Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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needmorecsi i was disgusted to read the contracts but at the same time intrigued at what woman in there right mind would sign up for that for aslong as it was leagall for (i have heared of people doing that for a weekend for a laugh but never a lifetime)
I wonder about the husband, he must have some psychological
problams, I wonder exactly what they are. I find psychology fascinating.
^ I read that article in a magazine and I could barely continue reading it. That's just sick, I can't believe someone would ever make something like that.
Ok folks.

Despite you go around and search for the crazy stuff, remember this is a PG-13 board so think is the material you post/link to suitable.

If you get the kicks from that stuff, don't bring it here. If you are unsure, can you post something or not, PM me and wibble and we'll check it first.
needmorecsi said:
I found [URL removed by a moderator] on The Smoking Gun and was both sickened and intrigued.

Warning this is some pretty sick stuff.

needmorecsi, this is official warning for you. You posted a link to R/NC-17 rated stuff. You've been warned about this so many times that "I didn't know" won't work anymore.

I hope this is the last warning you need.

If you feel my actions were wrong, please take it to QSF Forum.
Salt Lake City fashion designer Jared Gold recently began offering jeweled brooches featuring brightly colored Swarovski crystals affixed to a live, 3-inch-long Madagascar hissing cockroach that a woman can allow to roam a short distance around her dress or jacket via a silver chain affixed to the roach's back. The brooch sells for $80 at Gold's Web site. An April New York Post story quoted an animal-rights spokesman as calling the bauble "just the gift" for the "person who doesn't mind a small animal excreting on them throughout the day." [New York Post, 4-14-06] :confused:

What are people thinking? That's just plain gross and cruel. It seems like this would be perfect for some rich b**ch because only they would come up with something so ridiculous! :confused:
This is not bizarre news, but I thought it would be better to post it here rather than start a new thread.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - A federal jury decided Wednesday al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui deserves life in prison for his role in the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, on Sept. 11, 2001.

On the seventh day of deliberation, the jury of nine men and three women informed Judge Leonie Brinkema that it had reached a decision.

Moussaoui, a 37-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan descent, is the only person charged in this country in connection with the suicide jetliner hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field.

The verdict came after four years of legal maneuvering and a six-week trial that put jurors on an emotional roller coaster.

The panel of northern Virginia residents was shown gruesome never-before-released images of the carnage that day, heard the first public playing of the cockpit recorder from United Flight 93 whose passengers tried to retake the jet over Pennsylvania, and watched and listened as dozens of victims and relatives described the horrors and losses they had endured.

The nine men and three women deliberated about 40 hours. They had found Moussaoui eligible for execution after more than 16 hours of deliberations in late March and early April.

Although he was in jail on immigration violations on Sept. 11, the jury ruled that lies he told federal agents the month before the attacks kept the government from identifying and stopping some of the hijackers.

Here's the flight 93 transcript
I just watch Flight 93 on DVD. It was originally aired on A&E. Very riveting story about the people on that plane who overwhelm the hijackers and prevented them from reaching their destination. This al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and anyone else involved in 9/11 should be, I believe, sentenced to death. All the misery and bloodshed will never be forgotten. I live in Idaho and when that attack happened all I could do was cry.
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