Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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OVERDRAWN AND OVERWROUGHT: After Adrian Rumney, a financial analyst from Wellington, New Zealand, ordered a new debit card from his bank, he stopped to buy some groceries with it. The card was declined. He called the bank to see what was wrong; he was told his account was overdrawn by NZ$12.18 million (US$7.71 million). Had he not recorded some of his transactions? he was asked by the bank. But what really happened was the bank overcharged him for his debit card: it was supposed to cost NZ$9.95, but the bank had accidentally charged him the millions instead. Worse, no one at the bank had the authority to reverse a transaction that large, so Rumney had to cool his heels while the bank figured out what to do. Meanwhile, the bank was charging NZ$9,000 per day in interest on his overdraft. "We are very apologetic," said a National Bank spokesman. "The key thing for us is to talk to our customer and see what's going to make it right for him." (Wellington Dominion Post) ...Easy: put $13 million back into his account.
OMG- and we think we've got financial problems :(


The thought of eating fried grasshoppers and maguey worms might bug you but they're a "snack-tacular" taste treat in Tijuana, Mexico :p Sandra Luz Pedregal, a foodie who runs a travel service called The Adventurous Gourmet, says plenty of restaurants serve exotic vittles such as fried grasshoppers, quesadillas with maguey worms, cactus salads and crepes made with corn fungus--EWWWWWWWWW. :rolleyes: Delicacies such as cow eye tacos or blood sausage might sound gross, but Pedregal says insects and tongue have been popular menu items for centuries (by who)?--Her personal favorite is fried grasshoppers wrapped in a tortilla with tomatillo salsa. "It's a good thing to nibble on while you chat with friends and have a drink- once again EWWWWWWWWW :( :mad: :rolleyes:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White LVRJ

Sunrise, Fla.---Wildlife officers on Saturday captured an alligator they believe was respsonsible for fatally attacking a woman while she was jogging. The 9-foot 6-inch alligator was trapped under the bridge wher Yovy Suarez Jimenez, 28, was last seen. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokesman dani Moschella said. Two human arms were found in it's belly, :eek: :( she said. Suarez's death is the 18th connfirmed fatal alligator attack in Florida since 1948--horrible way to die- :mad:

The Associated Press via LVRJ
Wow I read that wrong. I thought it said "Two humans found in it's belly" I was about to say 'Shouldn't they be looking for that second person? This looks like a job for Horatio Caine' :lol:
:lol: yeah Horatio- Miami :lol:


Competive whistler makes beautiful music ;)
New York musician Steve Herbst whistler who has been blowing beautifully since he was 7, comes from a musical family and says he first tuned in on it after seeing his dad puckering up :eek: Herbst has recorded his own whistling CD (who'd buy this) nutty-- :rolleyes: and made commercial appearances and won the International Whistling Entertainer of the Year Award (never knew there was such a contest) for the past three years- well hoop-de-doo :lol: He prepares for his competitions and concerts by dehydrating, lip balming and "by always knwing where the restrooms are before a big whistling contest" :lol: He also hopes to raise the profile of his chosen instrument by eventually having his instrumemntal whistling seat in an orchestra- OK- you go dude :Dwhistle your brains out :rolleyes:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ
Good one Dyanmo1 :lol:-that's true- I can't stand people who whistle- annoying-like to say stuff it-can't imagine going to watch a bunch of whistlers- :(at a damn convention award show- whatever :mad:-

A man in India has been living alone for more than 50 years in a treehouse following a tiff with his wife. The stubborn husband refuses to move back into the house. He says he's says not only has he grown spiritually, but has learned how to deal with tension since he moved into the treehouse- :eek:

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
desertwind said:
I can't stand people who whistle- annoying-like to say stuff it-can't imagine going to watch a bunch of whistlers- :(at a damn convention award show- whatever :mad:-
You must hate the opening to the Andy Griffith Show. Imagine what CSI would have been like with Gris and Greg walking down the strip whistling "Who Are You" while Greg skips a rock across the Bellagio fountains.

Bookmaker has eyes on strip-poker record
May 15, 4:39 PM (ET)

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland will play host to the world's biggest ever strip poker contest if bookmaker Paddy Power gets its way.

The idea was originally floated as an April Fool's joke but generated so much interest that Dublin-based Paddy Power has decided to look seriously at organizing a contest it hopes will find a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

"We got almost 100 requests to take part," the company's spokesman, also called Paddy Power, said. "We're trying to investigate whether it's possible or whether we'll get put in prison for it."

Poker has become big business in recent years thanks to televised competitions promising big cash prizes and gaming companies such as Paddy Power offering on-line tournaments.

A spokesman for Guinness World Records confirmed that its research unit was looking into what would be a new category for the organization: "We're considering their claim and we'll get back to the organizers shortly."

Power said the company, which often grabs headlines with contentious adverts and unusual betting opportunities, hoped to host the event in August or September but had yet to decide on a prize: "Maybe a gold pair of underpants or a golden fig leaf would be most appropriate."
GAWD Dynamo1your funny- I'm sitting here laughing- I actually HATED 'The Andy Griffith Show"" too cheesy and phony and sugar coated- and on Gris & Greg-- :lol: :D :lol:


Shanghai , China---Shanghai is getting set to open a "human zoo". Four Australian men will live in a 650-square-foot glass box on a downtown mall for two weeks in June, with the public able to watch them sleep-eat-and bathe :eek:, a news report said last Thursday. The group, known as the Urban Dream Capsule, has drawn crowds with similiar displays in London, Montreal, Hong Kong and other cities. "They won't turn off the lights or pull down the curtains. They show their whole life, from getting up to going to bed :)" , says Karen Chang, the events organizer, told the Shanghai daily newspaper. "People like to watch them taking a shower :p, so they do that at least two times a day-. "Of course, one can't see the "key" parts because ther is nontransparent glass in the bathroom- :(-would like to see how in later life they use this on their resume :lol:

The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ

In pop music, misery loves company. That's the premise of a new book, "I Hate Myself And Want To Die"--The 52 Most depressing Songs You've Ever Heard", by Tom Reynolds. Offering a depressing pop hit for each week of the year, the book groups credits, chart rankings, back stories and "Why It's depressing" commentary in 10 different song categories including "I was A Teenage Car Crash", which describes Wayne Cochran's 1964 "Last Kiss" as having "such a timless qualitiy that even grunmpy Pearl Jam "was able to capture it superbly" Then there's the "I'm trying to be Proufound & Touching But Suck At It" which ruminates on the obscure and confusing lyrics to classics such as "MacArthur Park" a song "no one seems to agree upon except that spine-crawling refrain about a cake being left out in the rain"

Sourve- The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ

A 29-yr old man from Tampa, Fla. is going to spend his summer driving and spitting. Jeff Anderson will be working for David Sunflower Seeds by driving a car a distance of 50 feet out of the mouth of a mockup of a little boy. Anderson has enjoyed doing test runs in the car, which can spit more tan 15 bags a minute, one bag at a time :lol: wow his claim to fame is this :rolleyes:

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ

Joseph "Run" Simmons, best known as Run of 'Run-DMC" has been an ordained minister for years, and has written down his philosphy in "Words of Wisdom"--Daily Affirmations of Faith"/ The Rev. Run, as he calls himself, has been sharing his devotional titbits of advice with P.Diddy, Serena Williams, LL Cool and even Kid Rock via the Blackberry, not stone tablets. Run says, the bathroom is the most inspirational room in his house. "When I'm in the bathtub or Jacuzzi, it's soothing.I'm relaxed and I feel closet to God :eek:, that's how I realized I could share my wisdom with others on my Blackberry, while I'm in the tub. Run says the tub is a great place to pray, as well, and it was the location of choice while dispensing wisdom on his TV show "Runs House" ----OK Run, whatever works- a bit wacky however :rolleyes:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ
desertwind said:

Joseph "Run" Simmons, best known as Run of 'Run-DMC" has been an ordained minister for years, and has written down his philosphy in "Words of Wisdom"--Daily Affirmations of Faith"/ The Rev. Run, as he calls himself, has been sharing his devotional titbits of advice with P.Diddy, Serena Williams, LL Cool and even Kid Rock via the Blackberry, not stone tablets. Run says, the bathroom is the most inspirational room in his house. "When I'm in the bathtub or Jacuzzi, it's soothing.I'm relaxed and I feel closet to God :eek:, that's how I realized I could share my wisdom with others on my Blackberry, while I'm in the tub. Run says the tub is a great place to pray, as well, and it was the location of choice while dispensing wisdom on his TV show "Runs House" ----OK Run, whatever works- a bit wacky however :rolleyes:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ

LOL :lol:

A teenager is in the hospital after he gave a friend permission to run him over :eek: Michael Morris, 17, suffered a broken arm and leg after his friend, Stephen Domokos, hit him while going 25 mph in a fast food parking lot "just for kicks" hey guys find a real hobby :(

A man being held by police in Kent, england, has allegedly been impersonating a titled English aristocrat for 23 years. English immigration authorities charge that Charles Albert Stopford disapeared from Orlando Fla. in 1983, and resurfaced across the pond as "Lord Christopher Edward Buckingham", a name he stole from a dead baby's headstone :eek: sneaky devil :devil:

A 24-hour help line for prostitutes in distress during the upcoming World Cup in 12 German cities has been set. Staffed by 20 women able to take calls in eight different languages, the help line is designed to aid an estimated 40,000 hookers expected to descend upon Germany for the soccer championships June 9-July 9

The Buzz- Ken White LVRJ
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