Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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:D :D :D stupid idiot- who would try that- :(


Oakland, Calif.---A carpenter who keeps his clothes clean by working in the nude was arrested after a client returned home early and found him building bookcases in the
buff :eek:Percy Honniball, 50, was charged with misdemeanor indecent exposure this week for the October incident. He told officers that he stripped before crawling under the clients house to do electrical work because he didn't want to soil his clothes, and stated that working au natural gave him a range of motion and presented no greater risk of injury, except in certain cirmstances. Honniball was caught working naked in Berkley 3 times in the last 6 years and was put on probation for violating a city ordinance. He said he won't do it anymore :lol: The home owener paid Honniball for the work but deducted $200-He kept that amount to change the question- why did he keep getting caught :confused:

The Associated Press
lol you got another row CHILI lol

I say if the man felt fine and safe working in the nude let him hes not disturbing anyone lol
Celtic angel ha-ha-ha- :lol: good one

Retired man has a lotto used tickets

Collecting used lotery tickets sounds like a boring hobby, but it's the ticket to fun for one self-proclaimed "lotologist". Dennis Morse, a retired Navy diver in South Mills, N.C., has been collecting scratched-off lottery tickets for 15 years. Now he as more than 25,000 used lottery tickets , 30,000 of which are not duplicates, and estimates his collection to be one of the biggest in the U.S.. Morse gets a kick out of seeing all the variations and claims the only thing that will stop him is higher postage fees :eek: WHY-WHY-WHY- this guy really need to get a real hobby- how stupid :mad:and what's the point-?

Source- The Buzz- Review Jurnal
An elementary school principal in Inglewood, getting crappy reviews from parents for imposing a lockdown on students who tried to walk out to attend recent immigration rallies. The lockdown included making the kids relieve themselves in buckets in the clsssroom instead of restrooms. A spokemsan for the school district says she followed procedure but "misread" the handbook

A dog is a mans best friend but a man in Edwardsville, Ill., is taking it a little too far. Thomas Carroll broke into a pound recently when he realized he couldn't pay the $125 fee to get his dog back. Titus. He's being held on $50,000 bond

The Buzz- Ken White Review Journal
From the free weekly email newsletter of

MORON OF THE WEEK #619: While taking a class in Valparaiso, Ind., Teresa Prenderville, 32, allegedly became irate when another student asked if the seat next to her was taken. Prenderville allegedly told the man, "I'm going to put a cap in you and send you to heaven" with such intensity, the man started crying. Prenderville then stormed out to the school's lobby, broke a display case, and then punched a door so hard she bent its frame, police say, noting she was so agitated they had to restrain her after her arrest for intimidation and criminal mischief. The class? You guessed it: Anger Management. (Northwest Indiana Times) ...It could be worse: the class could have been Mothering Skills.

MOTHERING SKILLS, ADVANCED DIVISION: Harry Ogieva and Janet Florita Pereira were separated, pending divorce. After visitation with their children, aged 10 and 12, Pereira insisted that Ogieva drop them off away from their Ajax, Ont., Canada, home, but one day he missed the rendezvous and went by the house. To his shock, he found his family didn't live there anymore: Pereira, a mortgage broker, allegedly had sold it; her brother-in-law, police say, impersonated Ogieva to sign all the papers, after which Pereira used the proceeds to buy a new house in her own name. Pereira and her brother-in-law have been charged with fraud and forgery. And the kids? "They obviously kept the secret," said a detective on the case. (Toronto Star) ...If the buyers got their mortgage from Pereira, they better think "refinance" and soon.
Celtic_angel, every Friday night I get an email newsletter called "This is True." The free version has four news stories and a few other items. Randy Cunningham, who sends it out, includes his one commentary (the text in italics). He also includes something called "Honorary Unsubcribe," where he mentions someone who recently passed away who made a difference in the world (scientists, doctors, teachers, etc) who might not have gotten as much publicity as the usual actors or athletes.

Randy also has a weekly premium subscription that has twice as many weird news items. Both mewsletters have subcribers in many countries. For info on either of these, go to the link in my previous post. If you do use any of his stories here or on any other boards, please be sure to credit his site.
HA-HA-HA I don't unearth them- there in my newspaper- called The Buzz-also on AOL-as well as MSN and Yahoo and the news reports on TV- like the guy with the nails in his head :eek:-
British web site gives support to breasts

A British Web-site is not just for titillation. It's to demostrate how women's breasts can sag. People who log on to can test something called a "bounce-o-meter" and choose breasts from A to G sizes to see how they bounce during excerise :eek: The web-site, sponsered by a British sports bra company, shows breasts bouncing naked, with a normal bra or with the company's product, a bra called the Shock Absorber. The bounce-o-meter is the brainchild of marketing manager Isabella von Mesterhazy, who thinks the jiggle is "quite visual" and the "most obivious was" to show how all breasts need support. And she's busting out plenty of research to prove her point. when live girls on treadmills were tested, she says "her colleagues grabbed themselves and said "Ouch" from to much bounce :eek:

The Buzz Ken White- LVRJ
Well being a female I know what a problem this can be but still, like we don't already know this? That it has to be so visual.
I found [URL removed by a moderator] on The Smoking Gun and was both sickened and intrigued.

Warning this is some pretty sick stuff.

Edit: Like you said, it's pretty sick stuff and I don't think that kind of sick stuff should be posted here. Even people can go and find it from the internet, it doesn't meant you can post it here.
You've been here long enough to know the rules.
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