Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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desertwind said:
Dirty words sound prettier in Italian

Every language has dirty words, but they sound the best in Italian, says self-trained "curse-storian" Casey Piacine, author of "How To Curse in 20 Languages" He thinks th italian words for fart "loffa" and whore "battona" are more ear pleasing!!! :lol: plus, he says knowing Italian curse words is essential to anyone planning to join the Mafia :eek: Piacine spent two years researching the worst words in ech language has to offer and says some languages, such as Italian and Gaelic, have such beautifully sounding insults that a nonspeaker might take them as compliments ;)

Source- The Buzz- Ken White Las Vegas Review Journal
I think that's partly because it's a foreign language to you(you as in general you and not you personally desertwind ) and you don't associate the meaning so strongly with those words. Like the Italians probably might think 'whore' sounds nicer than 'battona'... :p My 2cents...
BabaOReilly said:
I don't know if this qualifies... might be more funny than weird but anyway...

An older man (in his 70's, I believe) in Florida was recently arrested for going door to door and posing as a doctor offering free breast exams! The best part is that he actually found a couple of women who went for it! :lol:

Only in America! :D

Are you nuts? The guys weird enough for the idea but the women are freakin weirder for letting him do that. That is just gross.
Zippy honey --this is from the new- not my views or opinions :lol:

This is a totally poignant story-but still wierd- but nice ;)

Ex-soilder, reletives reunite after 60 years

Morioka, Japan--A former Japanese soilder was reunited with relatives Thursday, the first time he had seen them since he went off to fight for the Emperor more than 60 years ago (amazing that thier still alive) Ishinosuke Uwano, 83, and his brother looked at each other for a few seconds and than hugged tightly, patting each other's backs. Uwano, who was believed killed in WW 2 and recently surfaced in the Ukraine, is in Tokyo for a 10-day vsit. he was in an Imperial army force occupying eastern Ruussia's Sakhalin Island when the war ended in August 1945, and was last reported seen there in 1958--WOW- :eek:

Source- The Buzz- Review Journal
From the latest edition of the free newsletter:

MORON OF THE WEEK #618: An unnamed 17-year-old boy stealing gasoline from a car in Gillette, Wyo., managed to spray some on his clothes. It was 3:00 a.m., so he couldn't see how bad the damage was. His only available light: a cigarette lighter. Sure enough, he managed to set himself on fire. To add irony to injury, the car was owned by a firefighter. To add insult to injury, the boy claimed to police that he was attacked at a local gas station called "Common Cents", but investigators quickly got the truth out of him, and charged him and a 16-year-old accomplice with theft. (Gillette News-Record) ...Since they could immediately tell the kids didn't have a lick of common "cents".

RUNNER-UP: James Earl Clark Jr., 37, of Weirton, W.V., had allegedly just set fire to a car outside an apartment building when police drove up. Officers say Clark admitted the act, saying the car belonged to Dustin Sager, and he had set the fire "to pay him back for hitting me." A license check found the car, which was totally destroyed, didn't belong to Sager. Clark was charged with third-degree arson. (Wheeling Intelligencer) ...When he gets out of jail, police have promised to teach him the difference between a white Oldsmobile sedan and a blue Ford pickup.
GAWD- and it goes on and on in this crazy world of FREAKS


A fire fanatic in Truth and Consequences, N.M. may have to face som real life truth and consequences with his newest invention. mkey Sklar invented somehting called "The High-Lighter" that is an 8-ft. mtion-censored trampoline he bought at Toys R US and adapted to shoot fireballs every time someone jumps on it. "The higher you jump, the bigger the flames" he says. Luckily, the fire is not aimed at the jumper because, as Sklar points out "tht would be very dangerous" (IDIOT) Sklar says the specialized trampoline was invented as a response to his 10 years on wall Street. "making this useless, nonprofitable device is like me fighting back for all those years in a cubicle" (guys got serious issues)

The Buzz- Review Journal
omg good i dont think fire and kids mix very well and you dont need wall street to figure that out, i have to rate this quite high on the stupidity scale.
This has to possibly top the list of freaks :eek:it was all over the news this weekend- here's the story-

Meth user survives after driving 12 nails into his head

Portland Ore.---A 33-year-old Oregon man high on methamphetamine and suffering from mental health problems fired 12 nails from a nail gun into his head-and survived :eek:The man, who has not been identified by medical officials for privacy reasons went into an Oregon hospital complaining of a headache (ya think). Doctors were suprised when they took X-rays and found the nails. Six were clustered between his right eye and ear, and four were on the left side of his head :eek: >No one before is known to have survived having intentionally fired so many foreign into the head, according to the Journal of Neurosurgery, in which the case has been detailed/ The nails were not visible when doctors initally examined the man in the emergency room of a hospital a day after he fired the nail gun. He became short-tempered and hostile when asked how the injury occured. At first he claimed it was an "accident" later he admitted he had used meth and tried to kill himself.. The doctors operated quicky and sedated him.The nails ranged from 1-1/2 inch to 2 inches long. The doctors removed the nails with needle-nosed pliers and a drill- :eek: OUCH- The patient was than transferred to the psychiatric ward. he stayed nearly a month and than split-no word lately how he's doing-

Source- The Associated Press- vs Review Journal
omg it just goes to show how versatile the human body can be if you fire 2 inch nails into your head and survive or maybe its just luck who knows

A topless carwash gets motors running in the small village of Burbage, England. At the Bubbles n' Babes carwash, bikini-clad girls scrub down autos for 25 pounds and will take off their tops for 5 pounds more. Locals says it's attracting "Peeping Toms"

Police in Fareham, England, were recently shocked to discover they had been pursing for more than an hour wa actually a one-legged senior citizen. Sandra Siddler, who drove away after an argument at a health center, led the cops on a low-speed chase and continued to drive even after a stinger popped her tires. She than drove through several red lights-but never broke the speed limit :eek:

A teenager in Tampa, Florida., is in a handful of trouble for groping a jogger who was actually an off-duty sheriff's deputy. The boy was driving his mothers car, when he grabbed the womans buttocks and than fled the scene. The victim took down his license plate number and the police tracked him down :eek:

The Buzz- Ken White- Review Journal-
Yep, you guessed it. Only in America:

Santa? No! It's Naked chimney guy!
Apr 25, 8:22 AM (ET)

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Believing they had a botched burglary on their hands, police in Hayward, California, called to a house instead found a naked man wedged in its chimney, a police officer said Monday.

"He didn't have a stitch on," Lt. Gary Branson of the Hayward Police Department said, referring to Michael Urbano.

The 23-year-old man came home early Saturday morning and, finding himself locked out and without his keys, tried to enter the single-story house through its chimney.

"He told us he took off his clothes because as he was going down the chimney the clothes would rub up against it and slow him down," Branson said. "If it was skin on cement he felt he would go down easier."

Urbano's effort ended disastrously when a cable-television wire he used to lower himself snapped. He fell and was wedged in a section of the chimney tapering into the home's fireplace.

For the next four hours he cried out for help. A neighbor called police and fire fighters, who dislodged Urbano, Branson said. Officers booked Urbano for being under the influence of drugs, he added.
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