at 180 degrees and making sure the bun is toasted. On a good day, he can put together a Chicago dog with mustard-relish-onion-tomato-pickles-peppers and celery salt :eek: is less than two seconds. Heftman recently competed in the Fastest Hot Dog Maker contest in Chicago, but admits he may not be as fast as he used to be- :(. So he's content to make the record books be being the fastest hot dog maker in his age bracket AWWWW- 97 wow-- :lol:

The Buzz- Ken White= LVRJ
Defendant Slaps Attorney in Court

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - A man who was to be tried for assault smacked his court-appointed lawyer during jury selection, stunning the potential jurors and forcing the judge to declare a mistrial.

Justin Jacobson, 21, and his lawyer W. Larry Jefferson had been whispering back and forth during proceedings Wednesday in Thurston County Superior Court, witnesses said.

Jacobson, whose eyes were focused elsewhere, backhanded his attorney without warning, said Undersheriff Neil McClanahan, who was in the courtroom because he had received a summons for jury duty in the case.

``Not only did you see it, you heard it,'' McClanahan said.

Guards immediately subdued Jacobson, and Judge Paula Casey declared a mistrial because the incident was witnessed by the prospective jurors.

``I'm just shaken up. It's not something you expect when you're working,'' said Jefferson, who was treated for a bruised sternum at Providence St. Peter Hospital. He withdrew from the case.

The case against Jacobson stems from a reported attack on two guards while he was incarcerated at Maple Lane School, a state institution for juvenile delinquents.
WOW--wonder if they caught him yet?

A woman in Berlin, Germany, left her friend as a "deposit" at a gas station because she didn't have the money she owed but, two hours later, the human collateral was still there and the freeloading fuel guzzler had disappeared :eek:

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
^ So, Ducky, have you got a few thousand dollars lying around that you don't need? ;) You've got until Sunday to put your bid in :p
From TV Guide Online Entertainment News column:

"Paris Hilton Plans Reggae, Hip-Hop Album"

Is that the scariest newswire headline you've ever seen or what? And yet it is true. Paris Hilton has revealed to the Hong Kong magazine Prestige that her forthcoming album will boast a mix of reggae, pop and hip-hop. "I want to have something for everybody," she says, ostensibly referring to the CD but perhaps allowing a glimpse into her dating strategy as well. Paris' album features a remake of Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" as well as a reggae tune titled "Stars Are Blind," soon to be known as "I Wish My Ears Were Deaf."
YUCK she has no talent- who'd buy this? thank's for telling us this :lol:


Coral Springs, FLA.---A man took his dog for a walk near his Coral Springs home and ended up prying the pooch out of a 7-foot alligator on Monday. Michael Rubin took Jasmine, a 6 month-old golden retriever and his other dog, a border collie named Frisbee on a run at a construction site near his house. Rubin thought the area was far from gators that prowl the nearby Everglades. Jasmine ran ahead to the edge of a pond on the site, then Rubin heard a yelp. :( With his dog in the mouth of the gator, Rubin jumped in the water up to his neck and began beating the beast with his fist. :eek: When that didn't help, he grabbed onto his dog as the gator started to take it under. "I thought she was dead", Rubin said after the ordeal. :But at that point, I wasn't going to let him have my dog" Rubin yanked at his dog, finally prying her from the gators mouth. he then rushed her to The Coral Springs ANimal Hospital, which confirmed Jasmine was treated for cuts and puncture wounds. Jasmine was later in good condition, but quite sleepy from the medication given her. Frisbee was not injured in the attack ;)

Source- South Florida Sun-Sentinekl- via LVRJ
Mouse in burrito spurs prison term

Traverse City, MI.---A man who stuffed a dead mouse into his Taco Bell burrito in a botched extoration attempt was sentenced Friday to 16 to 30 months in prison. Ryan Daniel Goff, 20, pleaded guilty last month to a felony count of attempted false pretensess between $1,000 and $20,000. Sheriff's investiators said Goff complained to a restaurant employee in January that his burrito tasted "funny". Goff reported finding the mouse to the local health dept. and aco Bell's regional manager. According to court records he told the mgr. "It won't be a good day if the media finds out about this" Police said his girlfriend told them he bought forzen mice from a pet store and smuggled one in and put it in the burrito :( :mad:

Source The Associated Press via LVRJ
New book reveals stupid wedding tricks

Leland Gregory, suthor of a new book, "Idiots in Love: Chronicles of Romantic Stupidity" says some people just shouldn't be married. Such as the couple who, in 2003, got hitched and then started divorce proceedings 90 minutes later. The bride, miffed that the groom mad suggestive comments to the bridesmaids, threw a hat-rack-javelin-style across the reception hall and hit him in the head :eek: Other stupid wedding tricks making the book include the Iranian couple who were engaging in a traditional ceremony where the bride and groom feed each other honey. Unfortunately, the groom bit off the bride's fake fingernail, choked on it and died on the spot :devil:

The Buzz-Ken White LVRJ
Dyanmo1 you always make me laugh- :D

Taxi driver puts metal to pedal

By night, San Ffrancisco cab driver Kurt McCracken plays drums in the heavy metal band Medius, but by day, he drives what is known by riock fans as the "heavy metal taxi"/ McCracken offers passengers a choice of 200 hard rock records and has modified the taxi for optimum sound by installing a 1,200 watt amp, with a 10-inch speaker in his trunk. Although McCracken does occasionally play jazz records for the oldsters, his bread and butter customers are hard rockers who want to keep the party going after the bars close. "They'll call me and ask for a pick-up and tell me they specifically want to hear Pantera or Slayer :eek:" he says. But he jokes there's another reason why his cab is so popular with rockers--"they can drink in the back" OK--- I'll call ya :D---

Source Ken White-LVRJ

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.---Truth porved to be stranger than fiction for a high school criminlogy class investigating a fake crime scene when the students discovered a real dead body during a field trip-ewwwwww :( Teacher Sue Messenger had been creating a mock crime scene with a fake skelton and other evidence for more than 20 years to give her students in her forensics courses a firsthand look at what crime scene investigatore do (calling Grissom and team)On Monday, however, 29 students from St. Thomas Aquinas High School got more when they discovered the real body in Fort Lauderdale's Holiday Park. Police on Tuesday identified the body as David Wayne Bodie, 45, a homeless man who apparently died of natural causes

Source- The Associated Press
"Horror fan names 6/6/06 baby Damien".

A horror film fan gave birth to a 6lb 6oz baby on 6/6/06 - and called it Damien.
Suzanne Cooper named her baby after the devil child in the The Omen who was born on 6/6/66.
Special needs teacher Suzanne, 36, was induced for six days before Damien arrived at 6.59am, reports the Mirror.
She said: "We are overjoyed about the baby. The Omen is one of our favourite films and that's why I was keeping my legs crossed for a birth on the 6th".
"It does seem a bit weird I suppose, but he's a perfect baby - nothing at all like Damien in The Omen."
Electrical engineer Mike added: "It was a devil of a birth - a bit of a horror show. Once she went into labour it was straightforward, but six days in hospital is a long time to wait".
"It took a fair bit of persuasion for Suzanne to let us call him Damien but it seems fitting considering the date." -
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